Positive, Uplifting, Life-Changing Talk Radio
Be the Star You Are! ® Radio
People are Talking, and Talking, and Talking...!
"Cynthia Brian is one of the absolute best hosts I have ever worked with. Every show we work on together is a treasure. She does amazing work with her charity and is truly inspiring. I'm in awe of her work ethic." Josh Randall, Audio Engineer, Voice America Radio Network
Since 1998, Starstyle®-BE THE STAR YOU ARE® has been broadcasting live providing listeners with the expertise of best selling authors, experts, and the pioneers on the planet.
Hosted by the Passion, Purpose, and Possibility Producer, Cynthia Brian and her dynamic daughter, Heather Brittany, every week is a stellar celebration of information, education, inspiration, motivation, and empowerment. You'll be edu-tained while you enjoy an energetic power hour.
Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio began broadcasting on the Voice America Kids Network in 2011, quickly becoming the nubmer one young adult program on the airwaves. Youth from around the country are hosts and reporters expressing their unique viewpoints unedited and uncensored. Express Yourself!™ is a safe place where teens talk and the world listens.
Every radio broadcast is an outreach program of BE THE STAR YOU ARE!® 501 c3 charity empowering women, families, and youth through improved literacy and positive media. Our guest list reads like a who’s who of global gurus. Read more testimonials.
Listen to what the Express Yourself!™ Teens Say about BTSYA.
“It's been such a pleasure talking with you for your programs. I've enjoyed our conversations and would love to give you a hug in person.” Mary Pflum Peterson, Producer-Good Morning America, Author, White Dresses
"Cynthia, you are serving our world in such an incredible way, helping young people to express themselves in positive and healthy ways, not to mention helping all of us to "Be the Stars we Are!" It is such a gift to know and work with you," Dr. Don Martin, Founder and CEO, Grad School Road Map
"Thank you, Cynthia, for everything you have done for me. When I was a child, you introduced me to the wonders of animals and taught me the value of kindness. In high school, you provided me with rewarding volunteering, confidence-building, and leading opportunities, You have been the most amazing mentor anyone could ask for!" Ella Kalpakjian
"Cynthia, you are talented, kind, generous, active and so involved especially with those who need your help and guidance. Your boundless energy is awe inspiring. I would have loved to have been part of the group that awarded Be The Star You Are the nonprofit of the year!" Larry Tessler, S.C.O.R.E.
"You are such a fantastic host." Kelli Miller, Author/TV/Radio Personality
"Thank you for being an amazing human being. You are a bright light. Sending a big hug your way." Simon T. Bailey, Author Ignite the Power of Women
"I really enjoyed our conversation and the spirit you offer your listeners. What a treat! 😊" Elizabeth Husserl, M.A., Author, The Power of Enough
"Thank you, Cynthia. Everyone loves you!" Dea Shandera Hunter, Publicist
"Wow, what a great interviewer you are! You are a mountain of inspiration. And you really are an amazing trailblazing woman. Your radio show is as fabulous as you are. I'm so impressed with you!" Jane Applegath, Creative Intelligence Coach, Epic Vision Summit
“I add my kudos to Cynthia Brian for her attentive and intelligent review and discussion of my novel, Where Light Comes and Goes. Her thoughtful energy is so refreshing, and her enthusiastic support is much appreciated. Clearly, she thoroughly studies the books she reviews, and she certainly understood the playful yet serious themes in my "science-based medical adventures." It was one of the most entertaining and smart interviews I've ever done.” Dr. Sandra Miller, Faculty Emeritus, University of Arizona Family Medicine Residency
"This is the most professional and well-organized approach to scheduling interviews, that I have encountered in a long time.
