Positive, Uplifting, Life-Changing Talk Radio
Be the Star You Are! ® Radio
StarStyle® Radio Click for Current Line-Up
Hello power partners and welcome to radio’s finest hour of positive talk, StarStyle®, brought to you by the positive media message charity, BE THE STAR YOU ARE!®
This is the hour of power with authors and experts who will expand and enhance your life. Hosted by New York Times best selling author, Cynthia Brian, you'll be inspired, encouraged, motivated, and edu-tained.
Get ready to pump your energy, love, live, laugh, lead, and learn to make a difference. Grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and let’s get this party started!
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"Cynthia, you warm my heart. I thank you for what you and your daughter do with your non-profit show for so many people, particularly young people across the world." Miriam Herin, Award Winning Author
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Welcome to Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!® with your host Cynthia Brian broadcasting globally every Wednesday on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel. This program seeds, stimulates, and supports space for positive, meaningful conversations. Join our Power Party for a lively hour of fun, information, and edu-tainment.
“Love your radio show. It is so positive and up lifting” Jackson Madnick, Pearl’s Premium Lawn Seed.
HAPPY END OF 2020! Cynthia Brian Reads Leadership to Miracles from Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts
December 30, 2020
Everyone is thrilled that 2020 is at an end. Now we look to the future of 2021 with hope and faith. We have to come together, reconnect, and rebuild our country. Purple is the color for 2021.
As an Empowerment Architect, Cynthia Brian’s aim is to encourage, inspire, inform, and motivate. Her “heart book”, Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference offers readers a wealth of true stories, uplifting quotes, and simple exercises to help you be the star of your own performance In today’s StarStyle episode, Cynthia reads chapters on Leadership, Lifelines, Listening, Love, Magic, and Miracles to help you end 2020 with hope and start 2021 with a fresh, positive perspective. Buy copies of this book and others at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/127121/a-new-beginning-cynthia-brian-leadership-to-miracles-from-be-the-star-you-are
Peace, Harmony, and Christmas with Nola Hennessy
December 23, 2020
Australian author and founder of Serenidad Consulting, Nola Hennessy
brings harmony into Christmas festivities as she visits with Cynthia Brian on StarStyle®. Nola will discuss how developing resilience for life relies on both good and bad experiences, and how best to build a new year that is founded on the lessons learned in 2020. Nola sees peace through an educator’s lens, strongly and consistently advocating for ‘prevention’ strategies and proactive education to resolve the world’s global conflicts and increasing levels of violence and discord. Her multi-award winning book “Post-Traumatic Stress – Not a Life Sentence” includes a special Chapter on “Resilience for Life” in which Nola writes “maintaining the goal of inner peace…………..and (giving yourself) positive affirmations………..will help create your self-fulfilling prophecy “.
Cynthia Brian shares The Gift of Harmony from her book, Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference about an extraordinary experience with fur seals in the Galapagos Islands that proves that we are all united.
Bio: Nola Hennessy
Nola Hennessy is a thought leader on peace, an insightful and multi-award-winning business woman and author, and globally recognized for her enduring commitment to inspire others to live lives of positivity, compassion and love. Nola empowers people in their journey away from revenge, violence, hatred, greed, and power and control struggles.
Born in Australia in 1957, Nola knows that change is inevitable and, as a leading change agent and widely recognized for her capacity to make a difference at a global level, Nola’s global organization Serenidad Consulting® is her vehicle to affect the changes that she knows the world needs.
One of Rotary International’s Inspirational Women 2011 and the USA’s Women of Impact 2014, Nola become a senior manager at age 16, and a senior leader at age 19. She leads Serenidad Consulting®, founded in January 2010, in its strategic intent to facilitate positive relationships and global peace outcomes. www.serenidadconsulting.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/127120/peace-harmony-and-christmas-with-nola-hennessy
Cynthia Brian Reads the “A’s” from Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts
December 16, 2020
Since Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference debuted, readers have been asking author Cynthia Brian to read the chapters to a world of listeners. In today’s StarStyle® episode, Cynthia reads the introduction to the gifts as well as several chapters that begin with the letter “A”. Included will be Abundance, Acceptance, Action, Adventure, Affection, and Affirmation You’ll be empowered by the chapters to be your best self. As an Empowerment Architect, Cynthia Brian’s aim is to encourage, inspire, inform, and motivate. Become the star of your own performance. Buy copies of this book and others at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/127118/cynthia-brian-reads-the-as-from-be-the-star-you-are-99-gifts
Winterizing, Comfort Zone Challenges, Dig it with Kids
December 09, 2020
As winter approaches, we want to get our outdoor spaces and home ready for the cold and wet. Cynthia Brian offers tips on winterization. Don’t forget to test smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, clean out gutters, replace furnace filters, stack the firewood, and have plenty of hot chocolate fixings ready for those long, dark nights in front of a blazing fireplace!
From dives of danger to flights of fright, author of Sleeping Around…Challenging My Comfort Zone, Mary L. Peachin, is no shrinking violet. “I like to live each day to the fullest” says the self-proclaimed adrenalin junkie. Mary will discuss her global adventures including encounters with saltwater crocs, bears, and sharks. Get your heart pumping.
Watching the wide-eyed wonder of children during the holidays is an additional dividend of the magical season of Christmas. This is a great time to spark children’s enthusiasm for gardening. The rewards go far beyond reaping a harvest of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Not only do kids get to dig in the dirt, it’s a plus if they get dirty.
Bio: Mary Peachin
Mary Peachin has slept her way around the world on everything from cots outside beach palapas to mountain huts, sleeping bags, bunk beds, wilderness cabins, dive boats, and sleazy motels. While doing so, she has experienced unique adventures in remote global destinations—overcoming fears, threats to her comfort zone, and even stark terror.
Some of these include unexpected shark encounters, caring for a Gila monster and Solomon boa constrictor, scuba diving with sharks, venomous banded sea kraits, and colliding with a salt water crocodile in an underwater cave. Mary has snorkeled with whale sharks and humpbacks, and observed tiny muck critters. She has been charged by an elephant, a rhinoceros, and a shark, stung by a deadly box jelly, and stepped on a rattlesnake. Jumping out of an airplane and bungee jumping are only a few of her adrenaline rushes.
Challenges include overcoming her fear of learning to scuba dive and taking her first solo airplane flight. Mary bicycled from the Grand Canyon to Nogales, five hundred miles, not knowing how to shift the gears of her bike. Not satisfied with her performance, she returned the following year to prove her mettle. There were emergency landings in her Cessna T-210, getting lost in the Rockies, having her brakes catch on fire in Mexico.
Mary has traveled to all seven continents, but not on a cruise ship. This book is neither a travelogue nor a guidebook. Sleeping Around is an inspirational biography of a unique woman, one who has led an extraordinary life.
A wife of 55 years, mother of two, and the granddaughter of an Arizona pioneer family, she has given her time back to her Tucson community by raising millions of dollars for worthwhile projects.
This book may read like fiction, but it is real—an incredible story that you won’t want to miss. Dozens of colored photographs will draw you into each adventure. Sleeping Around is a page-turner for teens to seniors, anglers, scuba divers, bicycle riders, armchair travelers, fellow adrenaline junkies. http://www.peachin.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/127112/winterizing-comfort-zone-challenges-dig-it-with-kids
Trust but Verify, Covid Cons, Garden of Gratitude
December 02, 2020
It’s been a busy year. Since the onset of the pandemic, every day I have worked many hours to improve my landscape: pruning dead limbs, repairing stairs, rebuilding arches, eradicating weeds, planting new specimens, fertilizing, firescaping, re-seeding, and adding amendments. Cynthia Brian offers thanks for family, friends, health, and her garden as she looks forward to winter.
Trust but Verify by Karna Small Bodman features a member of The White House staff and an FBI Special Agent who race to unravel an explosive plot. It is one that threatens the lives of international financial leaders and would sink stock market worldwide.
Fraud is on the rise during Covid-19. Find out who are the primary targets, who is doing this, and what can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Karna Small Bodman is the author of five published international thrillers (which have hit “#1 in Thrillers” on Amazon). These novels were inspired by the six years she served in The White House.
When Ronald Reagan was elected President, he named Karna as his Deputy Press Secretary. Later, she switched to foreign policy issues and became Senior Director and Spokesman for the National Security Council where she was the highest-ranking woman on The White House staff.
Her latest novel Trust but Verify, won a silver award winner from the Military Writers Society of America Her four previous thrillers have all been updated and re-released in print, e-book and audio formats by her publisher. Karna has given over 350 speeches and interviews around the country. Visit her website: www.karnabodman.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126970/trust-but-verify-covid-cons-garden-of-gratitude
Thanksgiving and Gratitude, Design Trade Secrets, Rebuilding After Disaster
November 25, 2020
America is a country of great abundance, yet, everyday most of us complain about the lack in our lives. Being human means that all of us, regardless of race, religion, economics, politics, or sex, will have difficult times and challenges to overcome. We have created a plan that works for us and we’ll share it with you. It’s called, Thanksgiving is Today. A reading of the Gift of Gratitude from Cynthia’s award-winning book, Be the Star You Are!® is included. www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Building and remodeling are on the rise during the pandemic. Cynthia Brian offers a selection of home design trade secrets that can help you elevate your living space.
Disasters are happening at an increasing rate. If you are a survivor of a disaster, what are steps you can take to rebuild your life? Hear information you need to get back to normal.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126877/thanksgiving-and-gratitude-design-trade-secrets-rebuilding-afte
Soil and Leaves, Becoming Lady Washington, Cyberbulling Rising
November 18, 2020
As the world turns the leaves on our deciduous trees to reds, ambers, and golds, this is a perfect time to replenish your mulch and enrich your soil. If your garden is small, you can buy bags of amendments at your garden center or hardware store, but if you have a large property, it is best to order a truckload. Discover your nature friends and applaud them as masterpieces. https://www.voiceamerica.com/account/HostEcardService#account-mylibrary
Author of Becoming Lady Washington, Betty Bolte designs the backstory of Martha Washington when George must choose between duty to country and Martha. Compelled to take matters into her own hands, Martha must decide whether to remain where she belongs or go with her husband… no matter what the dangerous future may hold.
Cyberbullying has been on the rise during Covid-19. According to experts, cyberbullying is up over 70%. What can a parent do to prevent the bullying and provide positive intervention? Find out.
Bio: Betty Bolte
Bestselling, award-winning author Betty Bolté is known for authentic and accurately researched historical fiction with heart and supernatural romance novels. A lifetime reader and writer, she’s worked as a secretary, freelance word processor, technical writer/editor, and author. She’s been published in essays, newspaper articles/columns, magazine articles, and nonfiction books but now enjoys crafting entertaining and informative fiction, especially stories that bring American history to life. She earned a Master’s Degree in English in 2008, emphasizing the study of literature, and has judged many writing contests for both fiction and nonfiction. She lives in Alabama with her husband and life partner; her cat, Calliope, who is also her writing partner; and her dog and walking partner, Zola. www.bettybolte.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126745/soil-and-leaves-becoming-lady-washington-cyberbulling-rising
Sheltering with Nature, Where Light Comes and Goes, 2024
November 11, 2020
Are you feeling more in touch with Mother Earth as we near the beginning of eight months of stay-at-home mandates because of Covid-19? Or are you feeling antsy, stressed, and out-of-sorts? Retreating to our landscapes was initially a salve to the pain of the corona virus, social unrest, and political nastiness as we encountered improved air quality, quieter skies, and increased bird activity. Vote for decency and respect as you shelter with Mother Nature.
Cynthia Brian interviews retired physician turned novelist, Dr. Sandra Cavallo Miller with her second novel, Where Light Comes and Goes. She describes these novels as "science-based medical adventure”. Her novels brim with accurate medicine, science, and geology. They include outdoor adventure, romance, and mental illness. The protagonist is a young female physician at a clinic on the south rim of the Grand Canyon who is remaking herself as she battles an anxiety condition.
When the world finally returns to “normal”, with or without a vaccine, pundits predict the year could be 2024. It will take that time to recover from political, social, economic, and psychological trauma. There isn’t an early exit from the pain and suffering. Find out what to expect.
Bio: Dr. Sandra Cavallo Miller
Sandra Cavallo Miller is a retired family physician. After a long career in academic medicine, she now is writing medical novels about contemporary women doctors. Because so little fiction features women physicians outside of CSI/crime scene stories, her mission is to change that. Her books brim with accurate science and medicine, and she enjoys showing the human side while creating an adventurous story. She calls her genre "science-based medical adventure.”As poet and essayist, her work has been published in Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine, Embark, Under the Sun, and JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, among others. When not writing, you are likely to find her hiking with a dog, up on a horse, or studying her latest hobby, volcanology. Website: www.skepticalword.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126556/sheltering-with-nature-where-light-comes-and-goes-2024
2020 Elections, Choosing Life with Author Leslie Sussan
November 04, 2020
Cynthia Brian continues broadcasting with Wednesdays with Writers and Entertainers as a way to give authors, actors, artists, and creatives a platform to promote their work during the pandemic when their events have been canceled. This outreach is part of Operation Disaster Relief through Be the Star You Are! t01 c3 charity. Make a donation at https://www.bethestaryouare.org
A conversation about the election with results still to be determined . Who will be in the White House in January? Who will occupy the House and the Senate. No matter who you voted for, voting is our right and obligation as part of democracy of America. Biden is calling for patience in counting the ballots and saying he’ll be a President for all Americans. Trump is already screaming fraud and threatening to take a lawsuit to the Supreme Court. There are sore loser laws. States have protocols in place to prevent frivolous lawsuits for recounts. Candidates do NOT get to say who won. The voters do. Which man is more Presidential?
In 1987, honoring her father’s wishes, author Leslie Sussan, with her young daughter, followed his footsteps to Japan to meet the survivors he had filmed more than 40 years before. Her book, Choosing Life shares a personal journey to answer a simple, yet not easy life question: what gives some people the strength to choose life when faced with unspeakable horrors? A Hollywood cinematographer before the war, the moment 2nd Lt. Herbert Sussan set foot on Nagasaki soil four months after the bombing; he knew he had to tell the real story hidden within the story the Army wanted him to tell. So horrific was the human aftermath, the Japanese have a word especially for the survivors, hibakusha. Spending the remainder of his life arguing unsuccessfully for the footage’s release, Sussan’s last wish was that his ashes be scattered at ground zero in Hiroshima. The first-person accounts of the filmmaker and the hibakusha whom he filmed embody compassion and courage and send a message calling for peace across nations and generations.
Bio: Leslie Sussan
This is a story I was born to tell but it took most of my life to do it. Like my father, I was born and raised in New York City. During college in the early 1970s, I was active in the peace and civil rights movements and was one of the founders of the Gray Panthers. My father, Herbert Sussan, filmed the aftermath of the atomic bombings, only to see the footage buried as top secret for decades. He believed that the American people could only be mobilized to stop nuclear weapons if they fully understood their human meaning in living color. But the years embittered him. As a young person, I saw him as a hypocrite sitting on the wrong side of the generation gap because he did not embrace my activism and oppose the Vietnam War or support my interracial marriage.
After he became ill with a cancer he attributed to his time in the atom-bombed cities, he began speaking out for the first time. His last wish was that his ashes be scattered at Ground Zero in Hiroshima. I went to Japan in 1987 with my little girl (then 4). I found myself, like my father, deeply drawn to Hiroshima and spent a year there coming to know survivors who remembered being filmed by my father more than 40 years earlier. And, to my surprise, I also came to know who my father was before he was haunted by the images he saw and could not share. It took me thirty more years to find the right way to share the first-person accounts that my father and the hikakusha (the Japanese word for the survivors) had entrusted to me, but now they are available at last for readers as the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the bombings -- and again faces hard choices about nuclear weapons.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126410/election-results-life-over-death-teen-cyberbullying
Nature Halloween, Damned if She Does, Friendship
October 28, 2020
During this season, life is about the kids. This is a time of magic, wonder, and things that go bump in the night. Halloween has always been a favorite holiday for most children in the United States but this year, Halloween, the way it has been celebrated for decades, is canceled.
How about celebrating a nature Halloween?
Right in time to give a final push for the Biden-Harris ticket, Irish author Kathleen Kelley Reardon shares her newest novel, Damned If She Does, as it ”artfully stirs" what Kirkus Reviews describes as a "dangerous cauldron of ambitious scholars." "Informed and searing" in her "takedown of ivory tower politics," Reardon makes us work for answers throughout the "page-turning scenes" of this MeToo whodunit. She writes in her blog, “No use dignifying Trump’s sexist low blows. Better to make him squirm.”
We confuse our many acquaintances and business associates with "friends." We go for quantity, not quality. True friends are among the most important people in one’s life. Cynthia Brian reads, The Gift of Friendship, from her award winning book, Be the Star You Are!® 99 gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference. When you have such a friend, you have the greatest gift in the world.
Don’t Forget to VOTE for DECENCY and DEMOCRACY!
BIO: Kathleen Kelley Reardon
Kathleen Kelley Reardon, professor, writer and artist, has published ten nonfiction books and two crime mysteries. Her debut novel, Shadow Campus, was described by Forbes as “fast-paced” and a “masterful debut.” Damned If She Does (2020), a Manhattan-based sequel described by Kirkus as “informed and searing,” was selected for their September 2020 “Great Indie Books Worth Discovering.” Kathleen is a member of the Ireland Chapter of the International Women’s Forum. She lives in Schull, West Cork Ireland where the upcoming third book in her crime mystery trilogy takes place.A professor of business and communication, Kathleen has published extensively in journals, magazines, and was a signature front-page blogger with Huffington Post from 2005 to 2016. Nonfiction can inform fiction - as did her nonfiction writing about challenges women face in hostile workplaces before writing her novels Shadow Campus and Damned If She Does. www.kathleenkelleyreardon.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126203/sheltering-with-nature-damned-if-she-does-friendship
Time Management, Birdnesting, Women, Work, and Covid
October 21, 2020
Time management can be challenging any time, but with the pandemic, working from home, and the stress of all of it, it may feel overwhelming. Cynthia Brian offers tips on how to refresh, be calm, and get your to-do list done.
“Birdnesting” refers to an arrangement where parents alternate time in the family home and take turns being “on duty” with their children while moving toward separation or divorce. The children stay in the home full time, which gives them more time to adapt to changes in the family. Author of The Parent’s Guide to Birdnesting , Ann Gold Buscho, PhD will show you how to succeed.
Women have already lost a disproportionate number of jobs due to the pandemic. More women, especially mothers, indicate they may have to quit working. This decision has long term consequences. We’ll look at the data surrounding the “double shift”.
Bio: Ann Gold Buscho
Ann Gold Buscho, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in family issues and issues related to divorce, parenting, parenting planning, and co-parenting counseling. She has professional and personal experience in nesting, co-parenting, stepparenting, and single-parenting issues. She works closely with family law professionals to help clients resolve their divorce privately and respectfully. She presents widely at state and national conferences for lawyers, mental health and financial experts on Collaborative Divorce, forgiveness practices, nesting during divorce, and consensual dispute resolution. She co-founded a treatment program for emergency responders where she volunteers regularly. Her husband is a retired police office and psychologist. When not at work, she enjoys her children, grandchildren, hiking, and writing her next book. The Parent’s Guide to Birdnesting is Dr. Buscho’s first book. www.drannbuscho.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/126117/time-management-birdnesting-women-work-and-covid
Risky Business, If You Tame Me, Secondhand
October 14, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!
To grow healthy, nutritional produce, farmers work daily, rain or shine, in every season, to provide city dwellers with sustenance. They get paid when they sell their harvest, yet it only takes one natural disaster to destroy their year-long labors and erase the opportunity for remuneration. Farming is a risky business. Cynthia Brian knows first hand.
If You Tame Me by Kathie Giorgio, is an unlikely combination of iguanas, parakeets, poltergeists and ex-wives, online dating sites and shady movies, a reality TV president and different definitions of feminist, old friends and new friends. The familiar and unfamiliar come together in a romp mixed with heartfelt discussions on serious topics.
Consumers are buying second hand clothing more than ever before. Why? Two reasons: top labels, bargain prices. Major retailers are getting into the game. Find out who, what, where, and why!
Bio: Kathie Giorgio
KATHIE GIORGIO is the author of five novels, two story collections, a collection of essays, and two poetry chapbooks. A full-length poetry collection, No Matter Which Way You Look, There Is More To See, will be released in September 2020. Giorgio’s short stories and poetry have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies. She’s been nominated for the Pushcart Prize in fiction and poetry and awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Library Association, the Silver Pen Award for Literary Excellence, the Pencraft Award for Literary Excellence, and the Eric Hoffer Award In Fiction. She is the director and founder of the international creative writing studio, AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop LLC. She lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with her husband, writer Michael Giorgio, her 19-year old daughter Olivia, a neurotic dog named after Ursula LeGuin, a fat cat named Edgar Allen Paw, and a tiny cat named Muse. www.kathiegiorgio.org
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125987/risky-business-if-you-tame-me-secondhand
Ready to Evacuate, Daring, Dazzling, Divine, Flu and Blood Pressure
October 07, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!
Natural disasters know no boundaries. One never knows if a fire, earthquake, flood, mudslide, or other calamity is on the horizon. It’s imperative to be prepared for all emergencies. Because of climate change and global warming, we can be assured that our future will include more widespread, frequent, devastating, and deadly natural disasters.
Daring, Dazzling, Divine by Sherry Brier is a collection of interviews, articles, and speeches about women who desired to change their life, overcame obstacles and are living the more fulfilling lives they envisioned. The intention in writing this book is to introduce as many women and girls as possible to WomenRockProject.com, an online library of women’s wisdom to inspire, educate, and motivate women the world over.
The flu is a very contagious disease that usually spreads between October and May. anyone can get the flu but it is especially dangerous for infants, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system. Find out more about the vaccine and also how to take your blood pressure at home.
BIO: Sherry Brier is a lifelong successful entrepreneur for 30 years who is passionate about inspiring women to reach their highest potential. She is founder and director of WomenRockProject.com, the largest online video library of women’s wisdom to inspire, educate, and motivate. She is an inspirational speaker, female leader, international best seller, and dance instructor, choreographer, company director and concert producer. With a degree in Creative Arts Education, Sherry is the author of Doorway to Ecstasy: A Dancer’s Initiation, a fascinating spiritual adventure and detailed teaching manual of transformational dance and performance. Her latest book is DARING, DAZZLING, DIVINE: Secrets to Rock Your Life. http://www.SherryBrier.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125822/ready-to-evacuate-daring-dazzling-divine-flu-and-blood-pressure
Hannah’s War, Smoke Taint & Spaghetti Sauce, Flu & Safely Re-Beginning
September 30, 2020
A vivid, page-turning and inspiring re-imagination of the final months of World War II, and the brilliant researchers behind the first atomic bomb, Hannah's War is an unforgettable love story about an exceptional woman, and the dangerous power of her greatest discovery. Film director and author Jan Eliasberg guests on StarStyle® correcting the historical record to enable others to see that “history is filled with remarkable women of towering achievement and of deep humanism.”
Smoke taint is concentrated in the skins of grapes and during fermentation glycosides break down, releasing the volatile phenols and smoky flavors into the wine. The result tastes like licking an ashtray. California has endured endless fires. Cynthia Brian discusses the damage to viticulture and how she is going indoors to make a heritage spaghetti sauce,
The coronavirus has limited gatherings and jaunts for most of the world. While some people obey the mandates, others do not. The virus is still deadly. Cynthia Brian explains the guide for staying safe while we venture out.
It's flu season and we are still in the midst of a pandemic. The dual threat of contracting the flu and Covid-19 have experts warning of a “twindemic” that could have a big population sick and overwhelm medical workers and hospitals. Find out what you need to know about the flu. Get a flu shot as it’s going to be a season of flu and pandemic.
Bio: JAN ELIASBERG is an award-winning screenwriter and director. of film and television Her prolific career includes writing and directing dramatic pilots for CBS, NBC, and ABC. She was hand-picked by Michael Mann as the first woman to direct Miami Vice and Wiseguy; as well as countless episodes of TV series, including Thirteen Reasons Why, Bull, Nashville, Parenthood, The Magicians, Blue Bloods, NCIS: Los Angeles, Supernatural, and numerous others; Her debut feature film Past Midnight, starred Paul Giamatti, the late Natasha Richardson, and the late Rutger Hauer. Throughout her tenure as a celebrated screenwriter, Eliasberg has written films driven by strong female leads, including Fly Girls about the Women Air Service Pilots in World War II for Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz. Eliasberg received her B.A. from Wesleyan University, Magna Cum Laude, and holds MFAs from the Yale School of Drama in Directing and the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson in Fiction. A native New Yorker, Eliasberg currently lives in New York City. https://janeliasberg.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125685/hannahs-war-smoke-taint-and-spaghetti-sauce-flu-and-safely-re-beginning
Saving the Ocean, Supermodel Eugenia Kuzmina, Teens and Covid
September 23, 2020
Humans owe our lives to the ocean. Marine life produces 70% of or oxygen and almost 50% of the world depends on food from the sea. But the ocean is dying. We are harvesting fish faster than they can regenerate, and climate change is causing an irreversible damage. Cynthia Brian will look at how we can preserve the ecosystem for our survival.
Russian Supermodel Eugenia Kuzmina is also an actress and comedian. Kuzmina has appeared on the covers of and in the pages of Vogue, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, British GQ, W, Elle, Self, Shape, Genlux, Nylon, Glamour, Grazia, Harper’s Bazaar (Europe), Oyster, Paper and countless other publications. She’ll talk about moving to America, launching an acting career, and her foray into comedy.
Are teens being irresponsible because they ignore mandates regarding Covid-19 or is there a neurobiological issue in their brain giving them a craving to socialize without precautions? It may not be a valid argument for being unsafe, but we’ll investigate the science behind the theory.
Bio: Eugenia Kuzmina is a Russian-American actress, comedian, and model. Her father was a renowned nuclear physicist, who was one of the first responders to the Chernobyl disaster. Her mother is a former scientist and a housewife. Eugenia grew up on food lines in Post Soviet time. She was training to be a professional ice skater when at 13 years old she was pulled out from a group of kids in her school to appear in a Russian version of SNL "Eralash." She was then cast to appear in Chuck Norris film, but couldn't leave the country due to visa issues. After appearing in commercials for Coca Cola, L'Oréal and Wrigleys in Moscow, for which she was paid more than her scientist dad, she was noticed by a scout at Nathalie Models Europe. She signed a contract and moved to Paris at 15 to work with such brands as Cartier, Dior, Armani, Hermes, Loreal, Vogue among many others.Eugenia is very passionate about comedy and writes and performs Stand Up regularly at The Comedy Store and The Laugh Factory. Her other hobbies include motorcycles, doing her own stunts, languages (French, Portuguese) , and supporting environmental causes around the world. Kuzmina resides in Los Angeles with her husband Bill Block ( Miramax CEO )and three children. https://www.modelmom.tv/
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125490/saving-the-ocean-supermodel-eugenia-kuzmina-teens-and-covid
Dreaming the Marsh, Travel Insurance during Covid-19, Planting for Fall
September 16, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
Dreaming the Marsh is an environmental fable that is uniquely Floridian by Elizabeth McCulloch. Mother Nature has had enough and a day of reckoning is coming, foretold by words that mysteriously appear on the side of a shiny new building.
