Dig a Little-Dream A Lot…Hello 2017
By Cynthia Brian
“Be at War with your Vices,
at Peace with your Neighbours,
& let every New-Year find you a better Man.”
Benjamin Fra
You! You! You!
“Be yourself; everyone else is taken”
Oscar Wilde
It’s challenging being a young person today. “Finding yourself” could become a nationa
Season's Greenings for GREEN 2017
“Winter is in my head, but eternal spring is in my heart!” Victor Hugo
The festivities of holidays are over, winter has arrived, and our h
Movie Magic
Grab your bag of popcorn, find a seat, and enjoy an hour of movie magic with the Express Yourself!™ teens. Maria Wong and Brigitte Jia host
New Year’s Fun, Optimistic Thinking, Gift of Giving
What are your plans to bring in the New Year? Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany celebrate the final days of 2016 and discuss ways to have a
Last Minute Savings, Healthy Holiday Eats, Winter Garden Guide
If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Hosts Cynthia Brian and Heath
Traditions and Rituals
Teens talk and the world listens every Tuesday NOON PT on the Voice America Kids Network. Produced by StarStyler® Productions, LLC and Cynth
Roland Allnach Vessels 2, Healthy Gardening, Name the Babe
If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Hosts Cynthia Brian and Heath
Innovation and Ingenuity
Teens talk and the world listens every Tuesday NOON PT on the Voice America Kids Network. Produced by StarStyler® Productions, LLC and Cynth
Pace Be With You!
“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
No, the title “Pace Be With You!” is a not a typo.
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