Sure makes things easier for everyone. Cheers." Raven Digitalis, Author, The Everyday Empath
"I found your radio show and especially have enjoyed your discussions on health, healing, and gardening. I imagine it is a lot of work to host a radio show, and I wanted to thank you for your efforts." Barbara Starflower, Author of The Sacred Healing Alchemy of Flowers
“Wow, you were sure right about having a great conversation! It was like talking to my long-lost best friend that I never met. I can't thank you enough, Cynthia. Not only for hosting me (and even allowing me to run over to a second segment) but more broadly for all you are doing to help authors, readers and young people find empowerment! Peace,” Leslie Sussan, Author, Choosing Life: My father's journey in film from Hollywood to Hiroshima
"Cynthia, I really enjoyed being on your show and I thank you so much for your energy and research into essential oils. It was an honor being on your show." Kac Young, PhD, ND, DCH
"I wanted to post my thanks to Cynthia Brian for her fast, furious, and fun interview with me about my memoir, Again: Surviving Cancer Twice with Love and Lists. The interview flew by and was fun, as promised. She was knowledgeable about my book, asked terrific questions and promoted it multiple times." Christine Shields Corrigan, Author Again, Surviving Cancer Twice with Love and Lists
“Cynthia Brian interviewed me about my book Saving the Light at Chartres. I am grateful for Cynthia's doing so, as a benefit to Author's Guild members whose book launches this spring were disrupted or impaired by Covid-19. She had read my book, was prepared with a host of questions and comments, and did an outstanding, professional job with it. Thank you again, Cynthia. You're a gem.” Victor Pollak, Author, Saving the Light at Chartres
"The world needs more people like Cynthia Brian. If you are lucky, Cynthia might interview you and provide you with much needed publicity for your work." Julieta Almeida Rodrigues, Author, Eleonora and Joseph. Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment. A Novel
"Thanks so much for providing this service to authors during the pandemic, fires, and all the other difficulties! It has been a challenging time, but positive spirits such as yours keep me going. I had so much fun speaking with Siri and Andrea. They are fantastic teen hosts. You are ALL amazing!" Dr. Cecilia Aragon, Author, Flying High
"Your interview was so much fun. Your lively banter and thoughtful analysis is just wonderful -- and you make it delightful." Dr. Sandra Cavallo Miller, Author, Where Light Comes and Goes
"Cynthia Brian is absolutely lovely, puts one at ease almost immediately, and is just an all round great experience. I cannot recommend her highly enough." Carrie Hayes, Author, Naked Truth or Equality, the Forbidden Fruit
"Thank you so much to Cynthia and StarStyle® Productions, LLC for everything that you do to support authors and everything that you do to empower youth to do their best. Your energy, wisdom, and kindness are much appreciated.” Mary Choy, PharmD, BCGP, FASHP Author, Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide
“Two of the founders of my publishing house listened to our interview, and they were very impressed by your engagement with the book and your genuine interest in it. They said it's rare to find that in a radio host. Your interest means a lot to me -- and to them.” Sarah Coomber, Author, The Same Moon
“Great show and great people working with her.”
Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer, Author, For Teenagers Living With a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs
“Add me to the list of AG members who had a great time interviewing with Cynthia, and was surprised at how fun it turned out. I was amazed that Cynthia read my book, Nature Beyond Solitude, from cover to cover in the short time leading to the interview. Such a generous soul!” John Seibert Farnsworth, PhD
“Cynthia did a lovely and supportive interview with me, and like others, my publisher is delighted!” Rob Swigart, Author, Mixed Harvest
"Thank you, Cynthia, for all the magic you are creating over the airwaves!" Kia Portafekas, Author & Music Coach
"Cynthia, you are amazing- I loved all the questions you asked and made it interesting for listeners. You are definitely doing your true purpose!" Jolie De Marco, Author, Crystal Healing
“Thank you, Cynthia. I really enjoyed doing both interviews and love that you are mentoring those young people... bridging the generations!” Dr. Bonnie Mclean, Author, Integrative Medicine
"I've started listening to StarStyle BTSYA again. I forgot how much I loved it! The Valentine's Day one was so cute with you and Heather. Thank you for continuing to produce a show that makes smiles, laughter and love!" Dana Allen, Vita Elements, LLC
"Express Yourself! radio show is very special because it is hosted by two amazing teens. Thanks Joven Hundal and Jack Pawlakos for a wonderful interview, and big thanks to the incredible Cynthia Brian, founder of Be The Star You Are, for her love and support over the years!” Dallas Woodburn, Author & Founder, Write On! Books
"You’re so warm, fun, and interesting I can certainly understand why you have such a successful show.” Christine Baumgartner, Dating and Relationship Coach
"I LOVE what you’re up to on this show. So smart." Alise Cortez, PhD, Purpose/Engagement Catalyst, Radio host
“I could not have enjoyed our conversation more. You are absolutely gifted! I so appreciate your capacity and willingness to pivot with a moment’s notice. “ Jillian Copley Darwish, President, Mayerson Academy
“We are so thankful for you and your contribution to humanity. The world is a better place because of you.” IronE Singleton, Actor in The Walking Dead and The Blindside, musician, and author
“Cynthia, you are a true professional - our authors love working with you! Thank you!” Kat Sanborn, Senior Publicist. Llewellyn Worldwide
"You're a wonderful host, Cynthia! Most excellent at leading the conversation and making the interviewee feel comfortable.