If you’ve been sheltering mostly at home for the past six months, you are probably getting wanderlust. But before you travel anywhere, you need to do your homework. And it’s a good idea to buy travel insurance that will include specifications for Covid-19.
Between the brutal pandemic, perverse politics, sizzling heat, and suffocating smoke, we all have a reason to despair. Now more than ever, we need large doses of humor, hope, and healing. Let’s employ kindness and empathy for one another as we prepare for planting autumn bulbs and seeds. This is the season to start making a list of what you want to grow for the forthcoming months.
Bio: Elizabeth McCulloch
Elizabeth McCulloch was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and lived in New England, the Midwest, Canada, and the South before putting down roots and finding her home in Gainesville, Florida. Previously a lawyer, then a teacher, she has had children of various stripes: one born, two foster, one step, and the granddaughter she is now raising with her husband. She has long been an activist on poverty issues, and for eighteen years helped run a homeless outreach van and food pantry. Elizabeth has been writing and seeking publication for over thirty years. At her website, elizabethmccullochauthor.com, she has two illustrated blogs. The Feminist Grandma contains personal essays on friends, family, aging and whatever delights or irks her. In Big Books from Small Presses she primarily reviews books which are not well-known. Dreaming the Marsh is her first novel.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125489/dreaming-the-marsh-travel-insurance-during-covid-19-planting-for-fall
21st Anniversary of Be the Star You Are!®, Magical Universe of the Ancients, Masking & Flu
September 09, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
Today is the 21st Anniversary of Be the Star You Are!® charity receiving its 501 c3 designation. On 9/9/99 Be the Star You Are!® launched its first programs for literacy although it had been working a for a year previous through another nonprofit. Find out all of the good that this small grassroots charity has done for women, families, and youth around the world. Congratulations to all of the volunteers and supporters for being part of this generous organization of empowerment.
The Magical Universe of the Ancients: A Desert Journal illustrates in photographs and words the distant past and the wild and stunning vistas of the present. The mysteries of this ancient land and its peoples inspired Julie Weston and Gerry Morrison to journey into the desert over a period of years seeking the geology, the ruins, the rock art, and answers to their questions.
It's flu season and we are still in the midst of a pandemic. The dual threat of contracting the flu and Covid-19 have experts warning of a “twindemic” that could have a big population sick and overwhelm medical workers and hospitals. Find out what you need to know about the flu.
How do masks fight Covid-19? Masks have become a symbol of partisan politics as well as the acknowledgment that life as we knew it is gone. Are masks effective? Who do they protect? Why is something so small so controversial? What kind of mask is best? Wearing a mask is not a sign of weakness but a sign of caring. If we want to overcome this virus, we have to all be in this together for the better good. Wear a mask when in public, PLEASE!
Bio: Julie Weston’s publications include three mysteries set in 1920s Idaho and a memoir of place about an Idaho mining town. Her awards include Honorable Mention in the 2009 Idaho Book of the Year Award, the 2017 WILLA Literary Award for Historical Fiction, the 2019 Idaho Writers Conference Non-fiction Memoir Competition Winner, and the 2019 Bronze Foreword INDIES Award for Mystery. www.Julieweston.com Gerry Morrison’s photographs have been published on book covers and in magazines. He states: “I strive to capture moments when light is painting a scene in a unique or attractive way. Landscapes, people, still life or flowers come to life with light, and that is why I photograph.” For this book, Gerry used a large format Linhof Technica 4x5, a Hasselblad 2-1/4, a Leicaflex R6, and a Nikon digital camera. www.gerrymorrisonphotography.com https://Bigwoodbooks.com ,https://MagicalUniverseoftheAncients.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125350/21st-anniversary-of-be-the-star-you-are-magical-universe-of-the-ancients-masking
Dog Days, Etiquette for Runaways, Not Usual Business
September 02, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!
Our dogs watch us eat and they may be inclined to want to join the party. Use caution and knowledge when feeding your canine anything but dog food. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, romps with Rover through the garden with tips on how to create compost, dry herbs, and keep our pooches safe.
A sweeping Jazz Age tale of regret, ambition, and redemption inspired by true events, Etiquette for Runaways by debut novelist Liza Nash Taylor includes the Great Moonshine Conspiracy Trial of 1935 and Josephine Baker’s 1925 Paris debut in Le Revue Nègre.
More people are unemployed today than in the last 100 years. Businesses are taking extreme measures to ride out what is expected to be a long haul. How can we join forces to build a healthy, sustainable world?
Bio: Liza Nash Taylor
Liza Nash Taylor was a 2018 Hawthornden International Fellow and received an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts the same year. She was the 2016 winner of the San Miguel Writer’s Conference Fiction Prize. Her work has appeared in Gargoyle Magazine; Deep South, and others. ETIQUETTE FOR RUNAWAYS is her first novel. A second will follow in 2021. A native Virginian, she lives in Keswick with her husband and dogs, in an old farmhouse which serves as a setting for her novels. lizanashtaylor.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125138/dog-days-etiquette-for-runaways-not-usual-business
Dangerous Air Quality, Phone/Internet Savings, Scandal at Crystalline, Telemedicine
August 26, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
The air quality in California because of the fires is worse than in New Delhi. The concentration of the tiny particles (PM2.5) is roughly five times the daily average limit set by the EPA. Healthy people are reporting bloody noses, difficulty breathing, and headaches. Stay indoors with the windows shut and fans circulating. Poor air quality, particularly during wildfire season, is one of the most important environmental issues facing the state of California.
As with all utility bills, it’s easy to pay automatically then forget it. But you may be paying too much for too little. Review your plan at least twice yearly to make sure you are making use of current deals and your current usage.
A Scandal at Crystalline by Roslyn Reid is a darkly funny mystery novel. It reveals the sinister side of raku pottery and kicks off a series of quirky mysteries set in Maine, featuring Black private detective James Early and his teenage son Tikki.
When you make an appointment to speak with your physician by phone, tablet, or computer, the visit is called “telemedicine”. Although it’s been available for a few years, Covid-19 has made telemedicine a safer way to interact with health care providers. Will it become routine?
Bio: Author Roslyn Reid lives with her corgi, Great Pyrenees, and husband in Maine, where she gardens, lifts weights, hikes, and renovates houses. Her articles have been featured in Llewellyn’s annual almanacs for almost two decades (with reprint requests) and in publications such as Dalraida, a Celtic heritage magazine based in Scotland. She was 4th runner-up in "The Mentalist" (TV show) Writers’ 2013 InternationalPhoto/Caption Contest. In 2014, Down East, "The Magazine of Maine," ran some of her blurbs, and a local newspaper requested an article. Other writers have quoted her in such diverse stories as “What Is Derren Brown’s #Miracle?”, a Spotify short story by Jason Edge; and the Daytona News-Journal
Online’s Storify piece, “Bike Week 2016.” amazon.com/author/roslynreid
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124975/phoneinternet-savings-scandal-at-crystalline-telemedicine
California Fires, Benefits of Swimming, Eleonora and Joseph, Hot, Hot, Hot
August 19, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!
California is on Fire. PRAY for the fire fighters and everyone who is in danger. As of today, 367 fires are out of control due to the lightning strike. The farm where Cynthia Brian grew up has flames on the hill. Climate change is real and so perilous. For info on creating an emergency plan, visit https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-operation-hurricane-disaste
. Click on Preparing for an Emergency.
Want to get fit, stay cool, and have fun? Dive into a routine of swimming and you will lower stress, sleep well, and have a toned, healthy body. And you don’t have to swim for miles. Find out more.
With a historian's gift for dogged research and a writer's eye for detail, Julieta Almeida Rodrigues brings to life the trajectories of two colorful eighteenth century characters, Eleanora Fonseca Pimentel and Joseph Correia da Serra in her historical novel, Eleonora and Joseph. Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment. Lovers of historical fiction will enjoy their separate but entwined stories as they play out against the crumbling Neapolitan Republic.
August will be a sizzling month. Make sure you and your garden stay hydrated. Enjoy the fruits, vegetables, and flowers that like it hot. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian talks about summer harvests and keeping your garden alive in the heat. Stay cool and enjoy a summer afternoon of hot, hot, hot!
Bio: Julieta Almeida Rodrigues
Julieta Almeida Rodrigues’ debut novel is titled Eleonora and Joseph: Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment (New Academia Publishing). She is the author of Hora Crepuscular/Drawing Dusk/La Hora Crepuscular, The Rogue and Other Portuguese Stories, and On the Way to Red SquareNovelist Julieta Almeida Rodrigues has lived a life of broad and varied adventures that positions her well to write this story. Following the strong tradition of Portuguese female writers, she brings to her novel Eleonora and Joseph her experience of both the 1974 revolution in Portugal and her life in diplomatic circles around the world. The life of Joseph Correia da Serra has been the subject of biographies in Portuguese, while his contacts with Thomas Jefferson deserve to be explored in English. In addition, Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel’s narration from prison is a striking frame from which to foreground issues of passion, patriarchy, inequality, slavery, and struggles for female independence. https://www.julietaalmeidarodriguesauthor.com/
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124936/benefits-of-swimming-eleonora-and-joseph-hot-hot-hot
Youth Financial Literacy, The Naked Truth, Emergency Hacks
August 12, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!
Debut novel for Carrie Hayes, Naked Truth or Equality, the Forbidden Fruit is based on the little known, but true story of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman who ran for U.S. President. The challenges the U.S.A. is wrestling with today are the same challenges the country faced 150 years ago.
How can you help your kids become financially literate? The sooner you teach your children about money, budgeting, investing, and saving, the more successful they will be. Tips from Schwab introduce the value of money management from toddlers to adults.
If an emergency happens when you are outdoors, do you know what to do? Using common sense is a good first step, but sometimes what seems smart may be deadly. Cynthia Brian offers emergency hacks including how to make a tourniquet to soothing jellyfish stings.
Bio Carrie Hayes
Over the years, Carrie has tried a lot of things. She’s sold vacuum cleaners, annuities and sofas. She’s lived at the beach and lived in Europe. She’s taught school and worked in film. For a while, she was an aspiring librarian, but she fell in love and threw her life away instead. Back in the States, she started over, and met an architect who said, “Why don’t you become a kitchen designer?” So, she did. Eventually she designed interiors, too. And all that time, she was reading. What mattered was having something to read. Slowly, she realized her craving for books sprang from her need to know how things would turn out. Because in real life, you don’t know how things will turn out. But if you write it, you do. Naked Truth or Equality the Forbidden Fruit is her first book. www.carriehayes.net
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124733/youth-financial-literacy-the-naked-truth-emergency-hacks
Cast of Paramount Film, Mighty Oak and Author Jo Giese
August 05, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You
MIGHTY OAK tells the story of Gina (Janel Parrish, “Pretty Little Liars,” To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before), a band manager who struggles after losing her brother/lead singer (Levi Dylan, 12 Mighty Orphans) in a fatal car accident while traveling to a gig. A decade later, Gina meets a 10-year-old music prodigy named Oak, played by newcomer Tommy Ragen, a real-life prodigy whose music inspired the screenplay. Oak seems to possess the same qualities as Gina’s late brother, inspiring her to pull her life back together and try to reunite the band with Oak as its new front man. Directed by Sean McNamara (Soul Surfer), guests to be interviewed by Cynthia Brian include Tommy Ragen (Andrew Lloyd Webber’s School of Rock Broadway Musical), Rodney Hicks (Rent, Come From Away) Gianna Harris (Andrew Lloyd Webber’s School of Rock Broadway Musical), and Ben Milliken (Bosch, Blue Crush www.mightyoakthemovie.com
Official Trailer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ba40pACGBZ0
At a turbulent time in America, when personal connections are fleeting and shared values rare, award-winning journalist and author Jo Giese offers uplifting lessons in old-fashioned civility in her memoir, Never Sit If You Can Dance: Lessons from My Mother. The lessons are wisdom from a mother of the 20th century for a daughter in the 21st century. www.jogiese.com
Bio: Tommy Ragen
Tommy Ragen is a 12 year old musician, songwriter, producer, and actor. He has released three albums “9, Rocket, and Heart Emoji”. He played the lead role of “Oak” in the Paramount Pictures movie Mighty Oak. Mighty Oak features eight original songs co-written by Tommy and Caroline Corn. He was, also, a cast member on the First National Broadway Tour of The School Of Rock the Musical.
Bio: Rodney Hicks
Rodney is a longtime New Yorker, originally from Philly who now resides in Colorado. He is an Award winning Black Gay Male Artist. His play FLAME BROiLED had its World Premiere at Local Theater Company in Boulder, CO in the Fall of 2019. The play was awarded the 2019 Eulipions Fund on behalf of The Denver Foundation. Previous versions of his plays MS. PEARL’S CABARET and JUST PRESS SAVE were a 2019 and 2018 Semi-Finalist for the Eugene O’Neill Theater Conference.,respectively. Rodney was last seen on Broadway as Bob & Others in Come From Away; Clarence Norris in The Scottsboro Boys, Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar (2000 Revival) and the Original Cast of RENT. He currently has a supporting role in the newly released Paramount Studios film ‘Mighty Oak’ at Drive in’s and movie theaters. Rodney is a peace and love practitioner/meditator as well as a playwright and actor. www.rodneyhicks.net/ Follow on instagram: @rodneyhickshere Facebook: Rodney Hicks
Bio: Gianna Harris
Gianna Harris is a 15 year old singer, musician, actor and dancer. She plays the guitar, piano, bass and ukulele. Gianna discovered her love for performing in 2015 and as an amateur she performed at MSG during the Knicks half-time show and Apollo Theater. Gianna's professional career started in March of 2016 when she got her first big role in Andrew Lloyd Weber's School of Rock on Broadway. In 2017 she graduated from Broadway and joined the touring company of School of Rock. Her most recent role is Emma Biggs in Mighty Oak. When Gianna is not acting she is either writing and recording music, reading or riding her skateboard. Her favorite color is lavender and her favorite dessert is choc chip cookies. Gianna is a huge advocate and voice for Mental Health Awareness and LQBTQ+ Equality. Insta: @thegiannaharris
Bio: Ben Milliken
Born in Manchester, England, Ben was raised in Bilgola Beach located on Sydney's Northern Beaches. Ben, then moved to Los Angeles where we quickly began landing roles in multiple film and television projects, including Universal's "Blue Crush 2". Most recently, Ben landed a role in season 5 of Amazon's hit show “Bosch”. www.mightyoakthemovie.com
Bio: Sean McNamara
Sean Patrick McNamara is an Irish-American writer, director and producer of the break out hit “Soul Surfer” (Tri-Star Pictures). “Spare Parts” from the Wired Magazine article “La Vida Robot” (Lionsgate), “The Moon and the Sun” (Paramount Pictures), “Raise Your Voice” (New Line Cinema), “Hoovey,” “Field Of Lost Shoes” and many more Feature Films and Television shows have been Helmed and produced by Sean. He is the director of Mighty Oak. www.mightyoakthemovie.com
Bio: Jo Giese
Jo Giese is an award-winning radio journalist, author, teacher, community activist, and former TV reporter. As a special correspondent, she was part of the Peabody Award–winning team at Marketplace, the most popular business program in America. At Marketplace she won an EMMA for Exceptional Radio Story from the National Women’s Political Caucus and a GRACIE from the Foundation of American Women in Radio. She has contributed to Ira Glass’s This American Life and is the author of A Woman’s Path (St. Martin’s Press) and The Good Food Compendium (Doubleday). She has written for many top publications, including The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Vogue, the LA Weekly, European Travel & Life, BARK, Montana Outdoors, and The Malibu Times. An intrepid and enthusiastic world traveler, Jo has visited more than 50 plus countries. She lives in Southern California and Bozeman, Montana, with her husband, Ed Warren. www.jogiese.com, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjogiese/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/giesejo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jogiese7
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:
Epic Vision Zone, Telecommuting, Tick Tick
July 29, 2020
Creative Intelligence Coach and Founder of Epic Vision Zone, Jane Applegath, joins Cynthia Brian to discuss how she brings role models to her summits to inspire others to become trailblazers. Jane says that by choosing creativity, we plant the seed for a new kind of trailblazer. The more the ability to imagine solutions with novelty, the brighter our world becomes. Cynthia Brian was guest on the Epic Vision Vummit, https://vimeo.com/428857323/666eee51a8
For many months employees who used to report to company headquarters have been working from home. Will this be the new normal in this age of technology?
According to a Gallup poll, 3 in 5 workers in the US who were doing their jobs from home want to continue to work remotely. How can you convince your boss that you’ll be productive?
Do you know how to identify ticks? There are three types of ticks in the United States that bite humans. These bloodsuckers can cause serious diseases. Learn what protection to wear and how to check yourself.
Bio: Jane Applegath
Creative Intelligence Coach. Researcher. Founder- Epic Vision Zone where extraordinary role models inspire others to follow in their footsteps. In choosing creativity, we plant the seed for a new kind of trailblazer. The more the ability to imagine solutions with relevance and novelty, the brighter our world becomes.
Jane teaches creative mastery and inspire others, mostly women, to share their influence and experience on the Epic Vision Zone, an online TV show featuring women (and men) who are re-imagining and re-inventing their lives, careers and businesses. They are the creatives, the disruptors, and the courageous entrepreneurs walking fully in their Epic Life Story. It’s not where do we go from here. It’s how far do we imagine we can go from wherever we are. www.JaneApplegath.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124562/epic-vision-zone-telecommuting-tick-tick
Fatal Finale, Happiness, Garden Guardians
July 22, 2020
SAG/AFTRA member Cynthia Brian continues Wednesdays with Writers and Performers on StarStyle® giving authors, actors, artists, and entertainers who have had their live performances and events canceled due to Covid-19 a platform to shine. Find out how brilliant our world talent is right here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
Kathleen Kalb, author of A FATAL FINALE, introduces swashbuckling Gilded Age opera singer Ella Shane, best described as part Beverly Sills, part Anne of Green Gables, and part Errol Flynn, as the first book in her new historical mystery series.
Are we wired for happiness? With civil unrest combined with the pandemic, loss of jobs, travel freezes, and an uncertain future, it may be challenging to see the rainbow at the end of the storm. Research indicates that happiness is wired in our genes and we may need that joy now.
Grow a diversity of plants, eliminate pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides to attract beneficial insects, birds, spiders, reptiles, and numerous other guardians of our garden galaxy. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian provides info on the basic needs for food, habitat, water, and shelter, so that you will enjoy increased outdoor amusement while learning an appreciation of nature.
Kathleen Marple Kalb grew up in front of a microphone, and a keyboard. She’s now a weekend morning anchor at 1010 WINS New York, capping a career begun as a teenage DJ in Brookville, Pennsylvania. She worked her way up through newsrooms in Pittsburgh, Vermont and Connecticut, developing her skills and a deep and abiding distaste for snowstorms. While she wrote her first (thankfully unpublished) historical novel at age sixteen, fiction was firmly in the past until her son started kindergarten and she tried again. She, her husband the Professor, and their son the Imp, live in a Connecticut house owned by their cat. https://kathleenmarplekalb.com/
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124450/fatal-finale-happiness-garden-guardians
Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times, Embrace Abundance, After the Pandemic
July 15, 2020
Rudyard Kipling once said that words are “the most powerful drug use by mankind”—the words by author Allen Klein (aka “Mr. Jollytologist”®) in his book Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times are the prescription for a daily dose of positive inspiration you can live by in these challenging times. Words can warm our hearts and fire us up or calm us down when we are worried and stressed. Renew your spirit and find comfort in this lively conversation.
Abundance is not about acquiring a luxury house, a fancy car, expensive clothes, and a jet-set lifestyle. Abundance is about feeling that there is enough in life for everyone. The world is a place of emotional and spiritual plenty. Cynthia Brian shares The Gift of Abundance from Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference.
What will our world like post pandemic? Will we be wearing masks everywhere, fixated on cleanliness, stop going to the theatre? What will be the new normal? There is no predicting what the future holds but staying home may still be the safe zone!
BIO: Allen Klein
Allen Klein is an award-winning author and speaker who shows audience’s worldwide how to use humor and positive thinking to deal with life’s not-so-funny stuff. He is a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Applied Therapeutic Humor as well as a Toastmaster’s Communication and Leadership Award. In addition, he is also the author of 31 books including
The Healing Power of Humor, You Can’t Ruin My Day, Embracing Life After Loss, Positive Thoughts for Troubling Times, and The Lighten Up Book. And, he is a TEDx presenter on the power of intention. (http://tinyurl.com/z4hfsx5)
Comedian Jerry Lewis has said that Klein is “a noble and vital force watching over the human condition.” www.allenklein.com
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124349/positive-thoughts-for-troubling-times-embrace-abundance-after-the-pandemic
TDimage Media, Pivot for the Planet, Adjusting our Attitude
July 08, 2020
Thiago Desouza recently interviewed Cynthia Brian about designing a life on his podcast, Business Access. (https://business-access-by-tdimage.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-4-cynthia-brian?t=0m0s) The company then created three short videos for Be the Star You Are!® charity. Impressed with Thiago’s dedication and authenticty, Cynthia Brian interviews Thiago focusing on his unique company, TDimage, a digital services company that develops true partnerships with clients creating cost-efficient and effective digital, television, multi-platform media campaigns.
This year will be a year like no other highlighted by the frightening health pandemic and sorrowful civil unrest. It’s time to listen, re-evaluate, and educate ourselves. Connecting with the natural world is one prescription for finding healing and balance. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian is pivoting to her garden. What’s your planet pivot?
We have the choice of being positive or negative despite the circumstances. We can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we respond. Self-care, breathing, exercise and attitude adjustments go a long way to helping us be happier and healthier. Lifestyle coach Cynthia Brian shares a few tips to bring more balance into your daily life.
Bio: Thiago Desouza
Thiago Desouza is a CEO and Creative Director with a decade of successful experience in lifestyle and industrial marketing and production projects. Specializing in creative solutions that creates opportunity and growth for various businesses and professionals. A strong believer in the power of positive communication in the workplace, Thiago is truly focused on long term relationships with his clientele and business partners. He believes that his vast experience in video production, storytelling and academic studies in Motion Picture and Television, have developed uniqueness in providing results when it comes to his clients. Every client has their own story to tell no matter what platform it’s seen on. Thiago enjoys family time whether it’s a simple walk to a crazy adventure for new experiences. www.tdimagenow.com/
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124210/tdimage-media-pivot-for-the-planet-adjusting-our-attitude
Fox Goes Hunting, Managing Anxiety, Organizing and Decluttering
July 01, 2020
As part of our Operation Disaster Relief Outreach Program, StarStyle® continues to feature Wednesdays with Writers celebrating new authors who have had their personal appearances canceled because of Covid-19.
Wednesdays with Writers continues with Paty Jager’s newest novel, Fox Goes Hunting. While teaching a tracking class at a Search and Rescue conference in Iceland, Oregon State Trooper Gabriel Hawke discovers the body of the young man who volunteered to be tracked in a boiling mud pool.
It’s challenging to stay healthy and manage our stress especially during these very difficult times. We don’t have control and that is scary. Gain a few tips to keep up upbeat, positive, and well.
Having sheltered at home for months, many people found solace in purging, decluttering, and organizing. But in a pandemic, where do you dispose of your unwanted stuff, whether it be valuable or junk? We’ll look at ways to efficiently clean and shine as well as ways to sell, consign, or get rid of what you don’t want.
Bio: Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 44 novels, 8 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it. This is what Books a Plenty Book Reviews has to say about the Gabriel Hawke series: "The blend of nature tracking, clues, and the animals makes for a fascinating mystery that is hard to put down." Website: http://www.patyjager.net
Blog: https://writingintothesunset.net/
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/PatyJagerAuthor/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Paty-Jager/e/B002I7M0VK
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/patyjag/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patyjag
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1005334.Paty_Jager
Newsletter- Mystery: https://bit.ly/2IhmWcm
Bookbub - https://www.bookbub.com/authors/paty-jager
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124087/fox-goes-hunting-managing-anxiety-organizing-and-decluttering
The Same Moon, Mental Health with Covid-19, Polio & Covid-19
June 24, 2020
The Same Moon, Mental Health with Covid-19, Polio & Covid-19
Sometimes you have to run far, far away to find your way home.
Recently wed—and quickly divorced—twenty-four-year-old Sarah Coomber escapes the disappointments of her Minnesota life for a job teaching English in Japan. What she finds when she gets there is far from what she expected, but it just might be exactly what she needs. Cynthia Brian interviews Sarah about her memoir, The Same Moon.
Many of us have sheltered-in-place for more than three months. People are dealing with social isolation, anxiety about health, and financial worries. What have been the mental and emotional effects of living with the threat of Covid-19. Go ahead and share your sadness about what you miss. It will unburden and free you.
The media compares the Covid-19 crisis to the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918. A Time Magazine article linked it more to the the beginning of the 1916 polio epidemic that preferred the hot months of summer to inflict its havoc. A vaccine wasn’t successful for polio until 39 years later in 1955. Hopefully we don’t have to wait that long for a Covid-19 vaccine.
Bio Sarah Coomber:
Sarah Coomber grew up on the Minnesota/North Dakota border, where she was fascinated by the stories of local refugees, international students and her grandfather, who spent years in Tanzania.
She writes of her own cross-cultural adventures, including The Same Moon, her memoir of Japan. She also has shared the stories of hundreds of other people in her work as a newspaper reporter, public relations professional and science writer.
Sarah earned her MA in mass communication from the University of Minnesota and MFA in creative nonfiction from Eastern Washington University. She has taught English in Japan and writing at the college level, and currently teaches yoga, integrating prayer, meditation and movement.
Sarah lives with her husband, son and the family pets in Washington state, where the topography and climate remind her of her other hometown across the ocean. https://sarahcoomber.com/
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124085/the-same-moon-mental-health-with-covid-19-polio-and-covid-19
Aloha Shirt, Victory Gardens, Home Maintenance
June 17, 2020
Nothing says summer gathering chic and casual than wearing an aloha shirt. The precise origins are unknown, but commercial success began with celebrities wearing this Hawaiian fashion in the 1930’s. We can all use a little aloha. Wear yours today.
We are living through a frightening, complicated international crisis. If we have learned any lesson from history, it is that we can win the victory when we work together with empathy, caring, and intelligence. It’s time to plant a Victory Garden in every household, urban, suburban, and rural. Growing even a portion of our own food will help us be healthier while creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Goddess Gardener shows you a simple way to get started.
With the warmer days, it’s time for a home tune-up. What maintenance needs to be done on your house? Fix doors, windows, decks, etc? Get a list so that you can start working to improve your home for all seasons.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123916/aloha-shirt-victory-gardens-home-maintenance
LIVE SHOW 4-5pm PT: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
Saving the Light at Chartres, Reading Love, Prepping for College Admissions
June 10, 2020
Wednesdays with Writers continue with author Victor Pollak and his book, Saving the Light at Chartres: How the Great Cathedral and its Stained-Glass Treasures Were Rescued during World War II . The book describes the rescue of the cathedral’s famous stained-glass windows as the war began and the career of Welborn B. Griffith, Jr., the DSC-awarded American Army Colonel who is credited with having saved the cathedral in August 1944 a few hours before his death, a courageous man little known to Americans but honored annually by the citizens of Chartres.
A mission of Be the Star You Are!® charity is to increase literacy and encourage the love of books. What a perfect time to start a family book club and involve the kids in a pastime that will benefit them forever. Cynthia Brian provides a few tips on how to make reading fun and reads the chapter, The Gift of Reading from Be the Star You Are! for Teens.
With the impact of Covid-19, young people are confused on how the admission process will be. Counselors are confused, there are online testing glitches, and it’s challenging to plan. We have o stay optimistic and keep conducting online research to keep informed.
Bio: Victor A. Pollak, an attorney in private practice for more than thirty years, has received continuing professional recognition. He was born in Illinois to a father who had emigrated from Austria in 1938 and a mother who had grown up in Detroit as one of seven daughters of Hungarian immigrants. As a boy in the 1950s, Pollak lived for a year in Vienna with his parents, brother and sister. He graduated from Antioch College, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, and Pacific University (MFA in Writing). He has traveled widely in Europe, including France. As a lawyer in Chicago, he also co-chaired a practice group that opened American law offices in Eastern Europe, including Warsaw (1990) and Prague (1991). He divides his time between Tucson and Salt Lake City. http://victorpollak.net
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-pollak-2aa14b/
Twitter: @VictorPollak
Amazon author’s page: https://www.amazon.com/author/victorpollak
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123790/saving-the-light-at-chartres-reading-love-prepping-for-college-admissions
Embracing the Magic Within, Family Garden Activities, Preparing for a New Job
June 03, 2020
Wednesdays with Writers continues with Embracing the Magic Within, an empowering book written to remind us of the power we each behold by author Shelly Wilson. Through positivity, inspiration, words of wisdom and personal stories, Shelly aims to assist us with acknowledging this magical energy, so that we can create and truly live a life we love.
For the foreseeable future, we are all grounded, but we don’t have to endure a perpetual Groundhog Day. Expand the quality of daily living by proposing the joys of gardening and being one with nature to your children, teens, and community. Go outside, meander, and explore with gardening activities suggested by Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian.
When the pandemic ends, workers will be seeking new jobs or even new careers. Many previous jobs will now be telecommuting and digital work will be the norm. Find out what skills you can gain now to be ready for the new workforce.
BIO: Shelly Wilson is an author, intuitive medium and conscious creator who is passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness. She supports others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness. She offers private sessions, intuitive coaching, small business coaching, Reiki sessions and teaches workshops. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness, are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Journey into Consciousness: Cards of Empowerment. Shelly’s newest book, Embracing the Magic Within, and accompanying Clarity Cards are now available. www.ShellyRWilson.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123663/embracing-the-magic-within-family-garden-activities-preparing-for-a-new-job
Next Pandemic, Technology of Intention, Disharmony of Silence
May 27, 2020
Wednesdays with Writers continues to offer you just published books by authors during this Covid 19 Crisis.
After being cocooned for weeks, wearing gloves, masks, personal distancing, and feeling the fear of possible infection of Covid-19, what will we do to prepare for the next pandemic? The former CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Susan Desmond Hellmann, wrote a critical piece for the Wall Street Journal describing what to expect. Cynthia Brian reads the highlights.
Wednesdays with Writers continues with our two guests.
Kim Stanwood Terranova believes that we can all create our own destiny. We need to believe in ourselves and wake up to our inner greatness. Her book, The Technology of Intention: Activating the Power of the Universe Within You teaches the reader how to tap into this technology and unleash its power. We all have the power we’ve just forgotten how to use it. Intentions give us the pathway to consciously create our lives.
Linda Rosen spins an intriguing tale of long-held family secrets, an emotional search for identity, and a painting that may just be the key to untangling the complicated past in her book Disharmony of Silence. In her desperate quest for family, Carolyn Lee, fitness trainer and amateur photographer, is determined, against all advice, to reveal a shocking eighty-four-year-old secret that she has uncovered. It has the potential to tear lives apart, or to bring her the closeness and comfort she longs for. It all depends on how she handles it.
Bio: Kim Stanwood Terranova is a woman of passionate power who assists individuals with experiencing true inner greatness and unlimited, authentic joy. She’s the best-selling author of The Technology of Intention: Activating The Power of the Universe Within You! Kim holds a license as a Practitioner of Truth from The Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, and she has also earned a Bachelor's Degree in Spiritual Studies. For over three decades she has immersed herself in the application and practice of universal spiritual truth and wisdom. https://kimstanwoodterranova.com
Bio: Linda Rosen, writer and fitness professional, lives with her husband splitting their time between New Jersey and Florida. Her debut novel, The Disharmony of Silence, was published by Black Rose Writing in March 2020. Rosen was a contributor to Women in the Literary Landscape: A WNBA Centennial Publication for the Women's National Book Association and has had stories published in literary magazines both print and on-line. She is a member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association and the Women’s National Book Association where she is National Recording Secretary and Selections Coordinator of the Great Group Reads committee which chooses books for National Reading Group Month. Her website www.linda-rosen.com links to her blog, “The Literary Leotard.”
LISTEN LIVE: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123580/next-pandemic-technology-of-intention-disharmony-of-science
Wednesdays with Writers: Cultivating Gratitude, Last Days of Sylvia Plath, Life Of William Faulkner, Mixed Harvest
May 20, 2020
Wednesdays with Writers continues to offer you just published books by authors during this Covid 19 Crisis.
Gardening is not a hobby; it is an essential part of being. Gardening is a survival skill and an art form. This lockdown has sparked an increased appreciation for the solitude and splendor of gardening. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, helps you cultivate artful gratitude.
Two books will be discussed by author Carl Rollyson,,The Last Days of Sylvia Plath and The Life of William Faulkner. The Last Days of Sylvia Plath highlights how a writer can be shaped after their death and the subsequent fallout from posthumous literary editing. Rollyson brings together a vast range of source materials, drawing a sharp and convincing portrait of Faulkner, a great artist and family man who heroically struggled to support friends and family during the depths of the Depression in the second biography.
After millennia on earth with little impact, the inadvertent transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture happened within a few thousand years. Mixed Harvest by Rob Swigart is the story of the Sedentary Divide, the most significant event in human history. Before, humans followed their food; after, diet had abandoned wild foods by domesticating, irrevocably changing, plants and animals.
Bio: Carl Rollyson is the author of fourteen biographies for adults on subjects ranging from literature and journalism (Martha Gellhorn, Norman Mailer, and Rebecca West) to politics (Michael Foot) and the theater (Lillian Hellman). He has published four biographies for children about Marie Curie, Pablo Picasso, Thurgood Marshall, and Emily Dickinson. His biographies of Rebecca West and Amy Lowell, and his study, A Higher Form of Cannibalism? Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography, were supported by NEH Fellowships. Three of his biographies of Marilyn Monroe, Dana Andrews, and Walter Brennan are part of the Hollywood Legends series published by the University Press of Mississippi. The Last Days of Sylvia Plath and The Life of William Faulkner are his most recent publications. www.CarlRollyson.com
Bio: Rob Swigart is a genre-fluid writer with sixteen published books and almost as many unpublished, including satire, science fiction; interactive fiction; thrillers; archaeology textbook/novels, an Audible collection of short stories based on computer jargon of the 1980s, and dozens of poems. From humble beginnings as a cub reporter, he moved on to teach English in Greece, become a medic in the army, work in college textbook publishing, and go to graduate school. Then he taught, was a technical writer and journalist, designed games, spent a dozen years as a futurist, and traveled to dozens of archaeological sites in order to write about the past. Being a commercial, instrument rated pilot and SCUBA diver did little to prepare him for the apocalypse. His black belt in aikido may prove useful. Mixed Harvest recently won a gold Nautilus award. www.robswigart.com
LIVE SHOW 4-5pm PT: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123458/cultivating-gratitude-last-days-of-sylvia-plath-life-of-william-faulkner-mixed-harvest
Wednesdays with Writers: Sustainable Fashion, Mavericks, Mystics, and Misfits: Americans Against the Grain, Nature Beyond Solitude
May 13, 2020
Wednesdays with Writers continues to offer you just published books by authors during this Covid 19 Crisis.
Climate awareness has morphed into all facets of our life. Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, Renew have been “in the moment” words. Fortunately, the fashion industry is getting on board the movement as 10% of the world’s carbon emissions and 20% of the worlds’ water waste. Plus 85% of the world’s textiles end up in landfills or incinerated. How can we all be more sustainable and still be fashionable? Cynthia Brian visits her closet!
It’s Writer’s Wednesdays, and today Cynthia Brian interviews two fascinating authors:
Arthur Hoyle is a writer, educator, and independent filmmaker. His documentary films have won numerous awards and have aired on PBS. His second book, Mavericks, Mystics, and Misfits: Americans Against the Grain, takes the reader on a journey across American history through the lives of exemplary men and women whose stories capture the spirit of their time and place and reveal the American character.
John Seibert Farnsworth is a nature writer based in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. He is renown for writing about ecology from a storyteller’s perspective with a wry humor. His book, Nature Beyond Solitude, explores the communal experience of nature at five west-coast field stations during a six-month sabbatical where I assisted with their long-term ecological studies. Taking the form of field notes, the entire book was written in-situ, both from the place and the moment where the experience took place.
Bio: Arthur Hoyle is a writer, educator, and independent filmmaker. His documentary films have won numerous awards and have aired on PBS, and he received a media grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He received Bachelors and Masters Degrees in English from the University of California, Los Angeles, and taught English, coached tennis, and served as an administrator in independent schools. He currently volunteers as a naturalist in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, leading interpretive walks on Chumash Indian culture. His portrait of America, Mavericks, Mystics, and Misfits: Americans Against the Grain, was published March 24, 2020 by Sunbury Press. He lives in Pacific Palisades, California. www.arthurhoyle.com
Bio: Known for his wit and his unique perspectives on the natural world, John Seibert Farnsworth left academics to become a nature writer after 21 years in the classroom. Having studied literary natural history en route to earning his PhD, he now studies nature itself, and his approach is to write from nature rather than merely writing about it. Since being granted emeritus states from Santa Clara University in 2018, Farnsworth has authored two books, both published under the Comstock imprint of Cornell University Press. The first, Coves of Departure, narrates a decade of teaching, researching and exploring in the wilds of Baja, Mexico. His new book, Nature Beyond Solitude, provides a behind-the-scenes look at five west-coast field stations where long-term ecological studies are underway. https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501747281/nature-beyond-solitude/
LIVE SHOW 4-5pm PT: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123349/sustainable-fashion-mavericks-mystics-and-misfits-nature-beyond-solitude
Wednesdays with Writers-Jennifer Steil and Joanne Rocklin and Mother's Day Hosannas
May 06, 2020
Social distancing in this COVID19 era has been detrimental to authors. As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program, Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Wednesdays with Writers “as well as Express Yourself!™ airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, both broadcasting right here on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel to learn about these fantastic authors and books. It’s a giant read-a-thon.
Cynthia Brian interviews Jennifer Steil about her new book, Exile Music which explores an overlooked slice of World War II history, telling the story of a family of Jewish Viennese musicians who find sanctuary in Bolivia in 1939. Steil offers a beautiful meditation on the things we all hold dear - family, friendship, home.
In segment two, author Joanne Rocklin showcases her newest picture book, Good Guy, Bad Guys, about playing pretend—and the joy of trying out being “bad” or “good.” This charming picture book is a timeless celebration of imagination and make-believe, showing readers that kids can safely try out good and bad personas as they play.
What’s a hosanna? It’s whatever makes you feel special. Cynthia Brian reads a passage about her Mother from Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference as a homage to the sacrifices and dedications of Moms everywhere!
Join our party!
Bio: Jennifer Steil is an award-winning author and journalist. Her new novel, Exile Music, forthcoming from Viking on May 5, 2020, follows the lives of a family of Austrian Jewish musicians who seek refuge from the Nazis in Bolivia in 1938.
Her most recent novel, The Ambassador’s Wife (Doubleday 2015), won the 2013 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition Best Novel award. The novel has received much acclaim, notably in the Seattle Times, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, and The New York Times Book Review. Jennifer’s first book, The Woman Who Fell From the Sky (Broadway Books, 2010), a memoir about her time as editor of the Yemen Observer newspaper in Sana’a, was hailed by The New York Times, Newsweek, and the Sydney Morning Herald. https://www.jennifersteil.net/work/the-author-jennifer-f-steil
Bio: Joanne Rocklin is the author of many books for children, including The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, which won the Golden Kite Award, and Love, Penelope, which was an NCIBA Golden Poppy Book Award winner. https://joannerocklin.com/
LISTEN LIVE: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123109/wednesdays-with-writers-and-wine-wrap-jennifer-steil-joanne-rocklin-heather-brittany
Coconut Oil, Integrative Medicine with Dr. Bonnie Mclean, Wine Wednesday with Heather Brittany-Red Varietals
April 29, 2020
Is coconut oil a legendary superpower? The taste is yummy and creamy. Is it better than using butter? Learn the facts from the American Heart Association. Then use it sparingly.
The healthier we are the more we can enjoy our elder years and the more we can pass down the wisdom that each one of us has gained over our lifetimes. How can an integrative approach to medicine help us age gracefully? Dr. Bonnie McLean O.M.D., A.P., M.A., B.S.N, an award winning Doctor of Oriental Medicine is the author of Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Healthcare, and has been speaking on healthy aging for over thirty years and has the answers.
Today on Wine Wednesday, sommelier Heather Brittany explores lesser-known red varietals from around the world including Tempranillo, Barbera, and Cab Franc to name a few. Grocery stores often have aisles filled with hundreds of bottles of red wine, but why, with more than 1300 grape varietals, are those wines typically Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, or Merlot?
Bio: Bonnie McLean O.M.D., A.P., M.A., B.S.N.
A graduate of Duke University School of Nursing in 1967, Dr. McLean practiced nursing for 20 years. She received her MA in Counseling from Pepperdine University in 1976 and her Doctorate in Oriental Medicine in California in 1986. She has been in the healthcare field for over 50 years. She was awarded Top Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture in 2019 and Top Holistic Healer of the Decade 2020 by the International Association of Top Professionals, Wall Street, N.Y. She is the author of Integrative Medicine: The Return of the Soul to Healthcare. She conducts her acupuncture practice with a holistic approach ( body, mind, and spirit.) Using acupuncture as her primary tool, she also incorporates hypnosis, guided imagery, energy medicine ( Reiki, Pranic Healing, essential oils, flower essences, and homeopathy ), energy psychology ( EFT), and shamanic healing.Her specialties include stress-related disorders ( anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma ), pain issues, women's health, immunity, rejuvenation, and longevity. http://www.spiritgatemedicine.com
Integrative Medicine :thereturnofthesoultohealthcare.com
Bio: Heather Brittany grew up in a family with roots in the vineyards. Working at Danza del Sol Winery in Temecula and being a sommelier, Heather continues the family tradition of vine to wine. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42-A Mother/Daughter Brew segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
Heather also authored chapters in both books Be the Star You Are!® for Teens and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers. She lives in Southern California with her husband and barnyard of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she is a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122969/coconut-oil-integrative-medicine-with-dr-bonnie-mclean-wine-wednesday-with-heather-brittany-reds
Motivating Moments, Dallas Woodburn, HB’s Wine Wednesday Bubbles for Earth Day
April 22, 2020
What keeps you motivated? During challenging times, do you have strategic things that you do to keep going when you want to quit? Cynthia Brian will offer a few tips on how to be up when you may be down.
Cynthia Brian interviews author Dallas Woodburn about new novel, The Best Week That Never Happened. It is a love story set in Hawaii, with a dash of mystery and magic, about living each day to the fullest. Kirkus Reviews raved, "This debut novel is captivating and moving. A dazzling, emotional story of love, loss, and living in the moment.” Dallas has developed a Book Club Kit that is available for free on her website, www.dallaswoodburnauthor.com for anyone who is interested in reading the book with a group!
Wine Wednesday: It's Earth Day, so we're celebrating with the Bubbly!! Champagne, Cava, Prosecco... all the same right? Wrong! How do the bubbles get there anyway? Jump into the effervescent world of sparkling wine with sommelier, Heather Brittany. We are going to find the right bubbles for all your troubles with sommelier, Heather Brittany with a world of bubbles. Our virtual party celebrates Mother Earth!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122967/motivating-moments-dallas-woodburn-wine-wednesday-bubbles-for-earth-day
Bio: Dallas Woodburn is an author, writing coach, and "book doula" who is passionate about spreading the joys of reading and writing. Her debut YA novel, The Best Week That Never Happened, is being published by Month 9 Books this month. She has also written extensively for newspapers and magazines, hosts the popular book-lovers podcast “Overflowing Bookshelves” and leads the organization Write On! Books. Dallas lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Allyn and their one-year-old daughter Maya. www.dallaswoodburnauthor.com
Bio: Heather Brittany grew up in a family with roots in the vineyards. Working at Danza del Sol Winery in Temecula and being a sommelier, Heather continues the family tradition of vine to wine. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42-A Mother/Daughter Brew segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® Heather also authored chapters in both books Be the Star You Are!® for Teens and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers. She lives in Southern California with her husband and barnyard of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she is a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Gardening is OPEN, Wine Wednesdays with Heather Brittany
April 15, 2020
We may be mandated to stay at home but gardening is not canceled. If you have a pot or a plot, Cynthia Brian has tips to help keep you sane and safe while you enjoy blossoms, blooms, and bouquets AT HOME. We do have it in our power to begin the world anew. Listen to and abide by the mandates of the experts. We may not be able to predict the course of the virus, but we do have agency over our actions and reactions. The Goddess Gardener’s April Gardening Guide provides a plethora of ideas to keep you occupied, safe, happy, and healthy as we navigate the next month together and apart.
We won’t whine about the condition of the world, we will condition to the world of wine! Times are changing quickly, so the Mother/Daughter dynamic duo are trading in their tea-cups for wine glasses. Our “tea party” has been elevated to include more fun. Join sommelier Heather Brittany for tips and sips of our favorite beverage from the vine along with food pairing ideas. It’s Wine Wednesdays and this week we’ll take a quick sip into wine basics. Plus, Heather will share her personal fave, Sauvignon Blanc, one of the most versatile varietals! Raise Your Glass!
Bio: Heather Brittany grew up in a family with roots in the vineyards. Working at Danza del Sol Winery in Temecula and being a sommelier, Heather continues the family tradition of vine to wine. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42-A Mother/Daughter Brew segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®
She lives in Southern California with her husband and barnyard of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she is a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122873/gardening-is-open-wine-wednesdays-with-heather-brittany-sauvignon-blanc
Passover and Easter, Monet’s Garden, Protecting Parents
April 08, 2020
What is the connection between Passover and Easter? The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Both holidays are about the dead rising to new life. This week marks Passover and Holy Week culminating on Easter Sunday. Refresh your history of these commemorations.
Elder abuse and elder fraud are rampant. If you have aging relatives, it is important to watch for signs that something is amiss. Educate your parents about scams, financial issues, and caregivers. Lawmakers are taking action to fight suspicious activities.
Printemps est arrivée. A cavalcade of color has erupted in the garden. However mediocre, imperfect, untamed, and unruly, a garden is a personal masterpiece, a slice of heaven created by the person who wields the spade. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, offers an Easter gift gardening guide for April.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122213/passover-and-easter-monets-garden-protecting-parents
April Fool’s Day, Sow Spring, Beating Bullies
April 01, 2020
There will be no LIVE show today on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®! Or, will there? April Fool’s Joke? With all the fake news in the media, we are not about to add more, but we will tell you the origins of this jester holiday.
Spring has sprung and it’s time to sow seeds. What are the essentials of gardening that you’ll need to dig deeper? You’ll discover tips to designing a personal project with the help of Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
If your child is being bullied, what are the signs? Although we may not be able to control bullying, we can mitigate the inflicted damage. Find steps to help your child through the torment.
“I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day."
Og Mandino
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122207/april-fools-day-sow-spring-beating-bullies
Easing Anxiety, Procrastination, Decline of Writing Profession
March 25, 2020
Are you feeling anxious about the Covid-19 virus or any other events happening indoor life? There are steps you can take to alleviate your stress and anxiety. Breathe!
Are you a procrastinator? There could be genetic influences at work besides just not being organized or a planner. Dopamine could have something to do with procrastination.
The Author’s Guild, the nation’s largest and oldest nonprofit professional association for published writers and journalists, details the underlying social, economic and technological factors contributing to the ongoing decline of author incomes.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122434/easing-anxiety-procrastination-decline-of-writing-profession
Spring Forward, Car Theft, Medicine Makeover
March 18, 2020
Spring is on the horizon. The vernal equinox is only three days away. Other than the copious dancing daffodils, nothing spells spring more than abundant camellia blooms, the eye-catching Chinese fringe shrub, and the fragrance of both freesia and hyacinth. Garden chores performed in the fall is paying dividends now. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, walks you through the spring blossoms. www.goddessgardener.com
Has your car ever been broken into? Do you know auto theft techniques that could protect your possessions? Taking precautions will keep your car from being stolen and protect your safety.
When you open your medicine cabinet, what do you see? Over-the-counter medications can ease several everyday ailments. It is a good idea to have certain medications readily on hand. It’s also good to discard any expired pills or prescriptions. Find out what to keep and what to toss.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122405/spring-forward-car-theft-medicine-makeover
Covid-19 Update, Times Up & Actor’s Workplace Safety, CBD for Insomnia
March 11, 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) has of today declared Covid-19 a pandemic. Cynthia Brian will update listeners on the latest news from WHO and the CDC and provide the symptoms to watch for in the virus.
Times Up was born in Hollywood and the #MeToo movement has traveled the US. Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of rape and sexual assault in Manhattan with more charges pending in Los Angeles. By speaking up and out, voices are being heard and changes are being made. Cynthia Brian will talk about actors rights as well as what can be expected in the shooting workplace with the new personal safety rules for auditions as well as on set requirements. SAG/AFTRA are at the forefront of new regulations and enforcement. If you are a thespian, you deserve to know your rights. Resources and guides will be offered in this episode to protect you from harassment. Sexual Harassment Help HotLine for Women in Film: (855) 943-5463
If you are battling insomnia and you’ve tried everything, perhaps it is time to give CBD a whirl. Studies indicate that CBD is a safe and effective remedy to help sleep-deprived individuals get the zzz’s needed. (Always consult your physician before trying a new substance.)
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122114/times-up-and-actors-workplace-safety-cbd-for-insomnia
Corona Virus, Preventing Dehydration, Garden Sunshine
March 04, 2020
It’s scary. The “novel coronavirus,” or COVID-19, has proven to be a formidable. The death toll mounts as people around the world are becoming infected. Could it become a pandemic? What do you need to know?
You don’t need to feel thirsty to be dehydrated. Dehydration happens rapidly and can lead to serious problems, including stroke and even death. Learn what to do to keep yourself hydrated and healthy.
Spring is still a few weeks away, yet, in California, the hills are alive with blooms and blossoms. Enjoy the sunshine, do a rain dance, and make compost.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122042/corona-virus-preventing-dehydration-garden-sunshine
Laundry List, Senior Scams, Design Secrets
February 26, 2020
We all have to wash our clothes if we are going to go out in society. But we also have to be concerned about the environment we live in, the toxins in cleaning detergents, and other matters. Find out how to do your laundry and still survive on this planet.
Scams are ubiquitous these days for everyone, but seniors are especially targeted. The federal government is stepping in. AARP released info on the most notorious scams and the ways to avoid them.
Interior designers and building contractors have trade secrets that make our homes more livable, pleasurable, safe, and beautiful. Find out a few tips that you can incorporate in your next DIY project from Cynthia Brian, ASID.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/121730/laundry-list-senior-scams-design-secrets
Branding with Priya Florence Shah, Reframing to Positive, A Rose is a Rose
February 19, 2020
Do you know how to brand yourself or your business? Priya Florence Shah is the author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women. She publishes award-winning blogs like Naaree.com, eBooks, podcasts, online courses, and offers coaching and consulting to help her audience go from Unknown to Well-Known through her Online Branding Agency at BlogBrandz.com. Priya chats with Cynthia Brian about how we can all live our best life today.
Negativity only shows us a warped view of the world. Instead of assuming the worst, wouldn’t you love to see life through rose colored glasses? You have a choice on your reactions. Instead of being stressed, feel the bliss. Minimize your unhappiness with research driven tips from empowerment architect, Cynthia Brian.
The classic beauty of roses complements traditional and contemporary gardens. Many varieties are marvelously fragrant, repeat flowering, and easy to grow. Roses are the stars of our gardens bringing color, beauty, and pleasure year after year.
Priya Florence Shah is the award-winning publisher of Naaree.com, an author, podcaster, and one of the top Digital Marketing Experts in India. Her vision is to inspire and empower Indian women to become financially and emotionally independent.
She won the REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra Silver Award - the global civilian honours given by the international confederation of NGO (iCONGO) in partnership with the United Nations to people across the globe for relentless courage. Priya is the author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women. She publishes award-winning blogs like Naaree.com, eBooks, podcasts, online courses, and offers coaching and consulting to help her audience go from Unknown to Well-Known through her Online Branding Agency at BlogBrandz.com. Listen to her podcasts at https://www.naaree.com/podcast/. She is listed among the top Social Media Experts to follow, one of the Top Digital Marketing Experts in India to Follow in 2020, and one of the Most Followed Indian Digital Marketers. She enjoys speaking on digital marketing, emotional self-care, and remote work.
She consults to help her audience overcome their limitations, reclaim their power, achieve the freedom they deserve and live their best lives. https://www.priyashah.com
Listen at Voice America Network: Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/121640/branding-with-priya-florence-shah-reframing-to-positive-a-rose-is-a-rose
St. Valentine, Financial Literacy & Renewal, Love Grows in Gardens
February 12, 2020
Fifty-Four Countries celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14 but who was Valentine, why is he a saint, and why do we celebrate love and romance? Hearts, roses, chocolate, flowers, and jewelry are all gifts for loved ones. Want to find out more?
Did you know that a poor credit report can prevent you from getting a job, buying a car, or moving up in life? Being financially literate is critical for everyone. This segment is based on an article by Charles Schwab and offers information that everyone needs to know.
Life and love began in a garden. Love is not only in the air. Love is growing in your backyard. Discover the benefits of your personalized, organic Love Potion #9 and be blessed with the beauty and seeds of this season.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/121424/st-valentine-financial-literacy-and-renewal-love-grows-in-gardens
Start-Ups, Selling Stuff, Rat Year
February 05, 2020
Trevor Blake, author of SECRETS TO A SUCCESSFUL STARTUP, built three successful startups and sold them for more than $300 million. He talks with Cynthia Brian about his complete instruction manual that covers everything the budding entrepreneur or existing business owner needs to know to build the career or business of their dreams.
2020 is the Year of the Rat in the Chinese tradition. A Rat Year means new beginnings and renewals, a time for growth and success. Are you ready for more success, money, relationships, and advancements this year? We’ll discuss how to prepare to welcome the wealth.