Working with you has been a true pleasure. Mahalo nui loa e me ke aloha. " Rosemary KM Sword, Time Perspective Therapy
"Terrific show (Wine Wednesdays with Heather Brittany) and so perfect for me while working on my next novel set around a fictitious group of women creating the first all women owned and operated winery in the Hudson River Valley." Linda Rosen, Novelist
“And, seriously, SO impressed with those hosts and the work you're all doing!” Jennipher Walters, CEO Fit-bottomed World
“That mosquito show that I accidentally listened too was the most interesting thing I've ever heard! Thanks for a great show!” Christopher Conlan, listener
"Cynthia, your TEAM was awesome!" Shawn Anderson, Founder, ExtraMileAmerica
"I have been interviewed by thousands of interviewers and Cynthia Brian is one of four of the top interviewers in the country today. I feel like we are two bodies in one soul.” Jack Canfield, Co-Creatorr Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
“Thank you Cynthia. I truly enjoyed our conversation. You are so well versed in history. Do you speak German or French as well? The way you pronounced all the names in your intro was impressive.” Colonel Charles Causey, Author, The Lion and the Lamb
“My goodness, what a treat it was to be interviewed by you. I enjoyed every minute we had on that interview and only wish we had had even longer. As we went through the interview, it was obvious to me that you had carefully read the book by Bettie Youngs. You asked such pertinent questions and you did so in such a compelling and winsome way. You are a real pro! Thank you for a wonderful interview” Millard Fuller, Founder Habitat for Humanity and Fuller Center for Housing
“What a GREAT service to all who wish to grow personally and professionally! Cynthia Brian balances style with substance to help you make the journey from success to significance.” Nido Quebein, author of “How to be a Great Communicator
"Cynthia Brian shines! "Be The Star You Are" is an upbeat, life affirming, inspirational program which so many people can benefit from. I am so grateful this programming is out there for people to enjoy and learn from." Alan Cohen, author, My Father’s Voice
“You have a wonderful show and wonderful causes. They are dear to my heart. I thank you for what you and your daughter do with your non-profit show for so many people, particularly young people across the world.” Miriam Herin, Author, Absolution and A Stone for Bread
“Cynthia Brian, host of BE THE STAR YOU ARE!®, brings to radio a much needed voice of hope and inspiration. She embodies a life lived with spiritual purpose and shares her lively enthusiasm with her audience. Radio needs more shows like BE THE STAR YOU ARE!® and caring hosts like Cynthia!”Judith Sherven, Ph.D. and James Sniechowski, Ph.D., authors of "The New Intimacy: Discovering the Magic at the Heart of Your Differences"
“I salute you and everyone connect with BE THE STAR YOU ARE!®, for your love, for humanity and for taking action to elevate the consciousness of people in their lives. Your show is like a Lighthouse in a dark stormy night. Thank you for shining the light.”
Dr. Richard Bellamy, author of 12 steps to Manifesting your Destiny
“Cynthia, I'm high for a week after talking with you! Appearing on your show was like getting run over by the reindeer of success and grand times. I loved being a part of such an uplifting and positive experience.” Elmo Sharpshire songwriter, “Grandma got run over by a reindeer!”
"Keep up the good work. it feels nice to have someone care and come from the heart.” Dr. Bernie Siegel, Author of “Prescriptions for Life and Love, Medicine, and Miracles”.
The entire show is nicely done by these Express Yourself!™ Radio kids. Readers, take a few
moments to enjoy hearing teens do a fab job as radio journalists.” C. Hope Clark, Author & Founder FundsforWriters
One of the highest experiences I have ever had was being interviewed by Cynthia Brian on her radio program, Starstyle®Be the Star You Are!®. Cynthia's energy and enthusiasm for life helps every one of her listeners be a STAR." Mark Victor Hansen, Co-Creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“You're unforgettable!” Robert Fried, Author, A Marketing Plan for Life
"Great show! I want to thank you for your beautiful words about me and my work. It makes my heart
sing. Until the next time...From my heart to yours...”Susan Jeffers, Author, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
“The interview was really fun. Love the way you really worked in everything and how you ended the program so positively. You and your show are wonderful!” Jackson Madnick, Pearl’s Premium
“Thanks again for conducting a wonderful interview last night. You are even better than Miss Oprah! Your questions and comments were both intelligent and insightful and I can see why you and your show are so popular.” Stephen Yanoff, Author, The Second Mourning
"Aloha!: What a great show! And the girls are adorable! Thanks!" Alison Teal, Alison's Adventures on Discovery Channel
“You were great, and I am grateful. Plus, it was fun! As you may imagine, I'm doing a series of radio interviews this year to promote GP#100. This was by far the most enjoyable. It really felt like a warm talk between friends. Thanks.” Pat Stone, Editor, Green Prints
“Cynthia, thank you for sharing that hugely inspiring story! My day is made and it's just begun.” Jamie Kahl Miller, Certified Astrologer
“Thank you, Cynthia! The teens are great interviewers, and I'm so happy they enjoyed me and the books. Great V-Day show!” Jessica Shepherd, Moonkissed
“I was so impressed with your skills, especially life coach, mentoring and producing. You are a wonder woman! CHEERS!” Plechette Dey-Foy, Critical Care Nurse
“Wonderful! You are a fantastic host! I love the way you bring a positive spirit to everything while not shying away from the issues! You have a great energy and are doing wonderful work in the world!” Dr. Steve OmoHundro, President of Possibility R
“It was my pleasure, Cynthia – both having you on my show and my going on Express Yourself!™.