Are you attempting to downsize, purge, or declutter but your kids don’t want any of your “priceless” heirlooms? Re-sale value for antiques and collectibles has fallen as younger generations are not accumulating or collecting “stuff”. Besides garbage sales, there are a few ways you can still sell your furniture and things.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/121286/start-ups-selling-stuff-rat-year
Winter Driving, Surviving Surgery, Goals and Activity
January 29, 2020
Baby, it’s cold outside! The roads are slick with rain and ice, or sometimes covered in snow. do you know how to drive in winter? By following a few driving tips, you’ll stay in your lane and be safe.
Being prepared for a major surgery can be the difference between life and death. People who get their minds and bodies ready to go under anesthesia to endure an operation have better and faster recovery rates. Find out what you can do to pump yourself up.
Do you feel stuck? It’s time to write simple goals and take small steps. It’s always better to do something, rather than nothing. Network, create a toolbox, and start daily activities, including exercise.
Cynthia Brian will share tips and tricks as your guide on the side. www.CynthiaBrian.com
Listen at Voice America Network: Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/120966/winter-driving-surviving-surgery-goals-and-activity
Clutter Remedy, Design Well-Being, Garden Trends Part 2
January 22, 2020
It is essential that we design well being into our home and work places if we want to support our physical and mental health. We live in a high tech wired world where we need to build in benefits for enhancing and encouraging longevity and healthy living.
What if everything sparks joy? In her new book, The Clutter Remedy, Marla Stone goes beyond tidying up to offer long-term strategies for staying organized and for creating spaces that reflect and suit the reader, and not some “expert’s” ideal. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com
What role will horticulture play in the cities of the future? How are frogs and mushrooms connecting people to gardening? Why are more college students entering the gardening field? Find out what the Garden Media Group has to say about landscape trends in 2020.
BIO: Marla Stone, MSW, is the owner of I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc., which provides decluttering, design, corporate training, and lifestyle coaching services. She is a former social worker and psychotherapist turned professional organizer who helps people live an ideal lifestyle by getting to the root of their mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental challenges. She lives in Orange County, California. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119384/clutter-remedy-design-well-being-garden-trends-part-2
The Angel Experiment, Mind Training, Noise Pollution
January 15, 2020
A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved Corin Grillo’s life, cured her of lifelong depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts. As Corin and Cynthia converse about her book, The Angel Experiment, you’ll discover firsthand that miracles are real, there is no such thing as coincidence, and a mighty team of angels always has your back.
It may be trendy to talk about mindfulness, but research reports that training our minds to be quiet and focused has major health and productivity benefits. The busier we are, the more critical it is to put down our gadgets and embody the practice of mindfulness.
Are you going deaf? Noise pollution is on the rise and could be the “silent” culprit for many other illnesses. Find out how to protect yourself from the environmental noise toxins that are causing stress and ruining your health.
BIO: Corin Grillo is the author of The Angel Experiment and founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy. A trained psychotherapist, angel channel, healer, and teacher, Corin has helped thousands of people all over the world go from angel-curious to angel-powered. She lives in Northern California. Visit her online at http://www.CorinGrillo.com.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119291/the-angel-experiment-mind-training-noise-pollution
Where War Ends, 2020 Garden Trends, Gratitude
January 08, 2020
After searching in a scout-sniper platoon, Tom Voss came home carrying invisible wounds of war—the memory of doing or witnessing things that went against his fundamental beliefs. Voss and his sister, Rebecca Anne Nguyen have co-authored the book, Where War Ends. They converse with Cynthia Brian about Voss’s pursuit of mediation where he discovered breathing techniques that moved him from despair to hope.
Hindsight may be 2020, but in this year of 2020, we can live healthier and happier by embracing an attitude of gratitude every day. Despite losses and challenges when we search for the good in tiny details, we can move on and find joy. Discover how you can make an attitude adjustment in 2020.
What are the coolest trends in the garden for 2020? Trends drive sales and new life into gardens. Predications indicate that the green industry will be at the forefront of urban growth and development. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian shares the treasure chest of what’s happening for this new year.
TOM VOSS served as an infantry scout in the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment’s scout-sniper platoon. While deployed in Iraq, he participated in hundreds of combat and humanitarian missions. Voss’s journey across America was captured on film by Emmy®-nominated documentary filmmaker Michael Collins. The film, which has enjoyed theatrical releases in New York and Los Angeles and been screened at dozens of film festivals nationwide, is called Almost Sunrise. In November 2017 Almost Sunrise was broadcast nationally as part of the P.O.V. documentary series on PBS, resulting in an Emmy nomination. Voss lives in Ventura, California. More information at TheMeditatingVet.com
REBECCA ANNE NGUYEN, Voss’s coauthor and sister, is an author, travel writer, award-winning screenwriter, and digital content strategist. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. www.themeditatingvet.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119382/where-war-ends-2020-garden-trends-gratitude
Happy New Year! Encore Performance with 20 years of Be the Star You Are!
January 01, 2020
On September 9, 1999, Be the Star You Are! 501 c3 charity was granted its 501 c3 status.Despite challenges, the charity has survived to serve more than 410,820 individuals and families donating more than dollar 2 million in resources to those in need. Founder and Executive Director, Cynthia Brian, retells the ups and downs of leading a small and mighty non profit. The quest for creating delicious and original cuisine and beverages is time honored. Although local wines and craft beers are always in fashion, adventurous infused spirits with herbs, fruits, berries, flowers, and berries have become the new rock stars of mixologists. It’s all about the garden garnishes! Algae blooms occur in lakes and streams in every state and toxic algae can be dangerous or even deadly. Because of rain, fertilizer run-off, pesticides, and climate change, algae growth is increasing and is becoming problematic for humans and animals. Find out how to identify when to stay away from the water.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119593/encore-20-years-of-btsya-garden-garnishes-algae-blooms
Here Comes Santa Claus!
December 25, 2019
Santa Claus is coming to town. Bells are jingling, children are giggling, and homes are decorated with lights and ornaments to welcome this bright and cheery season. Celebrate the holidays with Cynthia Brian as she rings in the joy and wonder of Christmas with personal stories, gifts of books, and even helpful hints for our furry friends Yuletide thrills. Rock around your tree, deck the halls with boughs of holly, and fa la la la la. Shop for first edition autographed books to give as gifts at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store . ’Tis the season to be jolly. It won’t be a silent night! Join our holiday party because all we want for Christmas is YOU!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:
Patience & Positive Choices for Peace, The Present, Women’s Hearts
December 18, 2019
"When the heart is at peace, the body will be healthy.”~Chinese proverb
How often does impatience impact your relationships? How many times do you make choices without thinking of the potential for negative impact on others? Why is truth so important to growing positive, constructive relationships? Thought Leader on Peace and Positive Relationships, Nola Hennessy CEO of Serenidad Consulting® and founder of The Peace Ranch® concept, explains how growing patience, being discerning in our choices and always speaking truth (using tact and diplomacy where needed) will lead us on a path to achieving peace within ourselves and being better equipped to achieve peace, trust and harmony in our relationships with others.
How often have you found yourself living for tomorrow? You say to yourself, “I’ll do this when… If you wait for tomorrow to come to find your happy place, you may just be waiting until you are six feet under. There is no tomorrow, there is only today.
The time to enjoy your life is now, in this place, at this time, wherever, whenever, and with whomever.
The number-one killer of American women, with nearly 300,000 deaths every year, is heart attacks.Angiograms may not see any blockages and doctors may declare women heart disease free. Then a heart attack occurs. Warning signs for women are different than men, Learn how to recognize and get help.
Bio: Nola Hennessy
As a successful and insightful multi-award-winning international business woman and author, Nola Hennessy is not only globally recognized for delivering outstanding results against the strongest adversity, she is enduringly passionate about teaching and inspiring her fellow human beings to live lives of positivity, compassion and love.
Nola is committed to empowering people and her global organization Serenidad Consulting® is her vehicle to affect the changes she knows the world needs.
One of Rotary International’s Inspirational Women 2011 and a USA Woman of Impact 2014, Nola leads Serenidad Consulting® in its strategic intent to facilitate positive relationships and global peace outcomes. Nola sees peace through an educator’s lens and strongly and consistently advocates for ‘prevention’ strategies and education being the real long term solution to the ongoing global conflicts and increasing levels of violence and discord. https://www.serenidadconsulting.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119041/patience-and-positive-choices-for-peace-present-womens-hearts
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
December 11, 2019
Santa Claus is coming to town. Bells are jingling, children are giggling, and homes are decorated with lights and ornaments to welcome this bright and cheery season. Celebrate the holidays with Cynthia Brian as she rings in the joy and wonder of Christmas with personal stories, gifts of books, and even helpful hints for our furry friends Yuletide thrills. Rock around your tree, deck the halls with boughs of holly, and fa la la la la. Shop for first edition autographed books to give as gifts at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store . ’Tis the season to be jolly. It won’t be a silent night! Join our holiday party because all we want for Christmas is YOU!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119198/the-most-wonderful-time-of-the-year
Camel Crazy, Skin Savvy, Aging in Place
December 04, 2019
When Christina Adams suspected that camel milk might help her son with autism, a faraway doc helped her smuggle some into the United States. Her son improved and she fell in love with camels. This interview promises a rollicking ode to “camel people” and the creatures they adore.
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and probably the one we take the most for granted. Both men and women spend millions of dollars per year on beauty products that they don’t need. How can you have beauty from the inside out? Find out how to take care of your soul and your skin!
The desire to age in place is the top driver of current design and architectural projects. What are the features that fuel universal solutions? Find out what is being done about residential wellness as well as workplace well-being.
Christina Adams, award-winning author of the memoir A Real Boy, is a journalist and speaks on autism, writing, culture, and camels. Her work has been featured by National Public Radio, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Gulf News, Dubai One, OZY, WebMD, Tata SKY TV, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, and more. Her newest book is Camel Crazy: A Quest for Miracles in the Mysterious World of Camels.She lives in Orange County, California. www.christinaadamsauthor.com.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/118836/camel-crazy-skin-savvy-aging-in-place
Garden Gratitude, Reflexology Results, Holidays with Relatives
November 27, 2019
Be grateful for your garden. Whether your plot is large, medium, or small, or even if you only showcase a potted plant in the window, you are a gardener. Keep digging. Grace and gratitude are buried in the dirt. Everyone grows with nature and Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian shares tips for a gratitude filled Thanksgiving and beyond. www.CynthiaBrian.com
You may have had a massage in your life, but have you experienced reflexology? Reflexology is a practice of applying pressure to key points on your hands and feet. By activating nerve endings we jolt our nervous and circulatory systems into a better body balance.
Do you get stressed during the holidays because of family gatherings? Many people get along great with their relatives, while some families spend their time together arguing, debating, and feeling miserable. It’s time to create a joyous connection and we’ll offer you some tips for you to be truly at home for the holidays.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/118919/garden-gratitude-reflexology-results-holidays-with-relatives
A Time to Reap, Mental Health Check-In, Home Ownership
November 20, 2019
In November, we witness a marvelous display of fall foliage as leaves on many deciduous trees turn from green to saffron to tangerine to crimson before dropping to the ground. It’s a time to reap and a time to plant as the seasons turn, turn, turn.
We all have days where we think we are losing our minds. It’s time to do a self-assessment of our stress and mental health. If you need help, it is available and needs to be sought,.
Do you desire owning a home? The average millennial respondent requires a full three years to save for a down payment, which is three months more than Gen Xers, and six months more than baby boomers. Or do you have a home and dream about a second vacation location? Food for thought when it comes to mortgages,
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/118576/a-time-to-reap-mental-health-check-in-home-ownership
Possiblities, Safety First, Garden Fire Defenses
November 13, 2019
Everything is possible. You were born to be the star you are and there are ways you can make your dreams a reality. Find out how to become the best you and shine with empowerment architect, Cynthia Brian.
Natural disasters know no boundaries. One never knows if a fire, earthquake, flood, mudslide, or other calamity is on the horizon. It’s imperative to be prepared for all emergencies. Cynthia Brian provides ways to be prepared for all emergencies to keep you safe and sound.
Autumn is a prime time to prepare your landscaping for the next season and create a defensible space around your property. A defensible space is an area around a structure that has been cleared of ignitable debris and botanicals that may cause a public safety hazard. discover how to make your landscaping fire resistant.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/118364/possiblities-safety-first-garden-fire-defenses
Partner Qualities, Vaping, Voice Optimization
November 06, 2019
What do people around the world look for in a long term mate? Although both East and West agree that kindness is king, other traits differ. What do you treasure in an intimate relationship?
In November, 2018, the FDA announced that 21% of high school students had vaped during the previous month, That number jumped to 27.5% in 2019. According to the Department of Health and Human Services 10% of 8th graders are vaping, possibly representing a gateway to the use of traditional cigarettes. What’s going on and what can be done about this potential epidemic?
Your voice can either enhance the impact of what you’re trying to say or detract from it. There are tricks you can do to train your voice. Actor and speaker, Cynthia Brian will share tips from experts in the field to assist you to improve your vocal inflection.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/118153/partner-qualities-vaping-voice-optimization
Senior Planning, Halloween with Pets & Dr. Carol, Vet Visits
October 30, 2019
When we are young we don’t want to think about our golden years. But as we age, it is a necessity to consider how our long term care and life-style will be. We will discuss housing, health, and legal tools to help sail through our senior days with ease.
This Halloween enjoy the festivities with your pets. Integrative Veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM offers a few simple safety tips for pets and their owners to help ensure fun for all while trick or treating this season.
Are you properly prepared for your veterinary visits? Since our pets can’t talk, humans need to be able to give a health history. For the welfare of your pet, it’s critical to know what vets need to know to help your furry friend.
Dr. Carol Osborne is a world-renowned integrative veterinarian, author and entrepreneur. A pioneer in anti-aging medicine and longevity research for pets, she created and patented PAAWS: Pet Anti-Aging Wellness System for dogs and cats. Dr. Carol holds both the dog and cat scientific patents. She authored international best sellers, Naturally Healthy Dogs and Naturally Healthy Cats. Currently, Dr. Osborne offers traditional veterinary care integrated with natural holistic therapies, diets and remedies for dogs and cats at the Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Dr. Carol is also a popular media personality and has been a frequent guest on FOX & Friends, The Today Show, Good Day L.A., and Discovery’s Animal Planet. She’s also been featured in USA Today, The L.A. Times, Ladies Home Journal, Woman’s World, InStyle, and the New York Daily News.
For more about Dr. Carol, visit her online at http://ChagrinFallsPetClinic.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117948/senior-planning-halloween-with-pets-vet-visits
Copy Of -Senior Planning, Halloween with Pets & Dr. Carol, Vet Visits
October 30, 2019
When we are young we don’t want to think about our golden years. But as we age, it is a necessity to consider how our long term care and life-style will be. We will discuss housing, health, and legal tools to help sail through our senior days with ease.
This Halloween enjoy the festivities with your pets. Integrative Veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM offers a few simple safety tips for pets and their owners to help ensure fun for all while trick or treating this season.
Are you properly prepared for your veterinary visits? Since our pets can’t talk, humans need to be able to give a health history. For the welfare of your pet, it’s critical to know what vets need to know to help your furry friend.
Dr. Carol Osborne is a world-renowned integrative veterinarian, author and entrepreneur. A pioneer in anti-aging medicine and longevity research for pets, she created and patented PAAWS: Pet Anti-Aging Wellness System for dogs and cats. Dr. Carol holds both the dog and cat scientific patents. She authored international best sellers, Naturally Healthy Dogs and Naturally Healthy Cats. Currently, Dr. Osborne offers traditional veterinary care integrated with natural holistic therapies, diets and remedies for dogs and cats at the Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Dr. Carol is also a popular media personality and has been a frequent guest on FOX & Friends, The Today Show, Good Day L.A., and Discovery’s Animal Planet. She’s also been featured in USA Today, The L.A. Times, Ladies Home Journal, Woman’s World, InStyle, and the New York Daily News.
For more about Dr. Carol, visit her online at http://ChagrinFallsPetClinic.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117948/senior-planning-halloween-with-pets-vet-visits
Breast Cancer Info, Greece, Back to Work
October 23, 2019
When a diagnosis of cancer is delivered, panic prevails. Some risk factors we can alter, others we can’t, but knowledge is power. Did you know that high breast density surpasses other known risk factors for developing breast cancer, such as family history or later-in-life childbirth? Facts you need to know to stay healthy.
Have you visited the birthplace of democracy? Greece is enchanting with over six thousands islands, most of which are uninhabited. The food is delicious, the people are friendly, and the mythology is fascinating.
Our gardens are winding down and so too will we. Get to work finishing your tasks this autumn in anticipation of a restful winter with the help of Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. www.cynthiabrian.com/gardening
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117904/breast-cancer-info-greece-back-to-work
Minute Evacuation, Contractor Bonding, Medical Virtual Reality, Canoe Plants
October 16, 2019
If you had one minute to evacuate your home before you would be in peril, do you know what to grab. Cynthia Brian had exactly that and although she thought she was prepared with filled emergency Go Bag, she learned some life-saving lessons in a recent fire. https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1317/One-Minute-to-Evacuate-a-personal-perspective-from-the-Oct-10-fire.html
Remodeling is stressful. When you choose a contractor, you are choosing someone who will be part of your family for a few months or longer. The relationship you build is critical to the success of your project and the happiness of your household. Learn tips to build a lasting positive bond.
Virtual reality systems are becoming the newest invaluable tools for educating patients and their families about forthcoming surgeries. The technology is primarily used for surgical planning to chart the pathways to tumors. Since most kids love video games, this new medical virtual reality is helping young patients and the applications are limitless. Get ready for healing headsets and handsets! The future is here.
Canoe plants are the superfoods of Hawaii. Taro, breadfruit, Indian mulberry, sugarcane, and sweet potato are considered sacred seeds of life. Nonprofits throughout Hawaii operate with a mission to protect and restore native Hawaiian practices and culture.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117612/contractor-bonding-medical-virtual-reality-canoe-plants
Shoe Shopping, Divorce Do’s/Don’ts, Benvenuto Butchart
October 09, 2019
Do you buy shoes for comfort or for looks? Your feet determine the mechanical fires o walking, standing, and running. If you are not wearing the proper footwear you could be doing damage to your entire body. Find out how to shop for shoes that are both stylish and sturdy.
Divorce can be ugly and painful. When children are involved, divorce can be horribly heartbreaking. For the well-being of your children, there are a few things to do and not do that will assist with a smoother transition.
If you love beauty and flowers, a visit to the Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island in British Columbia is a bucket list item. Over 55 acres of 900 species and numerous glorious gardens makes this an excursion of awakening. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, explores the gardens and shares the cornucopia of color, texture, and exotic plants that surprise and delight. www.CynthiaBrian.com/gardening
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117598/shoe-shopping-divorce-dos-or-do-nots-benvenuto-butchart
Fall Forward, Flu Shots, Fracture Fight
October 02, 2019
Autumn has arrived and with it a bounty of fruit. If you like DIY projects, Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian explains a simple way to stretch the season by using a dehydrator to make dried fruit leathers.
October sees the rise in cases of influenza. Have you had your flu shot yet? Find out why it is important to be immunized again flu and shingles.
As we age our bones become more brittle. Treatment for osteoporosis is critical to prevent future fractures. Identify bone loss at the earliest stage and take steps to strengthen your bones with exercise and supplements. It’s important to maintain good balance to fend off falls.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117363/fall-farming-flu-shots-fracture-fight
Bulletproof, Cat Sense, Rabies
September 25, 2019
First responder rates of PTSD and suicide are astronomical, and equally prevalent are depression, drug addiction, insomnia, panic attacks, anger management issues, alcoholism, divorce, and domestic violence. “This leaves the safety of our communities vulnerable since the safety and well-being of any community is critically linked to the wellness of the first responder’s mind, body, and spirit,” according to Captain Dan Willis author of Bulletproof Spirit. Cynthia Brian will converse with Captain Dan to find out what assistance and support is available.
Are you a cat lover? Does your cat share your bed? Have you ever been scratched or bitten? As much as we love these furry, cuddly creatures, it is wise to take precautions as cat bites, scratches, dander, and saliva can make you sick or even cause death. Find out about the claws and paws of kitty love so that you can enjoy a happy life with your animal friend,
Rabies is a virus transmitted through bite or scratch wounds form infected animals.Often only one to two weeks transpire between onset of signs and death. Rabies is a disease that needs to be reported to the Center for Disease Control. We’ll find how to prevent this disease through animal vaccination.
Dan Willis served as a police captain, homicide detective, wellness unit coordinator, and SWAT commander. He is a graduate of San Diego State University and the FBI National Academy. He currently instructs nationwide on trauma, PTSD, and the process of healing. He is the author of Bulletproof Spirit, The First Responder’s Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart.. He lives in San Diego, CA, and his website is www.FirstResponderWellness.com.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117087/bulletproof-cat-sense-rabies
Time Management, Crystal Healing, Selfie Dysmorphia
September 18, 2019
Do you know how to manage your time? Time management is critical to success and achievement. Learn how to prioritize your minutes and discover what is genuinely important in your life.
Have you experienced the power of crystals? Jolie DeMarco is a healer who users crystals to work through illness. In her book, High Vibe Crystal Healing, Jolie works with crystals not only for healing but for having more fun, gaining increased knowledge, living with a higher frequency, and finding your purpose. She’ll do a visual crystal reading on air. Jolie is energetic and relatable. This isn’t a woo woo segment. The tips and techniques Jolie provides will enhance your daily life.
Are you one of those people who use Snapchat or Facetune to take blemish-free selfies? Are you getting addicted to seeing your perfect face? Filtered images may contribute to poor self-esteem or even trigger body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). It’s time to take a closer look at the damage the selfies may be causing.
BIO: Jolie DeMarco is a spiritual lifestyle expert- in all things Metaphysical. She’s an inspirational speaker, author, professional grounded intuitive and renowned Crystal Healer. Some call her a “Crystal Junkie.” She is an extraordinarily gifted Clairvoyant channel, Medium, Reiki Master, and Master Meditation teacher. Jolie also owns two crystal shops in Florida where you can buy healing stones and gems. Her book is High Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts that will Rock Your World! http://crystaljunkie.com/ Jolie was a guest on Express Yourself! tune in https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117096/health-and-crystal-healing
Listen at Voice America Network Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/117163/time-management-crystal-healing-selfie-dysmorphia
Walking with Angels, Remembering 9/11, Be the Star You Are! Series
September 11, 2019
Do Angels live amongst us? Who or what are angels? do they have wings or are they caring humans and animals? Whether you believe in heavenly helpers or not, author Keith Leon could change your life for the better with his book, Walking with My Angels.
You remember where you were and what you were doing if you were alive during major events in history: the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It’s been 18 years since the Twin Towers fell and thousands of lives were lost in NYC, the Pentagon, and in the crash in Pennsylvania. We will talk about how the world has changed since this tragic disaster.
The trilogy of Be the Star You Are!® books all debuted in various years in the month of September. September 2001, September 2009, and September 2018. How did the series evolve and why are they so empowering? Author, Cynthia Brian sheds light on living, loving, laughing, and learning to make a difference. https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/books
Bio: Keith Leon S. is a multiple international best-selling author, he owns a successful publishing company and he's a speaker/trainer who's well known as, "The Book Guy." Keith authored the best-selling book, Who Do You Think You Are? Discover the Purpose of Your Life, which featured 10 people from the hit movie, The Secret. Keith has appeared on many popular radio and television broadcasts, and his work has been covered by Inc. Magazine, LA Weekly, The Huffington Post, Published Magazine and Succeed Magazine just to name a few. He has spoken at events that included Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara De Angelis, John Gray, Michael Beckwith and Marianne Williamson. He's also a talented musician who has made music with Stevie Wonder, Ben Vereen, Nancy Wilson, Keb Mo, and Carl Anderson. Keith has been led by angels since his early childhood, and now he shares his message with those who are ready and willing to hear it. One of his passions is teaching people how to go from first thought to bestseller and to create what he calls, "The World's Greatest Business Card.” https://www.walkingwithmyangelsbook.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116919/angels-remembering-911-be-the-star-you-are-series
Celebrating 20 Years of Be the Star You Are!, Garden Garnishes, Algae Blooms
September 04, 2019
The secret of life is to believe the more I ask,
the more I receive.
~Author Unknown
On September 9, 1999, Be the Star You Are! 501 c3 charity was granted its 501 c3 status. What began with a heartfelt dream of increasing positive media messages and empowering women, families, and youth through increased literacy endured challenging years with little support and less dollars. Somehow, the charity has survived and to date has served more than 410,820 individuals and families and donated more than $2 million in resources to those in need. Founder and Executive Director, Cynthia Brian, retells the ups and downs of leading a small and mighty non profit. Help us celebrate this milestone by making a tax-deductible donation to BTSYA charity. Read a volunteer's perspective on the anniversary. https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1314/Local-literacy-nonprofit-celebrates-20-years-of-service.html
The quest for creating delicious and original cuisine and beverages is time honored. If you have visited any upscale restaurants or taverns recently, you probably have witnessed the rebirth of mixology. Although local wines and craft beers are always in fashion, adventurous infused spirits with herbs, fruits, flowers, and berries have become the new rock stars. It’s all about the garden garnishes!
Algae blooms occur in lakes and streams in every state and toxic algae can be dangerous or even deadly. Because of rain, fertilizer run-off, pesticides, and climate change, algae growth is increasing and is becoming problematic for humans and animals. Find out how to identify when to stay away from the water.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116918/20-years-of-btsya-garden-garnishes-algae-blooms
Memory Sharpeners, Uncontrolled Chaos, Tech Bullying
August 28, 2019
Can you recall facts, figures, and birthdays? Do you constantly misplace your sunglasses, wallet, keys, and wallet? Maybe a few of these memory hacks from experts in the field will help.
Sometimes we crave manicured, organized, and very proper outdoor spaces. Other times it’s the chaos that controls and comforts us. Goddess Gardener welcomes the controlled chaos into our landscapes and explains how it could benefit you as well.https://www.cynthiabrian.com/gardening
We live in a tech world that has helped us in many ways, however, some of the unsavory aspects of connectivity is the way that bullying has evolved. Social media sites, including Instagram have been plagued with nasty cyberbullying. Is it time to pull the plug and go offline?
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:
Bleisure, Live Longer, Scam Hackers
August 21, 2019
When you mix business and leisure the result is bleisure! But is it a good idea to constantly be on the clock? Perhaps it is time to shut the door, unplug the phone, and actually take a vacation. Keeping work and leisure separate may be better for your health and productivity!
Would you like to live until 100 or longer? Aside from having a fatal accident, there are steps everyone can take to increase longevity Blue zone studies across the world indicate that their is a common denominator with those who live long, fun-filled lives. Cynthia Brian uncovers the threads to vitality and health.
We all think that we are too smart to be scammed or hacked. It’s time to rethink this confidence. As ridiculous as many scams sound, the hackers are growing increasingly bold, deceptive, and determined. Find out what you can do to protect yourself. Don’t talk, don’t click, don’t call the number on your screen.For more information on the types of fraudulent activities that could affect you, visit www.USA.gov.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116495/bleisure-live-longer-scam-hackers
Choosing Interior Designers, Best Friends, What’s Bugging You?
August 14, 2019
Have you thought about hiring an interior designer to help you with the design of your home or office? Do you know the difference between a designer and a decorator? Do you have a particular style that you gravitate to? Professional A.S.I.D., Cynthia Brian, will give you the questions you need to ask yourself before you jump in as well as how to find the right person for your project.
How old were you when you met your best friend or friends? Although people find friends throughout their lives, according to a large survey, age 21 was the average age when best friends connected. We’ll find out why the 20’s are a prime time to discover who your soul mates will be.
At the height of summer, mosquitoes, yellow jackets, flies and ticks are not only a nuisance, they can cause you dire health issues. Spiders are more active and ants threaten picnic with infestation. What are the less toxic controls you can use to protect yourself and your family? Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, provides strategies for detection and prevention. www.CynthiaBrian.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116496/choosing-interior-designers-best-friends-what-is-bugging-you
Anxiety and Panic Relief
August 07, 2019
According to the American Psychiatric Association, 39 percent of Americans reported higher levels of anxiety in 2018 than in 2017. Women experience double the amount of anxiety and it’s not getting better. What is anxiety and what can you do about it? This hour of power will dive into handling the stress, using natural remedies, seeking professional help, discussing mental illness, anxiety solutions without prescriptions, and ideas on how technology may help.
Everyone will experience stress or anxiety at some point in their life. Implement some of these strategies and perhaps relief will be in your future.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116252/anxiety-relief
Dermatology Tips, Picnic Party, Integrative Medicine
July 31, 2019
Do you check the largest organ on your body regularly? By noticing changes on your skin is critical to your health. Skin conditions need to be evaluated and treated by a board-certified dermatologist.
With the lovely warm weather, whether it’s throwing a blanket on the deck for an impromptu picnic or setting a stunning table for a themed get-together, dining alfresco is Cynthia Brian’s preferred approach to feeding guests. Learn how to throw a picnic or pool party that is fun, fanciful, and memorable with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Summer is the time to slow down and appreciate being outside surrounded by nature. Recipes included! https:/www.CynthiaBrian.com
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Western medicine treats illness with medications or procedures. Integrative Medicine uses a combination of approaches that include a partnership in healing of practitioner and patient.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116283/dermatology-tips-picnic-party-integrative-medicine
Hybrid Publishing, Author Incomes, Positivity Power
July 24, 2019
Have you always wanted to write a book but don’t want to self-publish? Getting an agent and finding a publisher can take years and isn’t always beneficial either. Hybrid publishing, which is an author subsided model, could be the answer.
The Author’s Guild recently released the Author Income survey which revealed that writing related incomes fell to historic lows with a median income of $6080 in 2017 which is down 42% from incomes reported in 2009. Incomes from book incomes fell even more. What does this mean for the future of book writing?
When things go wrong as the often will, you have a choice to be negative or find the power in positivity. looking on the bright side may not be your normal way of being, but embracing positivity can be learned. The ever optimistic Cynthia Brian offers tools.
The show ends with his newest release, "If I can’t Have You”
Spotify: Dylan Lloyd
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116085/singersongwriter-dylan-lloyd-hybrid-publishing-author-incomes
Apollo 11, Parks not Pills, Profitable
July 17, 2019
On July 20, 1969, Apollo’s 11’s lunar model touched down at 4:17 pm EDT. Six hours later Neil Armstrong took “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Buzz Aldrin joined him and Michale Collins waited in the skies. In the last 50 years, only 12 astronauts have walked on the moon. What did the moon landing mean to us?
Physicians throughout the ages have encouraged people to go outside more. Science supports the fact that exposure to natural stimuli, especially gardening, lowers blood pressure, bolsters immune systems, reduces the levels of stress hormones, improves our disposition, increases confidence, promotes healing, lessens inflammation, minimizes obesity problems, and decreases our dependence on pain medication. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian prescribes parks not painkillers. Read more at https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1310/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Parks-not-pills.html
Being talented isn’t enough to be successful. If you want to be profitable, you need to know how to run a business. Every business faces risks. Identifying them and taking the steps to mitigate obstacles is crucial.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/116053/apollo-11-parks-not-pills-profitable
Voice Overs with Marc Cashman, Workplace Harassment, Troubling College Admissions
July 10, 2019
Do you listen to audiobooks? What about radio and TV commercials? Have you ever wondered who are the faces behind the voices? Meet Marc Cushman, voice talent for over 40 years who is also a TV/radio commercial producer. Marc has taught undergraduate and graduate students at USC, UCLA and California Institute of the Arts, instructs voice-acting of all levels through his classes through The Cashman Cache of Voice-Acting Techniques in Los Angeles, CA. He also coaches voice actors worldwide, produces V-O demos, and writes monthly online columns for NowCasting.com and Backstage Magazine.
The talent agency for Cynthia Brian recently sent an important document concerning sexual harassment and information regarding eating disorders. In light of the egregious conduct of many powerful players in many industries, including the entertainment industry, these notices are critical pieces of information.
There are no easy solutions to the challenges of college admissions as the stress and tension among parents and teens mounts about being able to get into an appropriate institution of higher learning. Cynthia Brian relates how her alma mater’s chancellor at CAL Berkeley addresses this complicated issue.
BIO: MARC CASHMAN is one of the few people in the commercial production business on “both sides of the glass”—as an award-winning Radio and TV commercial producer, as well as a working voice actor.
Voice President of Cashman Commercials, Marc creates and produces music and copy advertising for Radio, TV and Internet, and has won over 150 advertising awards, including the prestigious CLIO, on behalf of hundreds of ad agencies and clients across the country.
Voted one of the “Best Voices of the Year” by AudioFile Magazine three times—and an Audie winner—Marc is a veteran voice actor with 40 years of studio experience in Radio, TV and Internet commercials, foreign film dubbing, animated series, video games, and over 150 audiobooks. Author of one of the best-selling books on voice acting, “V-Oh! Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques to Start and Sustain Your Voiceover Career,” Marc is currently represented by numerous talent agencies around the country.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115917/voice-overs-with-marc-cashman-workplace-harassment-troubling-co
Hyper-Local Produce, Cooties & Feelings, Swimming & Wellness
July 03, 2019
Farmer’s Markets are popping up in every small and large town around the country as people seek fresher, healthier food. The best option is to grow your own as Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian discusses the fruit frenzy happening in her orchards, but if you don’t have a garden, at least you want to eat in season. Community gardens are an option to bring people together to grow and be healthy.
Remember thinking that boys or girls had cooties? Well, kids still accuse other kids of the germs, although today they may reflect physical appearance as there is greater emphasis on body shaming. How can we help kids deal and express their feelings?
Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children ages 1-4 so a new recommendation is to start teaching toddlers to swim. If there is one plant that you should keep around it is aloe vera. It soothes sunburns, repairs wounds, and suppresses inflammation. Are you eating enough eggs? Packed with protein and healthy fats, eggs may be the perfect food.
Celebrate the 4th of July with an evening picnic while enjoying a fireworks show!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115776/hyper-local-produce-cooties-and-feelings-swimming-and-wellness
Reading for Success, Social Media Marketing, Healthy Lifestyle Trends
June 26, 2019
Not everyone knows how to read, but reading is an activity that expands your horizons, At Be the Star You Are!®, out motto is “Read, lead, succeed. To be a leader you must be a reader.” Research indicates that reading is good for you, giving your brain a workout. Obviously it helps you get and keep a good job. Most of all, reading keeps you safe. Learn more!
Want to save time? Boost productivity? Get organized?
Develop new, social-media strategies? Make your social media marketing less chaotic with a few of these suggestions.
We are halfway through 2019. Interesting health-based lifestyle trends have surfaced including everything CBD, an interest in getting more sleep, and caring for our world. Find out what else tops the list with Cynthia Brian on StarStyle® today! https://www.CynthiaBrian.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115647/reading-for-success-social-media-marketing-healthy-lifestyle-tr
Sip into Summer, Self Confidence, Apps for DIY
June 19, 2019
With a glass of vino in hand and several varietals opened on the patio, Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian and her sommelier daughter stroll through the garden to snip, crush, and crunch leaves and flowers to experience flavors in wine. Warm weather is here and it’s time to find out how to get a sip of summer. https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/gardening
We are all attracted to confident individuals. How can we become self-confident and exude this confidence to others. Self-esteem and self-confidence are different and they are learnable. Cynthia Brian will give you the tools.
If you like tackling home improvement projects, there are now apps to help you succeed. You no longer have to get out a lengthy manual and spend time reading the instructions. Check out these fun DIY apps and get your tool belt ready to rock.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115515/sip-into-summer-self-confidence-apps-for-diy
Retire to Expire, Species Extinction, Loving Spouse & Kids
June 12, 2019
Do you dream of retiring early? Do you have a plan for what you’ll do with the rest of your life? Golf, travel, and rocking chairs may not be enough. New research indicates that health problems intensify after workers qualify for retirement benefits and abate with introduced work.
One million of the earth’s 8 million plant and animal species face imminent extinction. It’s happening at a rate of tens to hundreds time the speed as the rate over the pat 10 million years. Our ecosystems and humans are threatened. What can we do?
When it comes to love, should you pay more attention to your kids or your spouse? It’s an interesting questions because you got together with your spouse for love, but then the kids came along and you love them so much. Research proves that kids are most adjusted and happiest when their parents have a great relationship. What do you think?
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115194/retire-to-expire-species-extinction-loving-spouse-and-kids
Health Now, Growing Wisdom, Buying Appliances
June 05, 2019
How can you live a long, happy life? Get healthy! Cynthia Brian poses the questions that we all ask ourselves and offers long-term solutions to everyday concerns. Want to know the best way to control your high blood pressure? Too stressed out? Should I be tested for Alzheimer’s gene? StarStyle has the answers!
Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian remarks: “Every day I learn something new in the garden, usually by the mistakes I unwittingly make.” She’ll show you that the more you rake, dig, weed, plant, sweep, and mulch, the more wisdom you will grow. https://www.cynthiabrian.com/gardening
Are you sick and tired of having to buy new appliances every few years? What happened to those washing machines that lasted forty years? Strategies to buying appliances that will give you the most bang for your buck and last the longest for the best value is the focus of this segment.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115290/health-now-growing-wisdom-buying-appliances
Sophrology, Feedback, Nature’s RX
May 29, 2019
The Life Changing Power of Sophrology is a book by Dominique Antiglio, a London-based expert in the field. Sophrology is a stress-management and self-development method based on a practice for body and mind. Sophrology uniquely blends the essence of Eastern practices like meditation and yoga with Western science like relaxation, psychology, neurology into a simple practice to build resilience, positivity and transform your daily experiences.
Giving constructive, positive feedback is a skill that is learnable. Whether you are a manager or a mother, being able to increase performance and production with helpful advice will benefit everyone.
The best possible cure for what ails you could be right outside your door. Nature calls and it is free medicine. Are prescriptions for spending more times outdoors walking in forests, parks, and growing plants the way of the future? Ask your doctor if an RX for nature is right for you and tune in for the advice that will make a difference in your health.
Dominique Antiglio is a Sophrologist specializing in stress-management, self-development, and birth preparation. Born in Switzerland, Dominique started Sophrology at fifteen years old, learning early ways to positively connect with herself and embrace a new way of living.
At twenty-five, she graduated from the renowned European School of Osteopathy in Kent obtaining her Bsc(Hons) Ost. She returned to her native hometown and ran a successful osteopathic clinic for a decade, as well as specializing in treating children and pregnant women in France and the US. At the same time, she continued her personal development journey with Sophrology and trained as a Sophrologist. Dominique gained her Masters in Caycedian Sophrology (2006), notably training with Professor Caycedo, the founder of the method. Passionate about the mind-body connection, she also explored the power of sound and obtained her Holistic Voice Diploma in 2013 in the UK.
In 2011, having witnessed so many positive changes through the power of Sophrology for herself and her clients, she moved to London and founded BeSophro, a leading Sophrology clinic in Mayfair with an online platform. Through BeSophro she supports and inspires a wide variety of clients, individually and in groups, and working with schools and in the corporate environment, enthusiastically promoting the benefits of Sophrology in the UK and beyond. Her work has notably been featured in the Guardian, the Telegraph and Psychologies magazine. In 2015, Dominique also became a mother. www.besophro.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115115/sophrology-feedback-natures-rx
Sustaining Goals, Color Your World, All Age Gardening
May 22, 2019
You’ve made it for the quarter of the year, but how can you harness your inspiration to keep on track for the long haul when it comes to your goals? Let’s make a plan and stick to it! Coach cynthia Brian helps you with the particulars.
If you want to color your world to fit your lifestyle, you only need to make a visit to the paint store. Paint is powerful. It has the potential to energize, increase appetite, calm you, and help you be more productive. Professional ASID interior designer, Cynthia Brian shares what colors will work best to express yourself.
Gardening enriches our lives in every way. We become physically stronger, mentally more acute, and definitely less stressed. Being in nature is mandatory for our pleasure and health of body, mind, and spirit. The sounds, smells, and sights of the natural world are soothing and enhance appreciation for life. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian offers tips on how to safely garden at any age. https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/garden
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/115012/sustaining-goals-color-your-world-all-age-gardening
FIRE: The New Abnormal and Rescuing Baby Animals
May 15, 2019
The loss of lives and the devastation to California forests and homes in the past couple of years has many people re-thinking global warming. There are bigger, costlier and more frequent wildfires burning in the state more than ever before. As the temperatures rise and the vegetation gets drier, California can expect a 50% increase in burning blazes. What needs to be done and how can we protect ourselves from the next inferno? Cynthia Brian fuels the debate on how to manage our forests and our landscapes.
When we find a fledgling on the ground or baby bunny alone, our instinct is to rescue it. However, normally the mother is nearby and our human intervention could signal the demise of the creature. Unless an animal has been injured, orphaned, or attacked, it is best to let nature take its course.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114983/fire-the-new-abnormal-and-rescuing-baby-animals
Design Trends, FireScaping, Cannabis 101
May 08, 2019
Trends come and go while style is what is lasts. We’ll look at what is trending now and what home design features can add value to the sale of your home.
Fires are going to be part of our future. Do you know how to landscape with a fire wise mentality? Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, shares information one Firescaping, a landscape design that reduces house and property vulnerability to wildfire. While enhancing the beauty of the property, we surround the house with plants that are less likely to ignite and create a defensible space.
It almost feels like the end of Prohibition when alcohol was finally legal. Marijuana is now mainstream. The plants is now showing up in oils, creams, candies, and more.Major companies are investing in cannabis. But what can cannabis do for you? Find out the difference between THC and CBD. Is the grass greener? You decide.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114870/design-trends-firescaping-cannabis-101
Rendezvous with the Fat Man, Taylor Swift’s Lessons, Nature’s Natives
May 01, 2019
In 1972, Jan Sherman was a beautiful 22 year old actress/stunt woman who fled the Hollywood ‘rat race’ by moving to the island of Ibiza off the coast of Spain. Her life changed forever after attending an eclectic party of expatriate artists and hippies when the hostess invited her to South America to buy and smuggle a kilo of cocaine. Talent agent and sister of Jan, Gail Sherman Jones unveils her new book, Rendezvous with the Fat Man, about the true saga of her sister’s double life. www.talentplusloslatinos.com
Music megastar, Taylor Swift, turns thirty this year and shares thoughts on lessons she’s learned. She says 2019 is the year for sharing and caring.
More than 18,000 plant species are native to the United States and approximately 6000 species are endemic to California. Natives are drought tolerant and wildlife attractors bringing songbirds, lizards, salamanders, butterflies, frogs, hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators into the landscape. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian guides us through a native garden. www.CynthiaBrian.com
Bio:Gail Sherman Jones is Owner-Director of Talent+Plus/Los Latinos Talent Agency, the oldest talent agency in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1981. She represents actors/models for TV commercials, videos, print work, movies, & TV series. Previously, she taught Spanish & social studies for 12 years at a middle school in the Latino barrio of East San Jose, CA. RENDEZVOUS WITH THE FAT MAN is her first book initiated by the death of her sister Jan in 2013. Gail discovered Jan’s unpublished manuscript in her estate exposing her secret double life as a cocaine smuggler from 1972-1980. Jan made 11 trips to South America, scoring 7 kilos of coke, netting over $500,000 ($2 million today). Gail’s screenplay of the book is being considered for a film by a major production company in LA. www.talentplusloslatinos.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114587/rendezvous-with-the-fat-man-taylor-swifts-lessons-natures-nat
The Gratitude Formula, Helping Kids Fail, Be a Great Boss, The Gift of Gratitude
April 24, 2019
In The Gratitude Formula, McCarthy offers a definable, practical system that you can put to use every day to achieve success in your relationships, career, finances, health, personal pursuits, spiritual growth, and virtually any other aspect of your life. www.maymccarthy.com
It may be easy to be a helicopter parent but the example you set for your children is negative. Instead of raising confident children, you breed risk averse adults. Learn to teach your children that figure is part of life. The secret is learning to be resilient.
Thanksgiving doesn’t only come once a year in November. Creating a habit of grateful living is a daily ritual with compounding benefits. Cynthia Brian offers tips for gratitude actions from her new book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. http://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Bio- Since 1982, May McCarthy has helped to start and grow six successful companies as large as $100 million in annual revenues. She is a best-selling author, speaker, university lecturer and angel investor. She serves on business, philanthropic, arts and university boards. May has become successful by implementing spiritual principles into her ventures, and it is her passion to pass her knowledge on to others. She is the author of the best-selling book The Path to Wealth and her newest title, The Gratitude Formula: A 7-Step Success System to Create a Life That You Love www.maymccarthy.com
Listen at Voice america Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114334/the-gratitude-formula-helping-kids-fail-be-a-great-boss-the-gi
Being a Great Boss, Modern Slavery, Supplement Scams
April 17, 2019
If you want to be a better boss, we have the qualities, habits, and policies that you’ll want to emulate and incorporate into your work culture. If you are seeking a new job and want to be successful and happy, it will behoove you to seek a great boss by looking for these signs.
The horrors of slavery that transpired during the 350 years of the transatlantic slave trade may seem like past history, but the reality is that according to the United Nation’s International Labor Organization more than three times as many humans are being bought and sold today. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar business. How can we put a stop to modern slavery? How can we stop the exploitation?
That bottle of pills that has been touted as curing everything from insomnia to anxiety but be nothing but snake oil. The FDA can’t patrol the $43 billion domestic sales of every supplement so it may be time to get some extra information.
Be empowered with books by Cynthia Brian: http://www.cynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114433/being-a-great-boss-modern-slavery-supplement-scams
New Castle Disease and School Scandals
April 10, 2019
A highly contagious and deadly bird virus, the dreaded Virulent Newcastle Disease has moved north from Southern California. Most infections have occurred among chickens raised at homes on the outskirts of urban areas, where former farms and stables have become incorporated into cities but still have dense pockets of animals.Because of the threat to the state’s $2.5-billion poultry industry, poultry owners are prohibited from moving birds in all of Los Angeles County, as well as large areas of San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
The college admission scandal has rocked the world for students who are working hard to attend institutions of higher learning. It is admirable that parents encourage their children to succeed but deplorable when some parents buy prestige. Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian will deconstruct the recent university scams providing a mother/daughter viewpoint. Read more at http://www.StarStyleRadio.com
Heather Brittany Bio
After earning a triple major in Communications, English, and Women’s Studies, Heather Brittany became a Reproductive Health Assistant, Certified Bar instructor, and active supporter of women’s rights. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42 segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® As a Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA member, Heather votes in the annual SAG awards. She lives in Southern California with her beloved husband, dog, and a brood of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she has recently become a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114382/new-castle-disease-and-school-scandals
Power of Positivity, Garden Neighbors, Pet Fostering
April 03, 2019
It takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Although being a positive person may not come naturally, it is a skill that can be learned. Shifting your glass from half empty to half full offers health benefits and happier days. Empowerment Architect Cynthia Brian will give you the tools to less wrinkles with more positivity.
Good neighbors help a household feel protected, happy, and balanced. Companion plantings in gardens serve the same purpose. Learn how to make your landscape more compatible for a more beautiful, flourishing environment.
If you are an animal lover but can’t keep a pet long term, perhaps signing up to be a foster pet parent is the answer. Volunteer to foster an animal that suits your lifestyle and your timetable. Pick up copies of the book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener from http://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store and receive lots of free goodies, including seeds.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/114051/power-of-positivity-garden-neighbors-pet-fostering
Traveling Alone, Women’s Health…Period
March 27, 2019
Traveling alone can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Even though most popular destinations are safe, it is wise to take precautions no matter where you are. It’s not all about getting your wallet nabbed. Dangers and challenges can be avoided by following a few simple tips.
“I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar,” Rayka Zehtabchi exclaimed in her acceptance speech. Menstrual equity—the fight to ensure that people who get their periods have access to the products and support they need—is a hard fight. Reproductive Health specialist, Cynthia Brittany, and women’s advocate Cynthia Brian tackle this touchy topic. As Rayka said: “A period should end a sentence, not a girls education.” Period!
Heather Brittany Bio
After earning a triple major in Communications, English, and Women’s Studies, Heather Brittany became a Reproductive Health Assistant, Certified Bar instructor, and active supporter of women’s rights. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42 segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® As a Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA member, Heather votes in the annual SAG awards. She lives in Southern California with her beloved husband, dog, and a brood of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she has recently become a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113717/traveling-alone-womens-health-period
Awaken Spring, Solo, Flex Time
March 20, 2019
Hello Spring! As if on cue, terra firma has erupted in a procession of power plants. As the soil warms and the daylight hours grow longer, it is time to prepare your garden for seeding by weeding, hoeing, and adding rich soil. Find out what’s happening this season with author of Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. http://wwwCynthiaBrian.com
Do you know the difference between loneliness and being alone? There are proven benefits to spending time by yourself. Taking moments of solitude will enhance and increase your creativity and restore your well-being. Learn how to be by yourself and thrive.
Workers of today covet more flexible time to spend with their families or perform other tasks. But what if your nine-to-five doesn’t allow for a flexible schedule? We’ll look at ways you can convince your boss that you’ll be a fabulous employee no matter where you are.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113569/awaken-spring-solo-flex-time
Petal Power, Nanny Cams, Virtual Doctor
March 13, 2019
Spring is just around the corner, making this a great time to start thinking about sprucing up your garden. With just a little effort, you can make your entire property bloom! Even if you think you don’t have a green thumb, try these quick and affordable gardening tips with easy ideas to suit every budget.
Sitter cams are personal surveillance cameras that are either hidden or installed in plain sight to record a nanny or baby sitter’s activities on the job. Is it a useful tool or is it a relationship buster? Florence Ann Romano, The Windy City Nanny joins Cynthia Brian to discuss the issue and her children’s book, Nanny and Me, a sweet, educational story that helps families introduce a new caregiver to their home.
Can you be diagnosed accurately with a virtual physician? What about virtual psychiatry? With secure video connections, expert help can be just a few clicks away. For children with depression, a virtual appointment could release the tension sooner.
Bio: Florence Ann Romano, The Windy City Nanny™ (www.WindyCityNanny.com), is a dedicated philanthropist and former nanny who has always had a special place in her heart for children. Romano worked for over 15 years as a nanny, beginning as a ‘Mommy’s helper’ at the age of 11. She shares her experiences in Nanny and Me (Mascot Books, May 2015), her beautifully illustrated debut book for children making the transition from being cared for solely by their parents to having a nanny in their home.
Born and raised just outside of Chicago, Romano earned a degree in performance theatre at Bradley University in Peoria, IL. She is the CEO and Owner of Kindred Content - a full service video production company based in Chicago. She has served as President and Founder of a nonprofit board dedicated to autism awareness and now serves on the Executive Board of the Children's Research Fund at Lurie's Children's Hospital.
Listen Live at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113812/petal-power-nanny-cams-virtual-doctor
Mentor Milestones, Get Moving, Be Happy
March 06, 2019
When you need advice, do you know where to turn? Do you have mentors that can steer you in the right direction? There’s no one size fits all coach, so start creating a team of advisors that can be mutually beneficial. From strategy to growing pains, stay on topic and keep the questions to fifteen minutes or less.
When it comes to exercising, many people believe if they don’t hit the gym they are failing. The reality is that all physical movement counts. Whether it is a walk around the block, carrying groceries, or dancing the samba, every little bit will improve health. Explore alternative ways to get moving with Cynthia Brian.
Bobby McFerrin sang, “Don’t worry. Be happy!” The pursuit of happiness is being scientifically studied with fascinating results. Research indicates that 50% of our happiness is determined by genetics, 10% by our circumstances, and 40% by our personal choices. We can choose to be happy and being generous and grateful are ways to be happier.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113228/mentor-milestones-get-moving-be-happy
Real World Lessons, Bounce Back, Pass the Mustard
February 27, 2019
Have you ever received an email from a stranger with information that you felt compelled to share? Hear real world lessons imparted in an email with strategies that are not taught in school.
Resilient people are happier people and less likely to develop PTSD, depression, and anxiety, Being able to bounce back after an injury, surgery, or difficult challenge is the realm of optimists. When life is cruel, find out how you can learn this skill from coach Cynthia Brian.
Mustard greens are known for their peppery flavor when raw and milder taste when cooked. Fields of yellow mustard blanket vineyards and orchards providing a cover crop. The plant’s seeds are what goes into the “grep poupon”. The leaves have the same amount of fiber and iron as kale. Discover what other superfoods you can be growing in the winter. http;//www.cynthiaBrian.com
Listen at Voice America Network Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113226/real-world-lessons-bounce-back-pass-the-mustard
Mindful Leader, Retire by Fire, Reaping What You Sow
February 20, 2019
A practice is a combination of an intention, an aspiration, and an action. Grounded in the depth and simplicity of his experience of leading a Zen monastery kitchen, Marc Lesser unpacks the richness of mindfulness in his book, Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader. With success stories, exercises, experiments, and activities, we’ll be able to implement the seven practices into our daily lives.
An exploding community of people are increasing their finances by frugal living as they save and invest with the goal of early retirement. This movement is called F.I.R.E. which stands for “financial independence, retire early.” Money is connected to the quality of life. Are you ready to fuel your fire?
As gardeners, we know we need to be careful what we plant now because it will determine what we will reap tomorrow. Your garden needs to be a reflection of you. What are you drawn to? Let your eyes, heart, and knowledge of your specific soil and micro-climate make the decisions. Buy healthy seeds, plants, and trees and trees from reputable retailers. Remember you will reap what you sow!
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113214/mindful-leader-retire-by-fire-reaping-what-you-sow
Bio: Marc Lesser is a CEO, Zen teacher, author, and leads trainings and talks worldwide. He has led mindfulness and emotional intelligence programs at many of the world’s leading businesses and organizations including Google, SAP, Genentech, and Kaiser. He is currently CEO of ZBA Associates, a company providing mindfulness-based leadership trainings and creating community by supporting ongoing groups. Previously, he served as CEO and co-founder of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, whose core programs he helped develop within Google. Marc was a resident of the San Francisco Zen Center for 10 years and former director of Tassajara, Zen Mountain Center. He currently leads Mill Valley Zen, a weekly meditation group. Marc has an MBA degree from New York University and is the author of Less: Accomplishing More By Doing Less and Know Yourself, Forget Yourself. More information at MarcLesser.net.