It was fun. You were right.” Fran Silverman, Radio Host, Fraternizing with Fran
“Hi Cynthia! So I would like to tell you some of the greatest news I’ve ever received in my life: I’VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO HARVARD!!!!!! I couldn’t be happier, and on behalf of myself and my whole family, thank you for all the support you’ve given me and for all the doors you’ve opened for me through BTSYA. I would not be the person I am today without having met you and been a part of BTSYA!! Thank you for writing me a letter of rec, for letting me host radio, for giving me the tools I need to Express (My)self! On the USC application, it actually asked “Who is your role model?”, and I wrote down none other than “Cynthia Brian"!!!! Your selflessness, warmth, and light is inspirational, and you know not the lives you change. THANK YOU! :)” Henna Hundal, Teen Radio Host
“I think what you do, what your program does and the work the teens do to educate their peers is amazing” Anita Telle, Author, The Ultimate Anti-Bullying Solutions Guide
“Just wanted to say thanks again for having me on the show. It was a lot of fun and went really well. The two interviewers, Henna and Asya, were spectacular.” Mindee Arnett, Author, The Nightmare Affair
“Thank you for all you do, and the wonderful opportunities for our authors to experience your show!” Kat Sanborn, Senior Publicist Llewellyn Worldwide
“We ADORE you All! Had a blast on the show!” Lucy Angel Band
“Fantastic!” Perlize Oliver, BYOU “Be Your Own You” Magazine
“Thanks, Cynthia, to you and your interviewers/producers. I enjoyed it a lot.
John McQuaid, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Author, Tasty
“Great Interview!!! The youth are OUTSTANDING interviewers!!! Thank you again Coach Cynthia!!! You're The Best!!! God Bless!!! ”
Todd A. Battle, DTL, M.TS, MBA, D.Min. Co-Author, Daddy Look
“As always, so happy to have been interviewed by Be the Star You Are! and Express Yourself! Teen Radio. What terrific interviewers.But mostly I want to thank you Cynthia, Matt, Henna and Asya for your tenacity. It was a fun interview for me to do. As you know, media interviews are often necessary and can be informative, but rarely are they fun. Thank you for an up ending to my workday. Haven't had such fun on an interview in, well possibly ever! Life's best, Carol Christen, Author, What Color is Your Parachute for Teens
“I really enjoyed the discussion and thought the teen interviewers were great!” Dr. Steve Omohundro, Artificial Intelligence Expert
“Thank you so much Cynthia!! It was such a pleasure being on the show and I will make sure to promote and spread the word! Thanks again for the great opportunity.” Lee Kelly, Author, City of Savages
“It was great to be on the show again. I really like Express Yourself and your teen hosts. They do a great job and it is great to share the BOB message with them as well.”Brooks Olbrys, Children’s Success Unlimited
“The interview with Asya and Caiseen was absolutely fun. Both are so impressive in their interview skills and their on-air presence. Thank you for your work in empowering youth to be everything they aspire to be. Fabulous!” ” Mary Nethery, Best Selling Author, Nabbed in New Orleans
“WoW …. What a journey and anniversary to celebrate. It is another milestone you set for us all…. well done. Keep inspiring us all here on LinkedIn, even those you don’t know or have never met. You make us what we are today. Thanks.” Michael and Marianna, The Centre of Excellence for Mind Empowerment®
“One of our best and brightest radio interviewers in the nation!” Lisa D. Marino Radio Publicity Specialist , NY
“The interview was fantastic with Bill Borchert. I've listened to it and believe it's one of the best he's done because you gave him a good amount of time. Thank you so much. “Erika Sumner. Publicist
PR by the Book, LLC
“Your show is great!” Nancy Boykin
Richards Public Relations
“While searching for radio shows I discovered your inspiring site, Be the Star You Are. I'm now your latest Facebook Fan”.Donna McDine, publicist
“You are such a pro, Cynthia! Truly a pleasure working with you. “
Julie Mitchell, Associate Publicist
Harper San Francisco