Joy of Eating, Calling Cupid
February 13, 2019
If you have dieted forever and yet keep losing then regaining weight, maybe it is time to look at food as your best friend. Start enjoying what you eat and stop depriving yourself. Intuitive eating is not a new fad, but it is a way of bringing more joy into your life while being in charge of the body you were born with.
Cupid shoots his bow on February 14th as we celebrate the day of love. Who was Cupid and why do we associate him with love? Find out Valentine trivia and interesting lore when Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian raise a toast or two for Valentine’s Day. Who is your special arrow aiming for?
Listen at Voice america Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/113185/joy-of-eating-calling-cupid
Rose Care, Wow Mom, Virtual Reality
February 06, 2019
If you have a passion for roses, you’ll enjoy a quick guide to planting and caring for roses with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. You will learn the what, when, where, and why of cultivating the very best beautiful bloomers.
Get ready to smell the roses.
“Becoming a Godly mother is the most important journey you will ever take”, writes Ellen Mongan, who has walked down the road of motherhood for over four decades. This journey birthed her ministry. Ellen is a woman of wisdom, teaching the younger generation how to navigate their own unique path of motherhood. Her book, Wow Mom is a bible study originating from her experience in raising her family. She also wrote the chapter, The Gift of Wings, in the book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World .
Virtual Reality or VR is a technology that has been promised for decades and has finally arrived for regular consumers. Is it still a parlor game, Hollywood entertainment, or will its main purpose be used for health and wellness? Will humans develop an emotional bon between ourselves and our avatars? Virtual reality is coming and we hope it will be used for positivity.
BIO: Ellen Mongan is a Christian writer and motivational speaker. Her first book is WOW MOM!.She is one of the hosts of WOW podcasts. Ellen writes a monthly column for the Augusta Chronicle Newspaper. She is a blogger for Catholic Mom, Women of Grace and Elizabeth Ministry International. She is the Founder of Little Pink Ministry. She speaks on radio and television as the Titus II Crew. As a contributor to Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, Ellen wrote the Gift of Wings. Ellen Mongan is the wife of Deacon Patrick Mongan M.D. They have seven children, four son in laws, a baby in heaven and thirteen grandchildren. The vocation of wife and mother led her to her ministry, the most important role of all. www.littlepinkdressministry.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/112424/rose-care-wow-mom-virtual-reality
Health at Your Fingertips with Deborah Myers Wellness; Taming Teens;Why Garden?
January 30, 2019
Do you want to feel stronger, healthier, and more vital? Founder and Director of Health at Your Fingertips, Deborah Myers, is passionate about empowering others to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Deborah helps audiences reduce stress, relieve pain, and begin healing through the use of energy balancing techniques of acupressure and Jin Shin Jyutsu. Deborah will share her techniques for boosting energy, creativity, and productivity and introduce her animated video, the Daily Clean Your House Flow. www.deborahmyerswellness.com
Is your young teen moody and emotional? Hormonal changes peak in early adolescence. Parents can help by focusing on what matters most to teens. It’s important to be aware of the signs of serious issues and just normal teen mood swings. Learn a few strategies to modulate the mood for better coping skills.
Do you find the marvelous in nature? Why do you garden? In Growing with the Goddess Gardener, you’ll discover how a warm summer resides within our souls even in the depths of a frozen winter. www.cynthiabrian.com/books
Deborah Myers’ Biography
Deborah Myers empowers wellness, transforming stress and pain into balance and health. Health at your fingertips comes alive in her programs and workshops for the classroom and workplace.
Deborah is an Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and has been in private practice for over 20 years. She is founder and director of Deborah Myers Wellness and Health at Your Fingertips.
She is the author of the Easy Self-Help Acupressure Book Series and the creator of the Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video, a program that allows people of all ages to enjoy more stress-free and productive lives. Her video is an easy way for children to discover less stress, increased focus and improved performance at school, at home and in all extra-curricular activities.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:
Goodbye Sears, Free Time for Kids, Don’t Quit, The Gifts of Longevity and Nature!
January 22, 2019
Sears, the 125-year-old department store that represented value to Middle America has filed for bankruptcy. Its demise is a sad reflection on what’s happening in the retail world. Cynthia Brian reflects on what Sears meant to her as a child.
The impact of over-scheduling your child can have dire effects on development. While extracurricular activities offer enrichment and a healthy alternative to video games, kids need idle time to just be imaginative. Avoid the over-scheduling trap with a few ideas from Cynthia Brian.
Do you ever feel like quitting when things start to get tough? Don’t! Stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit. It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Cynthia Brian’s reads the chapters on Longevity and Nature from her newest book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. Learn tips to live to a ripe old age while helping the planet survive. www.cynthiabrian.com/books
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/112204/goodbye-sears-free-time-for-kids-dont-quit-the-gifts-of-long
Nature RX, Appreciation, Cuba Libre
January 15, 2019
Studies have shown that the benefits of spending time outdoors are huge. You’ll relax, get physical exercise, improve your mental health, and interact with other nature lovers as you breathe in fresh air. Cynthia Brian gives you a prescription for wellness by nudging you outside.
Are you one of those people whose glass is always half empty? Do you look at the bad things more than the good? It’s time to start appreciating your blessings and incorporate gratitude into your daily life. The perks are big and we’ll help you attain them. Read Be the Star You Are! books for more info on bringing gratitude into your life. http://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Did you know that poinsettias grow into trees? Or that mother’s tongue, also known as snake plant, is an excellent fence barrier? Without a thought from whence a plant derives, most of us buy our indoor plants at nurseries, grocery stores, and big-box centers. Cynthia Brian hikes through the rainforests, parks, and waterways reporting on the flora and fauna of this island that Christopher Columbus exclaimed was “the most beautiful land that human eyes had ever seen.”
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/111065/nature-rx-appreciation-cuba-libre
Success Secrets, Lydia Singer’s New Hit, Anxiety Relief, Telling the Truth
January 09, 2019
Do you know how to turn your dreams and goals into reality? It’s time to clean the cerebral clutter and tap into a mindful way of being. Cynthia Brian will bring you strategies by top successperts and help you recall your roots.
Between segments, Cynthia Brian introduces the American debut of English Popstar, Lydia Singer’s newest release, Never Said! Get ready to fall in love. with this teen’s voice. www.lydiasinger.com
Anxiety threatens our peace of mind spontaneity, enjoyment, and health. It can interfere with relationships and work experiences. Learn to manage and overcome anxiety by taking charge of the situation and developing a relaxation response.
You will always succeed when you tell the truth. You’ll earn a reputation as someone who can be trusted. You’ll have fewer conflicts. Find out the benefits of honesty without hesitation. Get tips from the chapter, The Gift of Honesty from Cynthia Brian’s award-winning book, Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference available at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store
Listen at voice America Network, Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/111104/success-secrets-lydia-singers-new-hit-anxiety-relief-telling
New Year Encouragement, Smart Ass, Garden Trends
January 02, 2019
The years seem to fly by and here we are with another one at our doorstep. Cynthia Brian offers quips and tips from several of her favorite sources to bring you a year filled with joy and fulfillment of your dreams, goals, and desires.
Sports car? Italian villa? Inappropriate love interest? Not for author Margaret Winslow, an overworked college professor in New York City. She met midlife aging not head-on, but ass-on, fulfilling a childhood curiosity about donkeys by answering a for-sale ad for a “Large White Saddle Donkey” in the American Donkey and Mule Society’s magazine, The Brayer. Her midlife decision to adopt Caleb, a 700-pound white Andalusian donkey, upended her life — and her understanding of herself. Her book is Smart Ass.
In 2019 we shift our focus from ME to SHE, as in Mother Nature. The report examines the intrinsic connection we have with nature and how we are banding together to save the planet. We will begin to develop a healthier relationship with technology, get outside and back in touch with our roots. Cynthia Brian shares the trends for 2019 by the Garden Media Group.
Margaret Winslow is a field geologist with over thirty years experience in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Her fascination with donkeys in rural areas evolved into a quest to fulfill a long-forgotten childhood dream of owning one. She holds a Ph.D. in geological sciences from Columbia University. Her National Geographic–funded fieldwork on earthquake hazards and archaeological settlement patterns in Alaska and Chile are featured in the award-winning PBS series “Fire on the Rim.” She is professor emerita of earth sciences at the City College of New York and resides in the lower Hudson Valley. Her donkey, Caleb, boards nearby with fifty horses and ponies, where he continues to steal the show every day. During the holiday season Winslow is frequently asked, “Could my church borrow your donkey for a nativity show?” More information at www.MargaretWinslow.com
Caleb is much in demand and is a huge draw at local charity horse shows and races, as well as churches and libraries. He receives typing assistance from his owner and can be reached through www.MargaretWinslow.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/111081/new-year-encouragement-smart-ass-garden-trends
Cynthia Brian and Libby Gill Reflect on Leadership and Hope
December 26, 2018
Leadership skills are not innate. They are built. Although it may seem that some people are born leaders, even the most confident learned how to lead from someone, somewhere. It takes time, effort, and dedication to develop these skills.
Author of The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work, Libby Gill has found a totally fresh perspective on the topic of leadership: hope. Zeroing in on what she sees as the defining issue of creating a more purposeful and productive workplace, Endorsed by Marshall Goldsmith and Stephen M. R. Covey, Libby explores how the science of hope theory and how it applies to the workplace. Libby and Cynthia Brian will discuss Libby’s 30+ years leading, managing, and motivating people in corporate and entrepreneurial worlds around the globe.
Cynthia Brian will read The Gift of Leadership by Young Joo Choo from the newly released book Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers and The Gift of Leadership from the first book in the trilogy, Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts.
Read, lead, succeed!
BIO: Libby Gill
After a successful career at media giants Universal, Sony and Turner Broadcasting, Libby left the corporate world to found executive coaching and leadership consulting firm Libby Gill & Company. Her clients include Capital One, Cisco, Disney; EY; Honda, Kellogg’s; Medtronic, Microsoft; Warner Bros., and many more. Libby has appeared on numerous news outlets, including The Today Show, CNN, and in Time Magazine, The New York Times and BusinessWeek. Libby is the author of five books, including the award-winning You Unstuck and Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow. Libby’s latest book is The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work. www.Libbygill.com
Listen at Voice America Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/112285/encore-leadership-learning-with-the-hope-driven-leader-libby-gill
Cuban Adventure, Brain Buzz, Making Scents
December 19, 2018
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
When you hear the word “Cuba”, what do you think? Bay of Pigs, Fidel Castro, Revolution, Cigars, Mafia, Christopher Columbus, Hemingway, pirates? Cynthia Brian has just returned from this largest island in the Caribbean on a Support the Cuban People cultural experience and found a rich culture steeped in history with European, African, and Asian influences. From UNESCO World Heritage sites to celebrating Cuban music, Cynthia and her new friend from the Cuban adventure, Paul Devaney, bring you along as they reminisce about participating in the daily life of the charming people, hiking and horseback riding through the mountain forests, enjoying delicious dishes, photographing breathtaking flora, and kayaking, swimming, and snorkeling in the crystal aqua seas.
Want to learn a few simple tricks to keep your brain healthier? If even one of the tips resonates with you, your brain will benefit and so will your overall wellness.
Freshen the air in your home with a calming aroma. Cynthia Brian explains how to make potpourri, homemade incense, and other fragrant packages with flowers and herbs from your garden.
Guest Bio: Paul Devaney
Paul Devaney, a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and Black Belt in Aikido and an FAA Certified Flight Instructor recently retired after twenty-five years working with the postal service. He teaches an informal martial art fitness class 5-6 times a month and is a daily practitioner of S.A.V.E.R.S. "Win the morning seize the day" He's been married for over 30 years to his beautiful wife, Cleo and has twin daughters who both work in breweries on opposite coasts. Besides traveling, he is considering playing guitar more, writing a novel, and learning a foreign language or two!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/111070/cuban-adventure-brain-buzz-making-scents
See photos at Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2018/12/11/cuban-adventure-brain-buzz-making-scents/
Grow Grass, Women and Wages
December 12, 2018
Most Americans love their grass and we’re talking the variety that is called lawns. If you want to know how to seed, re-seed, and grow a lush, luxurious lawn, Cynthia Brian will offer the tips for success.
By now you have heard of the million-dollar disparity in wages for two stars reshooting some scenes for a major film. The male received $1.5 million while the Oscar nominated female received a per diem of approximately $80 per day. The time is now for equal pay for equal work. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany debate the freedom and peace that comes when both sexes are treated with dignity and equality.
Guest Bio:
Heather Brittany is a certified Bar Method instructor with degrees in English, Communications, and Women's Health. She has worked as a reproductive assistant at Planned Parenthood and is very keen on helping men and women stay healthy and informed. Heather is currently working in the wine industry and touts the wellness benefits of a daily glass of vino.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/110208/grow-grass-women-and-wages
Clarity, Security Systems, Letters to Loved Ones
December 05, 2018
How do you define success for yourself? Do you keep that purpose and definition of success in mind as you make life and career decisions? Are you taking actions that will help you become the star you want to be and are capable of becoming? Dr. Bud Bilanich contributed the Gift of Clarity to the third book in the Be the Star You Are! series, e the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. As a leadership consultant and best selling author, he knows how to help us have clarity and determination to succeed.
In a turbulent world do you worry about the safety of your family in your own neighborhood? Do you have a security system installed? Home security systems are now affordable and easy to install. Find out how you can have peace of mind for less than a dollar a day.
Do you have regrets? Has a friend or loved one died and you feel that you never really shared your true sentiments? Before you die, wouldn’t be great to let the important people in your life know that you love them, forgive them, and are proud of them? Cynthia Brian will offer thoughts on how you can write a letter as an abiding gift.
Dr. Bud Bilanich is a leadership consultant, career success coach, motivational speaker, bestselling author, and influential blogger. He is Harvard educated, but has a no-nonsense approach to his work to goes back to his roots in the steel country of Western Pennsylvania. His approach to career and life success is a result of over 40 years of business experience, 20 years of research and study of successful people and the application of common sense. Bud received an EdD (Doctor of Education) with a concentration in Organizational Behavior and Intervention from Harvard University, an MA in Communication from the University of Colorado and a BS in Human Development from Penn State. Bud is a cancer survivor and lives in Denver Colorado with his wife Cathy. He is a retired rugby player, and an avid cyclist. He enjoys independent film, live theatre, and crime fiction.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/110585/clarity-security-systems-holidays-in-the-garden
Feng Shui with Master Denise Liotta Dennis and Gratitude
November 28, 2018
Would you like to enjoy exceptional romance, relationships, wealth, abundance, and happiness while keeping away tragedies? Learning about the science of Classical Feng Shui could be your golden ticket to prosperity and passion. Author and Feng Shui Master Denise Liotta Dennis sheds light on this ancient wisdom of harnessing the power of energy. Denise discusses her newest book, Hollywood’s Fatal Feng Shui, An In-Depth Examination of 10 Celebrity Homes with a Tragic History, which illustrates how when basic tenets of Feng Shui are violated disaster and death are manifested.
Cynthia Brian cultivates gratitude while encouraging us to appreciate the small wonders of living, especially the miracles of nature. When we face the day with gratitude, science indicates that we’ll be happier and healthier!
BIO: Denise A. Liotta-Dennis
Feng Shui Master, International Author, Teacher, and Speaker
She’s known as the “fast-talkin’ Texan”—an interesting and delightful oxymoron—Denise A. Liotta-Dennis is the founder and president of Dragon-Gate Feng Shui (DGFS), LLC an international consulting and development firm, specializing in authentic Feng Shui site selection, planning, design, audits, and assessments for commercial and residential real estate and construction projects. In 2006, Denise founded The American College of Classical Feng Shui, the training arm of Dragon-Gate, a premier platform to learn Classical Feng Shui. Denise has studied with four noted Feng Shui Masters from China, Malaysia and Australia
Denise has six in-depth books on Classical Feng Shui addressing the most popular systems of Eight Mansions and Flying Stars. The books are sold in fine book stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. Denise has more than twenty-five years experience working in interior design, including residential and commercial projects.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/110713/encore-hollywood-and-feng-shui-cultivating-gratitude
Rescuing Ladybugs, Beavers, Moths, Butterflies, Thanks
November 21, 2018
We’re all animals who are interdependent on each other. When we work to protect wildlife, we are fighting for the protection of the environments in which they live. When we protect those environments, we’re protecting them for the survival of the human (homo sapien) species as well. Journalist and author of Rescuing Ladybugs, Jennifer Skiff talks with Cynthia Brian about her book showcasing people who have shown extraordinary compassion for other animals.
What’s the difference between moths and butterflies in evolutionary terms? The answer could be night and day, literally! Can you picture a perfect stream? Do you know that beavers are the most crucial ingredient of a healthy watershed? Ecosystem engineers are magical creatures.
Autumn is a time for gratitude for the bounty of the season. We can learn to be appreciative of the small gifts in our daily lives and gratitude is a key virtue to happiness.
Instead of a Business Byte™, Cynthia Brian provides an Animal Byte! www.animalcuts.com
Jennifer Skiff is an award-winning journalist who traveled the globe as a correspondent for CNN for more than a decade. Passionate about animals and their welfare, she serves as a trustee, adviser, and spokesperson for charities around the world while working with lawmakers to create positive change. www.JenniferSkiff.com
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/110181/rescuing-ladybugs-moths-and-beavers-thanksgiving
Hollywood and Feng Shui, Cultivating Gratitude
November 14, 2018
The world of Feng Shui is fascinating and rich., unlike the Westernized versions, traditional systems are personal, precise, and powerful. Denise Liotta Dennis is a Feng Shui master with six published books. She’ll discuss her newest book, Hollywood’s Fatal Feng Shui, An In-Depth Examination of 10 Celebrity Homes with a Tragic History. This is the first book to do a critical assessment of the tragic homes of Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson, Nicole Brown Simpson, Phil Hartman, Anna Nicole Smith, Sharon Tate, Phil Spector, Lyle and Erik Menendez, and Brittany Murphy using Feng Shui. These celebrities’ homes attracted illicit affairs, drug abuse, lawsuits, murder, sexual scandals, greed, bankruptcy, cult-driven murders, loss of reputation, and fatal illness.
If you face the day with gratitude, science indicates that you’ll be happier, healthier, and enjoy better relationships at home, work, and play. Cynthia Brian will help you cultivate gratitude through nature.
BIO: Denise A. Liotta-Dennis
Feng Shui Master, International Author, Teacher, and Speaker
She’s known as the “fast-talkin’ Texan”—an interesting and delightful oxymoron—Denise A. Liotta-Dennis is the founder and president of Dragon-Gate Feng Shui (DGFS), LLC an international consulting and development firm, specializing in authentic Feng Shui site selection, planning, design, audits, and assessments for commercial and residential real estate and construction projects. In 2006, Denise founded The American College of Classical Feng Shui, the training arm of Dragon-Gate, a premier platform to learn Classical Feng Shui. Denise has studied with four noted Feng Shui Masters from China, Malaysia and Australia
Denise has six in-depth books on Classical Feng Shui addressing the most popular systems of Eight Mansions and Flying Stars. The books are sold in fine book stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. Denise has more than twenty-five years experience working in interior design, including residential and commercial projects.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
Fall, Gentleness with Dallas Woodburn, Optimistic Kids
November 07, 2018
Fall is filled with legends, myths, fairs, and festivals all celebrating the bounty from various cultures around the world. The days are shorter, the nights become longer as we commence the holiday fetes of the forthcoming two months.
Dallas Woodburn is an in-demand writing coach who nurtures her students’ confidence in their beautifully unique voices. She helps people give birth to the books that are burning inside them through her acclaimed 90-Day Book Breakthrough Program (www.yourbookbreakthrough.com). Since 2001, her organization Write On! Books has empowered youth through reading and writing endeavors (www.writeonbooks.org). She is a contributor to Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers with her chapter, The Gift of Gentleness.
Everyone wants a hopeful outlook for their children. Optimism can be developed, even though pessimistic news prevails. Everyone can be a source of optimism. Learn how with Cynthia Brian’s thoughts.
Bio: Dallas Woodburn is an author, writing coach, and "book doula" who is passionate about spreading the joys of reading and writing. Her collection of short stories Woman, Running Late, in a Dress (Yellow Flag Press) won the 2018 Cypress & Pine Short Fiction Award and her debut YA novel, The Best Week That Never Happened, is forthcoming from Month 9 Books in 2020. She has also written extensively for newspapers and magazines. Dallas lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Allyn, and they are expecting their first baby in November.
Blurb about your service, book, music, etc.(600 characters
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/110180/fall-gentleness-optimistic-kids
Leadership Learning with Libby Gill
October 31, 2018
Leadership skills are not innate. They are built. Although it may seem that some people are born leaders, even the most confident learned how to lead from someone, somewhere. It takes time, effort, and dedication to develop these skills.
Author of The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work, Libby Gill has found a totally fresh perspective on the topic of leadership: hope. Zeroing in on what she sees as the defining issue of creating a more purposeful and productive workplace, Endorsed by Marshall Goldsmith and Stephen M. R. Covey, Libby explores how the science of hope theory and how it applies to the workplace. Libby and Cynthia Brian will discuss Libby’s 30+ years leading, managing, and motivating people in corporate and entrepreneurial worlds around the globe.
Cynthia Brian will read The Gift of Leadership by Young Joo Choo from the newly released book Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers and The Gift of Leadership from the first book in the trilogy, Be the Star You Are! 99 Gifts.
Read, lead, succeed!
BIO: Libby Gill
After a successful career at media giants Universal, Sony and Turner Broadcasting, Libby left the corporate world to found executive coaching and leadership consulting firm Libby Gill & Company. Her clients include Capital One, Cisco, Disney; EY; Honda, Kellogg’s; Medtronic, Microsoft; Warner Bros., and many more. Libby has appeared on numerous news outlets, including The Today Show, CNN, and in Time Magazine, The New York Times and BusinessWeek. Libby is the author of five books, including the award-winning You Unstuck and Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow. Libby’s latest book is The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work. www.Libbygill.com
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109864/leadership-learning-with-the-hope-driven-leader-libby-gill
Healing Headaches, Divorce Hackers, Enhancing Positive
January 01, 2020
An estimated 37 million people in the United States suffer from debilitating migraines every year, and 21 million of them are women. Migraines are the seventh highest cause of disability worldwide. Find out what causes headaches and what you can do to alleviate the pain without drugs or medications.
In The Divorce Hacker’s Guide to Untying the Knot: What Every Woman Needs to Know about Finances, Child Custody, Lawyers, and Planning Ann Grant blows open the divorce industry and takes a stand for women so that they can take back their power while reducing feelings of loss, grief, and rage.
The statistics don't lie:
2,400 divorces per day
16,800 divorces per week
876,000 divorces a year in United States
Are you a positive person? Research shows that people who have a positive outlook enjoy happier relationships. A positive attitude is attractive drawing others to you. Positive individuals are supportive and notice the good in the world. Learn how to give your attitude altitude
Cynthia Brian’s 3rd book in the Be the Star You Are!® series has arrived. Buy your copies of Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World at http://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or Amazon.
BIO: Ann E. Grant, JD, began her career as a corporate litigator specializing in unfair business practices and consumer fraud. After her own divorce she created her own firm, focusing on family law and a holistic approach to this life transition. Her book is The Divorce Hacker’s Guide to Untying the Knot: What Every Woman Needs to Know about Finances, Child Custody, Lawyers, and Planning. She lives in Manhattan Beach, CA and her website is www.TheDivorceHacker.com.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109695/healing-headaches-divorce-hackers-enhancing-positive
Swearing off Stars & Writing Process, Medication Purge, Born to Be Wild
October 17, 2018
Swearing Off Stars, Danielle M Wong’s multi-award winning debut novel has received the highest praise from the highest places including Kirkus Reviews who labeled it “an engaging romantic tale that also calls for equality.”
Dani began volunteering with Be the Star You Are!® in high school and she has contributed chapters to two books in the Be the Star You Are! series, Be the Star You Are! for Teens and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers. We will catch up with the soaring career of Danielle, find out about her writing process, and get a sneak peak at her book in progress.
Are there bottles of pills in your medicine cabinet that you no longer take? It is time to discard them. Before you do, bring all of your medications to your next doctor’s appointment, and ask if you need any of them. Cynthia Brian provides tips on how to get rid of unwanted meds safely.
The land of ice and fire…Iceland! It is also an island filled with wildflowers that carpet the harsh landscape. What makes a flower a wildflower? Goddess Gardener gives you the scoop on how to choose and scatter seeds that will duplicate nature’s wild side.
Bio: Danielle Wong is an emerging author living in San Francisco. Her debut novel, Swearing Off Stars, was published in 2017. The book was has won several awards, including an Independent Press Award, an International Book Award, and a Benjamin Franklin Award.
Danielle's writing has been published on many sites, including Harper’s Bazaar, The Huffington Post, USA Today, and PopSugar. She has short stories published in Be the Star You Are!® for Teens and Be the Star You Are!® Millennials to Boomers: Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. She is currently working on her next novel. daniellemwong.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109694/swearing-off-stars-and-writing-process-medication-purge
Witch Hunts, Pool Power
October 10, 2018
The history of witchcraft in Europe begins with both folk beliefs and with religious and classical texts. What is a witch and how did the executions of supposed witches begin? The number executed on charges of witchcraft is not certain and subject to considerable controversy. Estimates have ranged from about 10,000 to nine million. Most historians accept a figure in the range from 40,000 to 100,000 based on public records; there were perhaps two to three times that many individuals accused formally of or tried for witchcraft. About 12,000 executions have been identified in existing records. We’ll examine the history of witchcraft and the hysteria that it bred.
The next best thing to an ocean, lake, or river view is a pool in the back yard offering a bucolic vista with the sensibility of nature. A swimming pool has the ability to anchor a landscape. Learning to swim is a necessary life skill and the exercise of swimming is one of the best full body workouts. Much research has been done on the calming effects that being around water has on humans. Stress levels are lowered by designs with both green and blue spaces: the green being plants and trees and the blue are water features.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109779/witch-hunts-pool-power
Eldercare, Queer as a $5.00 Bill, Home Upgrades
October 03, 2018
There are approximately 40 million family caregivers over the age o 55 who are providing an average of 30 hours to a family member, 15 million of these caregivers are providing care to people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. How does one research resources or information to be of assistance?
To fix his life, bullied and closeted fifteen-year-old Wyatt goes public with historical evidence that Abraham Lincoln was in love with another guy—triggering a backlash and media firestorm that might destroy everything he cares about. Inspired by real historical evidence, QUEER AS A FIVE-DOLLAR BILL was too controversial for traditional publishing, and was crowdfunded in six days on Kickstarter. This debut novel asks LGBTQ teens (and everyone else), What if you knew a secret from history that could change the world?
Fall is a prime home-selling season and the demand for real estate has been skyrocketing. How can you set your home apart from others? A few key upgrades can make all the difference. Discover the repairs and refurbishments that will put money in your pocket.
Lee Wind is the founding blogger and publisher of I’m Here. I’m Queer. What The Hell Do I Read?, an award-winning website about books, culture, and empowerment for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Questioning and Queer youth, and their Allies. For over 11 years, readers from 100-plus countries have racked up 2.5 million page views—and counting!
Lee has “Clark Kent” jobs in the world of publishing, but his Superhero job is writing—to empower kids and teens!
He lives in Los Angeles with his husband and their teenage daughter. Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill is Lee’s debut novel. Learn more at leewind.org
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109316/eldercare-queer-as-a-500-dollar-bill-home-upgrades
Gardening at Any Age, Mentoring & Kindness, Designing Outdoor Areas
September 26, 2018
Gardening offers exercise for the body, mind, and spirit. It is an outdoor activity that anybody can enjoy from birth until death. By working in the garden, our bodies and bones become stronger and more flexible allowing for greater mobility. Gardening reduces stress, clears our minds, births creativity, and staves off depression. Learn tips to stay safe and flexible at every age.
Former President of Cheerful Givers, Karen Kitchel scatters kindness wherever she goes. She contributed two chapters to the 3rd book in the Be the Star You Are!® series, be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. (Buy the book at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store) Karen joins Cynthia Brian to share her chapters on mentoring, adoption, and offers tips on how we can all be kinder to one another.
Your personal oasis is your outdoor environment but many people don’t know how to design this part of their yard for year-long enjoyment of nature. Think about the purpose of the space, the scale, and the seasons. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian offers professional guidelines to help you step out and enjoy the fresh air. www.CynthiaBrian.com/gardening
Bio: Karen Kitchel (The Gift of Adoption and The Gift of Mentoring) is passionate about scattering kindness. As President of the Cheerful Givers nonprofit organization, she helped to bring birthday gifts to more than one million less fortunate children. Prior to that, she created a corporate university at BI Worldwide. Currently, she serves meals to the homeless, is a job coach, teacher, writer and mentor. She writes a monthly article for the Be the Star You Are!® newsletter. She can be reached at https://scatteringkindness.blog/
Listen to Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109255/gardening-at-any-age-mentoring-and-kindness-designing-outdoor-a
Dead Serious and Lighthearted, Beautiful Bouquets, Fire Recovery Guide
September 19, 2018
National award-winning author, Mack W. Borgen, a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of discusses the release of Volume I (Years 1957-1976) and Volume II (1977-1993) of his latest book series entitled Dead Serious and Lighthearted – The Memorable Words of Modern America. In these books, Borgen introduces history in an entirely new way by the exacting presentation of its “Memorable Words.” With thoughtful explanation and brilliant commentary and without the litany of “isms” and “ologies,” the Memorable Words of Modern America are presented one by one – the fascinating and frivolous; the tragic and momentous; the eloquent and bumbling; and the touching and endearing.
How do you create beautiful, lush arrangements with flowers and branches from your own garden? With a few simple tips from Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, you won’t be spending extra dollars at the florist but may be planting your future bouquets.
How does land and its inhabitants recover after a devastating fire? With this fire recovery guide, you’ll learn to identify the actions you can take to benefit your land and the biodiversity you steward.
Bio: Mack W. Borgen is a graduate of Harvard Law School and a national award-winning author for his prior books, The Relevance of Reason – The Hard Facts and Real Data about the State of Current America (Volume I – Business and Politics) and Volume II – Society and Culture) which were released in 2013. Both books won a number of national book awards.
He is a native of Montana and was raised in the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest. Upon graduating from the University of California (Berkeley) with Honors in Economics, he delivered the last university-wide student commencement address before heading east to law school.
Upon graduation from law school, he went on to serve more than four years in the U.S. Army. Thereafter, he lived and wrote in Europe for a brief period, and then returned to the West Coast where he began a long career in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Orange County, California simultaneously practicing law and writing about various economic, political, and social matters.
He has devoted much of his time to the writing the three volumes of Dead Serious and Lighthearted - The Memorable Words of Modern America – (Volumes I-III). The books present those Memorable Words” – the real currency of American life – which by their passion eloquence, prescience, or wisdom frame our history and reveal our past. The author hopes that the books will help, in their own quiet way, lift the spirit of our country and help lessen the discord and rancor of our national conversation.
He has also taught adjunct professor courses at Rutgers University (Camden, NJ) (The History of the Labor Movement), the University of Virginia (The History of the Supreme Court), and various law courses. www.mackwborgen.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109155/dead-serious-and-lighthearted-beautiful-bouquets-fire-recovery
The Joy of Chickens, The Gift of Animals, Millennials to Boomers
September 12, 2018
Have you ever wanted to eat fresh eggs directly from your own personal chickens but didn’t know where to begin? Cynthia Brian has the poop on the coop and will give you information on how you can raise your own flock for the tastiest and most nutritious eggs ever.
The new book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World has finally been published. Heather Brittany wrote the chapter, The Gift of Animals and she discusses her chapter and the importance of reading a book that bridges the generation gap.
In this eye-opening third installment in the Be the Star You Are!® series, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, you will discover 55 true stories about life’s greatest gifts as told by 31 incredible individuals. Each chapter ends with an inspirational quote and a simple, fun exercise to help you embrace your inner star qualities to live a fuller, meaningful life. No matter which generation you were born into, you will gain a better understanding to bridge the gap between Boomers and Millennials while being empowered to join their ranks of greatness. Buy the book www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109154/the-joy-of-chickens-the-gift-of-animals-millennials-to-boomers
Dan Millman-Life You Were Born to Live, Healthy College Teens, Money Talk for Kids
August 29, 2018
Twenty-five years ago Dan Millman wrote The Life You Were Born to Live. The original book described thirty-seven life paths, one of which will apply accurately to anyone born between 1750 and 1999. The revised and updated 25th Anniversary Edition covers all forty-five birth numbers (life paths), revealing a quick and accurate means to determine one's own birth number (and corresponding life path) and the life paths of friends, loved ones, colleagues, parents, and acquaintances. It also covers the strengths and challenges of each life path in areas of health, money, and sexuality, as well as key spiritual laws to help anyone overcome the hurdles on their own path. Cynthia Brian and Dan Millman will converse on the subject of his peaceful warrior philosophy of success.
How can a parent make sure a teen will be healthy at college? Planning in advance of any emergencies will ease the stress. Cynthia Brian offers simple sound advice for sending your child off to school!
Building financial literacy in kids is essential for life success. Important money skills can be taught starting early. Want to know age-appropriate lessons to offer your youngsters? You can raise a capable and financially literate child in a safe, loving environment by incorporating money talk into fun activities.
Bio: Dan Millman, former world-champion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher, and college professor, is the author of seventeen books published in twenty-nine languages and shared across generations to millions of readers. His internationally bestselling book Way of the Peaceful Warrior was adapted to film in 2006. Dan speaks worldwide to people from all walks of life. He lives in New York City. www.PeacefulWarrior.com.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108769/dan-millman-life-you-were-born-to-live-healthy-college-teens-mo
Superstar Foods, Working on Purpose, Healthy Music
August 22, 2018
If you want to be healthy for the rest of your life, you’ll want to eat these foods. You may be surprised at the list. Stay away from fake sugars and load up on some delicious, low calorie sweet fruit!
Is work enjoyable for you? Are you fulfilled, enriched, and empowered through your work life? Cynthia Brian interviews Alise Cortez, PhD, speaker and Development and Engagement Catalyst, who helps individuals and companies work with passion and purpose. She believes that a life long devotion to learning and growth that challenges the way we think will help us act and perform with inspiration.
Is listening to music good for your well-being? Studies indicate that certain types of music can buoy your mood, eliminate stress, fend off depression, and improve sleep. But some music actually triggers anger, sadness, and depression. Find out what you need to be listening to be the best you can be!
BIO: Alise Cortez
Having developed her expertise within the Human Capital / Organizational Excellence industry over the last 20 years, today Alise Cortez, PhD is focused on helping companies, leaders, and individuals across the globe to more meaningfully and purposely connect with their work to achieve greater fulfillment, more impactful results, and harmonic work-life integration. She also works with students and teens to help them discover and aim their Strengths and empower their academic, relationship, and work pursuits. www.alisecortez.com
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108768/superstar-foods-working-on-purpose-healthy-music
Grad School Roadmap, Healthy Spaces, Fire Recovery Guide
August 15, 2018
Exactly ten years ago, Dr. Don Martin, launched his book, Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® radio show. It’s only fitting that this knowledgeable and well-traveled tour guide, should launch the 2nd edition of his popular book with StarStyle once again. Noting the historic places and main events related to pursuing a graduate degree, Dr. Martin will be joined with Managing Director, Kevin Kiley. focusing attention to the side-roads, the detours, the mile- and even the possible potholes to avoid. Dr. Don writes in an easy style giving you the facts that you need to make your informed decisions about graduate school.
Employers are seeking an edge to grabbing the most qualified employees by hiring design firms to create spaces that will help their staff think, feel, and be healthy to maximize productivity. It’s not all about going green. Eat to think.
How does land and its inhabitants recover after a devastating fire? With this fire recovery guide, you’ ll learn to identify the actions you can take to benefit your land and the biodiversity you steward.
BIO: About Dr. Don Martin:
Has coached over 300 graduate school applicants in arts and sciences, business, law, medicine (master’s and doctoral), with a 97% acceptance rate
For over 28 years, served as Admissions Dean and/or Dean of Students at Columbia University (Teachers College), The University of Chicago (Booth School of Business), Northwestern University (Medill School of Journalism), and Wheaton College (IL)
Wrote and published Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students in 2008; second edition released in 2018; wrote and published an international Supplement for Road Map in 2009
Former weekly columnist, U.S. News & World Report magazine; former contributor (four years) for SPAN magazine in India
Provides graduate school webinar series for alumni – series premiered at Northwestern University
Has made grad school presentations on over 50 college/university campuses in North and South America, Europe and Asia
Earned a Ph.D. in Higher Education (Northwestern) and an M.A. in Communications (Wheaton)
For more on Dr. Don’s professional background, see his LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-don-martin-354930b/
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Spruce up Your Home, Hammock Time, Language Learning, Brains and Food
August 08, 2018
Summer is a time for entertaining. Is your home inviting, clean, and beautiful? It’s time to spruce up everything from the front door to the patio. Welcome your guests for some relaxing summer fun with tips by designer, Cynthia Brian.
Hammocks are versatile because they are affordable super space savers, flexible, and are easily moved and stored. They are perfect camping trip companions. Transport your dreams to exotic distant lands by installing a hammock in your backyard. Swinging in your hammock, you can be anywhere your imagination takes you.
Learning a new language can be daunting. Scientists have now pinpointed the best time of life to reach fluency. Kids are better than adults at picking up the “talk”. The best way to become proficient in a new language is through total immersion.
Wondering why you crave salt, sugar, and fat? We may still be trying to survive from our caveman days. Buy you can fix it and her healthy. We just need to rewire our brains!
Listen at Voice America Network, the Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108483/hammock-time-spruce-up-your-home-language-learning
Sting Protection, Summer Health for Pets
August 01, 2018
Yellow jackets are wasps and are not related to bees. Bees live in hives while yellow jackets create nests. Yellow jacket workers typically have black and yellow stripes on a ½ inch long body. They have the ability to sting several times, injecting poisonous venom that causes intense pain, while bees can only sting once because their stinger becomes stuck in the skin of its victim. Find out how to protect yourself from the stings of summer with Cynthia Brian.
August is the hottest month of summer and your pets want to have fun in the sun while staying safe and cool. Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian offer important tips that will enhance the enjoyment for any of your animal friends. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, chickens, pigs, and goats all have different needs. Water, ice, shade, pools, umbrellas, and trees will all be part of the pet play dates. Be alert for ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and pests that can cause health issues and never let your pet swim where there are riptides!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108486/sting-protection-summer-health-for-pets
Storyworthy with Moth GrandSLAM Champ, Overbearing Parents, Phishing Attacks
July 25, 2018
Whether we realize it or not, we are always telling stories. On a first date or job interview, at a sales presentation, with family and friends — narrating events fills an ancient need to communicate, entertain, engage, and connect with others. And who better to teach the benefits of good storytelling than a 36-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 5-time GrandSLAM champion, bestselling author, and award-winning teacher, Matthew Dicks. He’ll discuss his book, Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling.
Are you an adult who feels powerless every time your parent interrupts you with a comment or criticism? Adult children of overbearing parents are stuck in the parent-child relationships of their youths where the parent makes all the decisions. This negative chain of command can be broken and we’ll give you the clues.
Cyberattacks on individuals and companies are on the rise. Organized criminals steal bank accounts, identities, launch ransomware attacks, and worse. Cyber breaches have escalated on a daily basis as attackers deploy new technology and patience. Phishing is a first step. Find out how to protect yourself, at least a little.
Bio Matthew Dicks
Matthew Dicks is a bestselling novelist, thirty-six-time Moth StorySLAM champion, and five-time GrandSLAM champion. In addition to his widespread teaching, writing, and performing, he cofounded (with his wife) Speak Up, which produces sold-out storytelling performances throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York at least once a month. He lives in Connecticut. His website is www.MatthewDicks.com.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel:
Dave Gerber with Leadership and Conflict Resolution, Free-Range Kids, Summer Checklist
July 18, 2018
Workplace disagreements are an everyday occurrence. In fact, it’s hard to avoid them. Whether working on a project, team or larger strategic issue, knowing how to address these conflicts at the onset can prevent a disaster waiting to happen. Dave Gerber, President and Founder of Synergy Development and Training, LLC is a change catalyst, motivating people to become the best version of themselves. Dave inspires our audience to transform the way they engage with the world around them, build stronger relationships and organizations.
Fewer kids are walking to school alone or riding their bikes through their neighborhoods. Parents have been charged with neglect in some communities for allowing those activities. How can we raise independent children if we are shadowing them every second?
Summer is the best time of the year for enjoying fresh vegetables and fruits straight from your personal dirt. It’s also fire season and we need to heed the instructions to keep our homes safer from wildfires. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, takes us on a mid July walk on the wild side.
Bio: Dave Gerber
Dave Gerber, President and Founder of Synergy Development and Training, LLC, is a change catalyst, a futurist motivating leaders and individuals to become the best version of themselves to strengthen relationships, save money and generate revenue. Dave Gerber is a passionate speaker, Executive and Leadership Coach, Learning Expert, Master Trainer and Author (even has an instructor level black belt under a Martial Arts Hall of Famer.) Dave has presented to, trained and coached more than 10,000 executives, managers and individuals across the United States. His talent for simplifying complex ideas into elegant solutions is a gift that leaves the people he supports with actionable learnings that can be implemented immediately. http://conflicthealer.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107719/dave-gerber-with-leadership-and-conflict-resolution-free-range
Lands of Leprechauns, Shamrocks, Fire, and Ice
July 11, 2018
Join Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany on an itinerary of magnificent scenery, legendary folklore, original music, rich culture, ancient language, and curious customs as they travel through the Emerald Isle of Ireland. Will they see any tiny leprechauns or find a pot of gold? They will definitely imbibe a pint or two of Guinness and dance an Irish jig. Cynthia may practice her minimal Gaelic. After searching for shamrocks and learning tales of St. Patrick, they’ll head off for an adventure in the land called the midnight sun (where there is no sun) of Iceland where boiling mud pots, spurting geysers, and icy glaciers co-exist. You’ll find them riding Icelandic ponies, swimming in the Blue Lagoon, and hiking behind waterfalls. And who knows, since both countries are locations for shooting Game of Thrones, they may just fly with dragons. Tune in for an hour of wild travel experiences before you plan your getaway. http://www.cynthiabrian.com
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107870/lands-of-leprechauns-shamrocks-fire-and-ice
The Gifts of Care Giving with Connie Goldman, Giving Space, Heart Protection
June 27, 2018
NPR producer, radio host, and author, Connie Goldman sheds light on caregiving with her newest books, The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope and Healing, and Wisdom from Those In Care. Their stories speak of changes, challenges and often sacrifice, but more importantly, the gifts of insight, inspiration, and healing they received from the caregiving commitment to their family. In this second edition, a companion to Wisdom from Those in Care: Conversations, Insights and Inspiration, each chapter ends with the author’s thoughts and discussion questions to encourage readers to explore more deeply their thoughts and feelings about similar situations.
As much as you love your partner, do you ever feel like you are suffocating? Find space in your relationship to be you and reap the rewards for better communication and intimacy.
Are you putting your ticker in danger? AARP and the American Heart Association are working together to offer simple fixes to lower your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Learn the simple healthy paths to a stronger heart.
BIO: Connie Goldman
Connie Goldman is an award-winning radio producer and reporter. Beginning her broadcast career with Minnesota Public Radio, she later worked for several years on the staff of National Public Radio in Washington D.C. For more than 35 years her public radio programs, books, and speaking have been exclusively concerned with the changes and challenges of aging and family caregiving. Recently, she’s collected the thoughts and experiences of those in care, as they are the other half of the caregiver story.
Grounded in the art of personal stories collected from hundreds of interviews, Connie's presentations are designed to inform, empower, and inspire. Her message on public radio, in print and in person is clear— any time of life can be an opportunity for new learning, exploring creative pursuits, self-discovery, spiritual deepening, and continued growth. www.congoldman.org
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107667/the-gifts-of-care-giving-with-connie-goldman-giving-space-heart
Shut Up and Write with Mridu Khullar Relph, Understanding Cyber Security, Ways to Live Longertle...
June 20, 2018
With her characteristic humor, practicality, and hard-earned wisdom, Mridu Khullar Relph demonstrates an understanding of the creative mind. She shows you how to write anything--and finish it with her book, Shut Up And Write. It doesn't deal with writer's block. It addresses the thousand things going on in your head that prevent you from Actually. Being. Productive. Stop procrastinating. Stop making excuses. Just Shut Up And Write! She writes and acts like she speaks: fast, furious, and fabulously fun!
How long do you want to live? Are you doing everything possible to be healthy, happy, and optimistic? The keys to longevity bliss have nothing to do with money or status, although both are nice. If you have high energy, positive relationships, eat what’s good for you, exercise, have faith, and have fun, you’ll have a better feeling of security, joy, and have better odds of living longer.
How much freedom are we willing to sacrifice or turn over to the government to gain greater cyber security? Jumping past hackers and phishing tactics, citizens deserve to know about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, China’s highly censored internet, and Facebook’s crisis and cover-up with Cambridge Analytica.
Bio: Mridu Khullar Relph is an award-winning journalist, author and entrepreneur.
She runs the website www.TheInternationalFreelancer.com and a membership community for writers called The Finishers.
In a 15-year career, Mridu has written for The New York Times, TIME, CNN, ABC News, The Independent, GlobalPost, The Christian Science Monitor, Parade.com, Ms., and others.
She was contributing editor at Elle India and has been published in Marie Claire, Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and Psychology Today.
Mridu was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley; the recipient of the Development Journalist of the Year award at the Developing Asia Journalism Awards Forum in Tokyo; and the winner of the Silver Excel, a trade magazine award, from the Society of National Association Publications (USA) for her work on female wastepickers in India.
She’s currently working on her second novel. www.mridukhullar.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107666/shut-up-and-write-with-mridu-khullar-relph-understanding-cyber-security
A No Hassle Traveler’s Guide
June 13, 2018
School is out for the summer and the next two months are the busiest time of the year for traveling.
Are you planning a vacation?
Going away for business, pleasure, or both?
Taking the kids?
House trading?
Traveling by boat, plane, car, or train?
Need tips on what to pack, buying tickets, how to stay safe, where to stay, and what to see at your destination?
Be a trekker, explorer, voyager, adventurer, and tourist. Enjoy a comfortable, worry free holiday while saving time, money, and headaches with host Cynthia Brian and guest Heather Brittany as they share their trip planning pointers on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® LIVE.
Bon voyage!
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107260/a-no-hassle-travelers-guide
Dog Flu Prevention, Tea Time, Women and the Constitution
June 06, 2018
Canine Influenza Virus has been identified in 46 of our 50 states. Like human flu cases, canine cases can be mild to severe with dogs developing fevers, pneumonia, coughs, and other symptoms. Vaccinations are available. Learn what you can do to protect your pet.
Creating your own organic tea garden is easy and incredibly rewarding. Fruits, flowers, stems, and leaves can all be used to create luscious hot or cold beverages that can relax, revitalize, energize, and calm. Find out how to grow your own tea garden with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Buy her new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store to receive lots of free extras.
When the Constitution of the United States was written by our Founding Fathers, women were not allowed to participate in the conventions and most rights were assigned only to males. Many amendments followed after 1791 some establishing rights and others inhibiting them. In this land of the free and home of the brave, where do women stand?
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107368/dog-flu-prevention-tea-time-women-and-the-constitution
Casting Scams, Planting Your Vegetable Garden, 5G Life
May 30, 2018
Scams have always existed in the entertainment industry, however, with technology major scam are on the rise. Here are 12 tips for avoiding casting scams from Backstage Magazine. In all areas of life, be aware. If it sounds too good to be true, think scam.
There is nothing more delightful that picking a red, ripe juicy tomato from a vine and eating it while standing in the garden. No matter how large or small a space you have, you can grow a few favorite vegetables for your pleasure and health with the help of Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Pick up a copy of her new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener. www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store.
Wireless technology is on the brink of a major breakthrough with 5 G mobile internet that will put the speed of fiber connectivity in everything we do. What will a connected world look like? Find out on StarStyle.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107231/casting-scams-planting-your-vegetable-garden-5g-life
Makeovers with Seltzer Style, Regaining Focus, LadyBugs Life Cycle
May 23, 2018
Whether it’s updating your image or transforming your dating life, Kim Seltzer’s philosophy is simple… work from the inside-out to achieve your goals and boost your self-confidence. Kim developed her own personalized wing gal approach with clients doing in-field work with men and women working on body language, first impressions, image and messaging and how it impacts attraction. Her process is light-hearted, fun and empathic aimed at improving dating experiences and relationships. The services at SeltzerStyle provide include private phone/Skype sessions, email coaching, and dating boot camps.
Is your brain being altered by video screens? The prime culprit in hijacking attention spans is the smartphone. Do you know how to unplug? Learn ways to get your focus back!
Have you ever wondered where ladybugs come from and how their life cycle evolves? Cynthia Brian witnessed the metamorphous and was completely captivated by the experience. Where there are aphids, ladybugs feed. Find out more when the Goddess Gardener bugs out!
Bio: About Kim
With a vat of knowledge and experience as a therapist, certified style coach, dating coach, and matchmaker, Kim Seltzer has helped hundreds of people find lasting love and connection and build valuable relationships using her unique “confidence makeover” process. Using an outside-in approach, Kim has changed hundreds of lives by changing their style, emotional and social intelligence using her signature formula, “The Charisma Quotient,” working on body language, first impressions, image and messaging and how it impacts attraction. This Los Angeles-based expert travels the country helping people discover confidence, charisma and connection as a speaker at National Matchmaking Conferences, eHarmony, Neutrogena and iDate, as well as her own annual conference series for men and women, The Makeover Blueprint. Kim is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and DigitalRomance.com, with appearances in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, AskMen, Fox News Magazine, Yahoo Shine and the Washington Examiner, among a myriad of other publications. You can also find Kim as a frequent co-host on the podcasts The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger as well as past episodes on the traveling live dating show The Great Love Debate, and in her new cable reality dating show, The Romance. You can also listen to her now on her own podcast, The Charisma Quotient. www.eliteimagemakeovers.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/107092/makeovers-with-seltzer-style-regaining-focus-ladybugs-life-cycle
From Anxiety to Love, Grow and Brew, Lady Luck
May 16, 2018
Are you a lucky person? Luck is a combination of random chance, talent, and hard work. Can we control chance? Random events have an impact on us. Learn to make your own luck.
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older, or 18.1 percent of the population every year. On the high end of the anxiety spectrum are panic attacks, debilitating fear, and free-floating anxiety. On the low end of the spectrum are normal fears and anxieties that occasionally visit all of us. Corinne Zupko, who personally struggled with debilitating anxiety for nearly three decades, offers readers a radical new approach to healing anxiety that draws from A Course in Miracles (ACIM), mindfulness meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches in her book, From Anxiety to Love. at http://www.FromAnxietytoLove.com.
Are you a tea drinker? Do you buy loose leaf or stick to teabags? Have you ever thought about growing your own tea concoctions? Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian will give you ideas on what leaves, plants, flowers, and herbs make delicious and nutritious teas, both hot and cold, that you can make yourself http://www.cynthiabiran.com/garden
Bio: Corinne Zupko, EdS, LPC, is the author of From Anxiety to Love. As a licensed counselor and keynote speaker, she has helped thousands of individuals through her one-on-one counseling, weekly meditation classes for corporations, and the largest virtual conference of ACIM in the world, through the organization Miracle Share International, which she cofounded. She lives in New Jersey. Visit her online at http://www.FromAnxietytoLove.com.
Listen at Voice America Radio: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106661/from-anxiety-to-love-grow-and-brew-lady-luck
Mother Knows Best, Wedding Season
May 09, 2018
As Mother’s Day approaches, we turn our thoughts to the women in our lives who have shaped us, guided us, chided us, and hopefully been our biggest supporters. Take a walk with Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian to find out why she thinks Mother knows best. Buy a copy of Growing with the Goddess Gardener to give to your Mother, Aunt, Grandmother, or special lady in your life at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Wedding season is in full swing as brides and grooms prepare for their BIG day. Heather Brittany joins the conversation to offer tips on everything from choosing a venue to planning the menu while keeping your budget in tact.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106660/wealthy-attitude-mother-knows-best-wedding-season
Changing College Systems, Composting Tips, Improving Memory
May 02, 2018
Are our universities serving our young people? Is there a better way to educate? After 125 years, the school model is still the same. Is it time to shake up the establishment?
Do you compost? Do you make compost tea. Composting expert, Steve LaPera, will join Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian to share insights on the best way to make rich compost that will help your garden flourish. Whether your goal is to grow your own organic food or to create beautiful and relaxing outdoor spaces, these planting guides will help you to achieve your dream garden.
Memory boosters are moving targets. There is no pill or procedure to help you maintain your memories. But there are several lifestyle factors that can influence your brain’s ability to remember facts and events with fewer glitches. Find out what the latest research advises for you to do or not do.
Steve LePera
Steve LePera is the Director of Marketing at Schiller Grounds Care in Southampton, Pennsylvania. They are the manufacturers of Mantis outdoor equipment best known for the Mantis Tiller/Cultivator and the ComposTumbler home composters. Steve was originally in charge of the Mantis direct marketing channel and has been director of Marketing since 2006. He’s a former member of the Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association and delivered the first-ever keynote address at the Direct Marketing’s Insert Day Conference in New Rye Brook, NY. www.mantis.com
Listen to Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106659/changing-college-systems-composting-tips-improving-memory
Tree Talk, Traumatic Stress Time Cure
April 25, 2018
Do trees communicate with each other? Do they have feelings? What about memories? Learn the language of trees and what they can teach us with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Trees are our allies and they are definitely talking to us. Clear cutting and climate change will kill our trees and our forests. We need to plant trees to capture carbon and encourage kids of all ages to climb big trees. We need to acknowledge that global warming is real and that our trees are desperately warning us of the disasters to come if we don’t create a movement for change. We need to listen to our vegetation as their memories are living, long, and lasting.
By any proper civilized standard (but what does that mean now?) we are objects of horror. But our nerves are completely steady. And we are still alive.” ― Pat Barker, The Ghost Road
Is post traumatic stress disorder really a disorder or is it an illness? PSDT is defined as a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.” Post-traumatic stress disorder affects as many as 25 million Americans. Whether the scars come from living through war combat, a natural disaster, a tragic accident, or childhood abuse, people with PTSD struggle daily; and often, traditional therapies don't work. The exciting new approach detailed in The Time Cure, rooted in Dr. Philip Zimbardo's Temporal Theory and developed by Dr. Richard and Rosemary Sword, helps PTSD sufferers stop living in the negatives of the past, look forward to a more positive future, and enjoy the present.
Guest Bio:
Rosemary Sword is co-developer of Time Perspective Therapy (TPT) and coauthor of The Time Cure, 2012; The Time Cure Therapist Guidebook, Wiley 2013; Time Perspective Therapy: Transforming Zimbardo’s Temporal Theory into Clinical Practice, Time Perspective Theory, Springer 2015; and Living & Loving Better, McFarland 2017. She writes a popular blog column for PsychologyToday.com and contributes to both AppealPower.com (European Union online journal), and Psychology in Practice, a new Polish psychological journal. She is also developer of Aetas: Mind Balancing Apps (discoveraetas.com). In conjunction with Forum Media Polska, Rosemary conducts online TPT training world-wide. timeperspectivetherapy.org
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106624/tree-talk-traumatic-stress-time-cure
Toxic Friends, Breaking Up with Busy, Raising Sweet Kids
April 18, 2018
Do you feel guilty when you delete a friend? It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, childhood friend or a new acquaintance, if they cause you pain or make you feel “less than” it’s time to remove them from your life. Permission granted to be whole and grand.
Breaking Up with Busy by Yvonne Tally helps women identify what type of Overscheduled Woman (OSW) they are, while recognizing the signs that lead to their busy pace. Yvonne details a powerful Five-Step Super Solutions Process as a go-to tool for dropping busy habits, and offers a host of mindfulness-based, busy-busting solutions throughout the book. Also included are fifty-two inspiring refreshers and reminders designed to carry readers through each week of the year. Cynthia interviews Yvonne to bust the busy from our vernacular.
If men and women are truly going to be equal, parents need to raise sweet kids as opposed to children who identify with traditional masculine or feminine traits. We can all be bold, beautiful, and brazen while being in touch with our inner feelings. The time is now to raise sweet children who will care, share, and be fair.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106065/toxic-friends-breaking-up-with-busy-raising-sweet-kids
BIO: Yvonne Tally is the author of Breaking Up with Busy and leads meditation and de-stressing programs for corporations, individuals, and private groups in Silicon Valley. An NLP master practitioner, Yvonne cofounded Poised Inc., a Pilates and wellness training studio, and is the founder of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarves, a charity that provides headscarves to cancer patients. She lives in Northern California. Visit her online at http://wwww.YvonneTally.com.
Airplane Etiquette and Weed, Feed, Seed
January 01, 2020
Are you a frequent flyer? Do you have any idea what the etiquette is for traveling today? Heather Brittany joins the conversation to shed light on what’s right and what’s not when jetting across the state or the world.
Growing a beautiful garden from seeds is easy and inexpensive. You may have to provide netting to keep hungry birds, roaming rabbits, and ravenous deer out of your yard.
Spring is a time to weed, seed, and feed, both metaphorically and literally. Join Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian in her garden for tips on what weeds to eat and how to have flowers all season by scattering seeds now,
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106384/airplane-etiquette-weed-feed-seed
Money Manifestation, Women and Investing, Millennial Finances
April 04, 2018
Empowering women to claim their power and rise as a force for good in the world, Merifor Toneatto helps you build a meaningful and impactful business while having more abundance in life. When women are empowered with money, they become “difference makers.” Cynthia Brian and Meriflor will discuss her book, Money, Manifestation, and Miracles. http://www.meriflor.co.
Women approach investing differently than men. Females use more intuition and a pragmatic way of viewing the world without the gambling mentality. Discover if you are risk-averse or aggressive when investing.
At 80 million strong, millennials outnumber any generation in America. Cynthia Brian’s forthcoming book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, challenges readers to see millennials as responsible and contributing to society. But are they financially savvy and could they use some help with investing? Let’s get them started. www.CynthiaBrian.com
About the Author
Meriflor Toneatto is the author of Money, Manifestation & Miracles. As the CEO and founder of Power With Soul, she specializes in helping ambitious women entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders to reach financial prosperity and success while fulfilling their social promise in the world. Her work has been featured internationally in media outlets like Yahoo! Finance, Washington Post, International Business Times, Los Angeles Times, and more. Visit her online at http://www.meriflor.co.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106027/money-manifestation-women-and-investing-millennial-finances
Sow Spring, Smart Emailing, Brain Dancing
March 28, 2018
Spring has sprung and nature is calling. Author of Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, gets us off the couch and into the dirt with savvy tips on how to maximize your outdoor fun with beautifying your yard. www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Is there a smarter way to convey the proper sentiments with email? The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the latest research to tame your inbox and be effective with email, emojis, and emoticons.
Walk, swim, bike, and dance and you’ll be keeping your brain younger. Research is indicating that dancing could be the best of all. Cognitive demands of the dancing, which requires people to learn and master new choreography affects the biochemistry of the brain tissue in the fornix, prompting increases in the thickness and quantity of the wiring there. Are you ready to polka?
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106028/sow-spring-smart-emailing-brain-dancing
Tina Tessina-How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free, Blueprint for Aging, Circadian Rhythms
March 21, 2018
How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free by author Tina Tessina is the perfect tool for designing and creating a relationship unique to your individual personalities and situation. With it, any couple can learn to work together to create a loving, sustainable, healthy, and equal partnership that you will treasure.
Have you ever wondered what the last twenty years of your life will look like? You can design your future when you decide to adopt a positive aging attitude free of aches, pains, and rocking in a chair. Life is short. Write your blueprint today with a little help from coach Cynthia Brian
Do you think you are a morning person or do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Despite the saying “the early bird gets the worm”, not everyone is on the same sleep/wake schedule. Knowing when you are at your best is critical to your health as well as to your productivity. Find your own personal rhythm.
Author Bio: Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. (www.tinatessina.com) is a licensed psychotherapist in S. California since 1978 with over 40 years’ experience in counseling individuals and couples and author of 14 books in 17 languages, including It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction; The Ten Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty; Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences, The Real 13th Step , How to Be Happy Partners: Working it Out Together and How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free. She writes the “Dr. Romance” blog (drromance.typepad.com), and the “Happiness Tips from Tina” email newsletter. Online, she’s known as “Dr. Romance” Dr. Tessina appears frequently on radio, TV, video and podcasts. She tweets @tinatessina
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105599/tina-tessina-how-to-be-a-couple-and-still-be-free
Clutter Out, Water Crisis in South Africa
March 14, 2018
When spring arrives, we have a tendency to want to start decluttering and cleaning closets. Don’t forget we also have to do a garden and yard clean up to get ready for the warmer weather. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian offers simple tips to help you rid your home and garden of the junk. Buy Cynthia Brian's new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener at http://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
The second largest city in South Africa is scheduled to run out of water by April 12. Despite recycling water to flush toilets, taking 90 second showers, and using hand sanitizers more often, the worst drought in over 100 years has reached a crisis point. The dams, lakes, and reservoirs are almost empty. Those who can afford to leave Cape Town are leaving. “Zero Day” is fast approaching as residents finally realize that in April there will be zero water. This could happen in California. South Africa is offering tips. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany will discuss the crisis and how water rationing could be the future norm.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105600/clutter-out-water-crisis-in-south-africa
Rosarian Michael Marriott, David Austin Roses, Jungle Jaunt
March 07, 2018
Have you ever stuck your nose into the petals of a rose and inhaled in ecstasy? David Austin’s English Roses are some of the most fragrant, adaptable, and glorious roses on the planet. Cynthia Brian has the privilege of interviewing senior rosarian and respected global rose guru, Michael Marriott live on StarStyle®. They will discuss planting, pruning, and choosing roses as well as learn about his personal favorites and his future plans as a garden artist. Roses rock! www.davidaustinroses.com
Completely covered by tangles of roots and vines, it is only in recent years that many ancient grandiose brick and sandstone temples were re-discovered in Cambodia. These monumental structures, built on top of one another for over seven centuries as capitals of the Khmer Empire, have survived the passage of time. The jungle swallowed cities and palaces constructed of wood leaving only skeletal remains and inquisitive monkeys. The bustling, colorful life of the Angkor civilization was left to the imagination and research of historians, explorers, and archaeologists. Cynthia Brian describes the flora of Southeast Asia.
Life began in the garden. A garden is where nature and nurture converge, a calming oasis where we can listen to the call of the wild and sometimes tame the shrew. Whether you consider yourself a brown thumb or a green thumb, Growing with The Goddess Gardener, will enchant, inspire, and motivate you to get up off the couch, power down your gadgets, and go outside to smell the roses. Author and Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian will discuss her newest garden book. www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store
BIO: Michael Marriott
Michael Marriott is technical manager and senior rosarian of David Austin Roses and is one of the world’s most-respected rose experts. He is also well-known for his rose garden design and his common sense approach to gardening. In his work he travels the globe, often sharing his expertise in lively radio, TV, newspaper and magazine interviews.
He has been an integral part of David Austin Roses for over 30 years and at the firm’s headquarters in Albrighton he is the font of all matters relating to roses. His enthusiasm is infectious and his knowledge of roses is encyclopaedic, including the species roses, the old roses, climbers and ramblers, the best modern roses and of course David Austin’s English Roses. Michael has played an important part in the development and popularization of English Roses and therefore has intimate knowledge of David Austin Roses website: www.davidaustinroses.com
Michael Marriott website: www.michaelmarriottrosarian.wordpress.com
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105598/david-austin-roses-with-michael-marriott-and-jungle-jaunt
Giving Great Presentations, Buying a Car, Stress Less
February 28, 2018
Do you have to give speeches or talk to audiences? Does it frighten you? Learning how to give a powerful presentation in your own personal style is teachable. Grow confidence with speaking with help from presentation coach, Cynthia Brian. www.CynthiaBrian.com
Are you in the market for a new car? You can control the process with the help of the internet. Get to know the model you are seeking by researching on line and becoming comfortable with a price point. More tips to help you buy a new or used car.
Can your job kill you? Is your employer or employee making you sick? If you are feeling opposed by someone or something in your workplace, it’s time to cut the cord. You’ll feel less stress, sleep better, and find your life more comfortable.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105254/giving-great-presentations-buying-a-car-stress-less
Show Business Salaries and the 90th Academy Awards
February 21, 2018
Have you ever wondered what people working on movie sets ear? You may be surprised at the vast difference of levels of pay scale. From extras, grips, camera operators, hair and make-up artists as well as the day actors and stars, veteran actor producer, writer, acting coach, and author of The Business of Show Business, Cynthia Brian offers range of dollars that can be made when working in the movie business.
The big Kahuna of award seasons, The Academy Awards, will be celebrating 90 years on March 5th with Jimmy Kimmel once again hosting. Ninety years of Oscars, 90 years of stories. It is going to be a big celebration starting at 5pm PT/8pmET on ABC. Do you remember which two films received Oscars for Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Directing and Writing? Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany will give you the history and talk red carpet pizzazz.
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105409/show-business-salaries-and-the-90th-academy-awards
Dr. Bernie Siegel, Love, Animals, and Miracles
February 14, 2018
“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” Immanual Kant
How do animals make us better humans? Dr. Bernie Siegel, best known just as Bernie, is a retired surgeon, Founder of ECAP (Exceptional Cancer Patients) and beloved author of numerous books including Love, Medicine, and Miracles, and Love, Animals, and Miracles. The stories in this heart-felt book offer truelife experiences of connection, healing, love, rescue, and gratitude. The personal relationship that host Cynthia Brian has with Bernie dates back to the miracle experienced on the deathbed of her father when Bernie telephoned to offer her dad peace, love, and release. Bernie wrote the foreword to her inspirational book, Be the Star You Are!®, 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference and has been a constant mentor and guide throughout her life. They will discuss their mutual love for critters of all kinds and how their personal menageries have influenced and enhanced their lives. Animals enrich lives, offer hope, and teach us lessons of love.
From the forthcoming book in the Be the Star You Are!® series, Be the Star You Are!® for Boomers and Millennials, Cynthia Brian presents the chapter, The Gift of Animals by Heather Brittany which reminds us that animals don’t judge, they love unconditionally, teaching us to be responsible, patient, and caring.
Happy Love Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! Share the LOVE!
BIO: For many, Bernie needs no introduction. He has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician, who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today. He continues to assist in the breaking of new ground in the field of healing and personally struggling to live the message of kindness and love.nBernie has been named one of the top 20 Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet by the Watkins Review. Bernie’s prediction is that in the next decade the role of consciousness, spirituality, non-local healing, body memory and heart energy will all be explored as scientific subjects. http://berniesiegelmd.com
Listen at Voice America Radio: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/105238/dr-bernie-siegel-love-animals-and-miracles
Dating & Relationships, Younger Brains, Growing with the Goddess Gardener
February 07, 2018
Valentine’s Day is a few days away and who will you be sharing the love with? If you’re single and are frustrated with what’s been happening (or not happening) in your dating life and you’re ready to finally find your loving partner then Christine Baumgartner is the dating and relationsip coach for you. Christine has been helping singles turn their dating lives from frustrating to fun and ultimately helping them find their last true love. Let’s talk! – www.ThePerfectCatch.com,
Feel like you have cobwebs in your brain? Here’s a rewarding and scientifically proven way to clear them—volunteer for a charity. You already know about the feel-good aspects of doing good in your community. You also may have heard that people who give the gift of their time are healthier, happier, and live longer. Cynthia Brian brings the research to the airwaves and encourages you to get involved to save your own life. www.BTSYA.org
Cynthia Brian’s brand new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener has hit the bookshelves. Cynthia will read a few passages from the new book and wants you to go to her website to buy the book as she’s offering discount prices plus extra freebies with purchase. www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store
Bio: BIO
Christine Baumgartner
Dating and Relationship Expert
Christine’s coaching capitalizes on over 25 years as a wedding planner. As a wedding planner she witnessed the benefits of people meeting and marrying “The Perfect Catch” (and the huge challenges that arose when they didn't). This inspired her to focus on what happens BEFORE the marriage, which ultimately contributed to her to becoming a dating and relationship coach.
Christine was single for 20 years between her 2 marriages and perfected how to date men she’d never marry. So when she decided she finally wanted to get married she decided she needed to learn how to date differently which led her to create her Transform Your Dating Life System. As she was making this transition to coaching she became a top relationship coach for John Gray (Men are from Mars Women are from Venus) and by combining this coaching experience with her own personal dating experience she’s been able to help hundreds of singles find their last true love. www.ThePerfectCatch.com
Listen at voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104995/dating-and-relationships-younger-brains-growing-with-the-goddess
Pet Preparedness, Rape and Assault, Dead Man Talking
January 31, 2018
If you are adopting a new pet, there are a few things you need to know about raising an animal. Long time animal advocate and adopter, Cynthia Brian, will give you tips on food, shelter, health, and more to keep your new family member safe, happy, and well.
Harvey Weinstein denies allegations of “nonconsensual sex” but with over 90 women coming forward to share their ordeals of rape and abuse, and other men in high places falling from grace, the genie is out of the bottle and it’s time that women and men stand together to shout, “no more”. Are the days of the casting couch seen experiencing their final blockbuster?
Once a friend or family member dies, we grieve and miss talking to them. But what if you could still talk to them after they have left this earthly plane? Through Artificial Intelligence, A. I., rudimentary bots may be able to offer a virtual version of your dead loved one, albeit a facsimile of the deceased. Discover what’s on the horizon with A. I. consolation.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104809/pet-preparedness-rape-and-assault-dead-man-talking
David Austin Old English Roses and Growing with the Goddess Gardener
January 24, 2018
Have you ever stuck your nose into the petals of a rose and inhaled in ecstasy? David Austin’s English Roses are some of the most fragrant, adaptable, and glorious roses on the planet. Cynthia Brian discusses planting, pruning, and choosing roses Roses rock! www.davidaustinroses.com
Life began in the garden. A garden is where nature and nurture converge, a calming oasis where we can listen to the call of the wild and sometimes tame the shrew. Whether you consider yourself a brown thumb or a green thumb, Growing with The Goddess Gardener, will enchant, inspire, and motivate you to get up off the couch, power down your gadgets, and go outside to smell the roses. Author and GoddeMss Gardener Cynthia Brian will discuss her newest garden book. www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store
BIO: Michael Marriott
Michael Marriott is technical manager and senior rosarian of David Austin Roses and is one of the world’s most-respected rose experts. He is also well-known for his rose garden design and his common sense approach to gardening. In his work he travels the globe, often sharing his expertise in lively radio, TV, newspaper and magazine interviews.
He has been an integral part of David Austin Roses for over 30 years and at the firm’s headquarters in Albrighton he is the font of all matters relating to roses. His enthusiasm is infectious and his knowledge of roses is encyclopaedic, including the species roses, the old roses, climbers and ramblers, the best modern roses and of course David Austin’s English Roses. Michael has played an important part in the development and popularization of English Roses and therefore has intimate knowledge of David Austin Roses website: www.davidaustinroses.com
Michael Marriott website: www.michaelmarriottrosarian.wordpress.com
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104744/david-austin-roses-with-michael-marriott-and-growing-with-the-goddess-gardener
Battling Flu, Wine Not, Marijuana Mecca
January 17, 2018
Over the past four decades, the seasonal influenza virus has killed 3,000 to 48,000 annually. The flu pandemic of 1918-1919 killed over 100 million people globally. Scientists are concerned that a deadly influenza virus could erupt again. If you get a cold or flu, be cautious, get plenty of rest, fluids, and see your physician if symptoms remain for more than a few days. Learn what you can do to protect yourself with tips from Cynthia Brian. www.CynthiaBrian.com
Heather Brittany will give discuss some of the science and production of wine making, as well as various varietals Learn the benefits of the fruit of the vine then impress your friends at your next dinner party. Let’s talk wine. Wine not!
Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia currently have laws broadly legalizing marijuana in some form. Seven states and the District of Columbia have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Most recently, California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada legalizing recreational marijuana. California’s Prop. 64 measure allows adults 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to six plants in their homes. Want to know more? Tune in for the joint discussion.
Guest Bio:
Heather Brittany is a certified Bar Method instructor with degrees in English, Communications, and Women's Health. She has worked as a reproductive assistant at Planned Parenthood and is very keen on helping men and women stay healthy and informed. Heather is currently working in the wine industry and touts the wellness benefits of a daily glass of vino.
Garden Pharmacy, Deborah Blake with a Year and a Day
January 10, 2018
A walk through your garden is not only healing emotionally, but it may also contain plants that will aid your physical health. Botanical medicine, also called herbalism, is the oldest form of medicine and the most widely practiced healing modality in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Find out what you can plant for everyday wellness.
What better way to begin a new year than with a guide of daily fun and easy practices that you can integrate into your routine to ignite the magic in your life. Author and Wiccan high priestess, Deborah Blake explores a variety of affirmations and experiences that will challenge and inspire you to create a year of personal power in her newest book, A Year and A Day of Everyday Witchcraft: 366 Ways to Witchify Your Life. www.DeborahBlakeAuthor.com
BIO: Deborah Blake is a Wiccan high priestess and leader of the eclectic group Blue Moon Circle. She manages the Artisans’ Guild, a not-for-profit artist’s cooperative shop, and works as a tarot reader and energy healer. She had written many books on witchcraft, including Everyday Witchcraft and The Goddess in the Details, regularly contributes to Pagan publications and has an ongoing column in Witches & Pagans magazine.
Visit her at www.DeborahBlakeAuthor.com.
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104558/garden-pharmacy-deborah-blake-with-a-year-and-a-day
Literacy, Character Strength Learning, and Leading
January 03, 2018
To jumpstart the New Year, Cynthia Brian showcases the importance of literacy with tips on how to help your child love reading. In an interview with President of the Mayerson Academy, Jillian Copley Darwish, the science of character strength is the focus. Since 1992, the Mayerson Academy has developed and delivered hundreds of in-person, blended and online courses and workshops. These solutions take many forms, and arise in response to direct requests as well as emerging needs. In collaboration with the VIA Institute, they work with the science of character strength learning where educators concentrate on the strong not the wrong. No matter what form they take, external evaluators have consistently shown that the Mayerson Academy efforts create a positive impact on learners of all ages with their experts recognized as leaders in education.
“To be a leader, you must be a reader. Read, lead, succeed.” Cynthia Brian, www.BetheStaryouAre.org
Bio -
Prior to her current role as president of Mayerson Academy, Jillian Copley Darwish held leadership positions across the education sector, including work in philanthropy, public television, service agencies, higher education and the K—12 system. In her work at KnowledgeWorks Foundation, where she served as Vice President of Organizational Learning and Innovation, she led the development of a highly regarded and internationally distributed future trends publication, consulted and advised hundreds of organizations to construct future-oriented organizational visions and strategies, developed state collaborations to transform education, and created a vibrant teacher-to-teacher learning community. In her former roles, Jillian led teams to create widely distributed multimedia educational products and services, received national recognition for the design and implementation of an organizational learning system and has taught student from primary through graduate school. https://www.mayersonacademy.org/
Listen: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104259/literacy-learning-and-leading
StarStyle® is celebrating 19 years of continuous weekly broadcasting. Find out more at www.StarStyleRadio.com
Choosing the Best Surgeon, Be Your Personal Trainer, Garden Gym
December 27, 2017
If you require an operation, the surgeon you choose could be a life or death decision. But how do you know how to find the best doctor for your procedure? Anything can go wrong and often does, so you attention to this major detail is mandatory. Cynthia Brian will help you research the best of the best.
A new year brings new resolutions and the top goals for any new season have to do with fitness. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, or fit into that size 8 again, you can turn up the burn by becoming your own personal trainer.
2017 is almost in our rearview mirror and many people are shouting “hurray!” Cynthia Brian will review her 2017year and offer a sneak peak to the excitement for 2018.
Make your final tax-deductible donation today! Charities need your help! Through December 31, PayPal will add 1% to all donations made to benefit Be the Star You Are!® charity that brings you this radio broadcast through PayPal's Holiday Campaign Donate page and the PayPal app www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Happy end of 2017 and hello to 2018!
StarStyle® is celebrating 19 years of continuous weekly broadcasting. Find out more at www.StarStyleRadio.com
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104298/choosing-the-best-surgeon-be-your-personal-trainer
Jingle Bell Rock!
December 20, 2017
Santa Claus is coming to town with Goddess Gardener and Empowerment Architect Cynthia Brian riding shotgun on his sleigh with red-nosed Rudolph at the lead. Get ready for a rocking good time as we jingle, jangle, and ho ho ho through the night sky. If your life isn’t merry and bright, we’ll help you shake out your stocking and ignite the lights that burn within. Tune in to our Christmas power party and start ringing the bells of a jolly good time. In the spirit of love, joy, and happiness, unwrap your StarStyle gifts of health, good cheer, and candy cane laughter!
Listen at Voice America Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104265/jingle-bell-rock
Teen Bingeing, Waste in America, Preparing for Christmas
December 13, 2017
The first alcoholic drink is consumed at an average age of 12 in the USA. The earlier drinking begins, the greater risk of addiction and greater potential harm is to brain development. The human brain is not fully developed until around age 25.
What can we do to protect our teens for binge drinking?
It is estimated that one billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition and about 24,000 people die every day of hunger. 5% of America’s leftovers could feed 4 million people for a day. What else do we waste in America? Water, paper, everything. Santa had it right when his presents came in recycled newspaper. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany look at the enormous amount of waste in our country with ideas on what we can do about it.
This week people who celebrate get busy making sure that their homes are festive and bright. Find out what the GoddessGals have planned that could spark your ideas.
StarStyle® is celebrating 19 years of weekly LIVE broadcasting with expert interviews, lively conversations, and lifestyle tips and tricks. Come celebrate with us!
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104120/teen-bingeing-waste-in-america-preparing-for-christmas
Timeless Wonders of Vietnam and Cambodia
December 06, 2017
A fascinating, rewarding, and multilayered adventure as Cynthia Brian travels to two of the most beautiful, historic and friendly places in all of Asia--dynamic Vietnam and pastoral Cambodia. Intriguing studies in contrast, each country possesses its own unique charm and social traditions, its own tragic history and complex past. From Hanoi, to Siem Riep, Angkor Wat, the Mekong Delta, and Ho Chi Minh City, Cynthia Brian provides a colorful tale of adventure, surprises, sadness, genocide, forgiveness, and recovery as she meets the people and visits the places where the past and present collide in the heat and humidity of jungles, both tropical and concrete. Welcome to the 19th radio broadcasting anniversary of StarStyle-Be the Star You Are! with producer and host, Cynthia Brian.
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/104019/19th-anniversary-of-btsya-special-with-the-timeless-wonders-of-cambodia
19th Anniversary of StarStyle Radio, Holiday On-Line Shopping, December Gardening
November 29, 2017
StarStyle® is celebrating 19 years of weekly LIVE broadcasting with expert interviews, lively conversations, and lifestyle tips and tricks. Come celebrate with us!
It’s December and it is time to find the great gifts for everyone on your list. Do you feel confident shopping online for the holidays? Cynthia Brian will help you avoid the scams, shop with a charity, find the best discounts, and play the dynamic pricing game to get the best prices.
The month of December ushers in a time of joyfulness and giving with gardeners being the most generous givers of all! Harvests of persimmons, walnuts, and pomegranates make for baskets of nutritious and delicious gifts. Root cuttings, potted plants, and arrangements made from bark, branches, and pinecones are natural reminders of the wonders of a pre-winter season. Have a holly jolly Hannukah and Christmas with Cynthia Brian’s gardening guides.
Cynthia Brian’s new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener is now available for holiday purchases. Get the best discounts, extra goodies, and autographed copies at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store. 25% of proceeds benefit the 501c3 charity, Be the Star You Are!® BUY TODAY!!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Cynthia Brian and StarStyle!
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/103851/19th-anniversary-of-starstyle-radio-holiday-on-line-shopping
The Gratitude Hour
November 22, 2017
Thanksgiving comes only once a year yet gratitude needs to be a way of living daily. With the utter political chaos, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other tragedies throughout the year, everyone needs to be grateful to be celebrating the feast of the pilgrims with the Native Americans. Cynthia Brian hosts an hour filled with inspirational insights, autumn gardening tips, suggestions for creating a gratitude journal, ideas on planning a perfect Thanksgiving feast, and even guidelines for shopping on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Tune in and count your blessings with the Goddess Gardener.
Be the Star You Are!® charity continues Operation Disaster Relief Program for fires and hurricanes throughout the holidays. Visit and donate to help: http://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-operation-hurricane-disaste
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/103330/the-gratitude-hour
READ PRESS PASS: https://vapresspass.com/2017/11/07/the-gratitude-hour/
Walking Dead's IronE, How to Recognize PTSD, On Fire
November 08, 2017
IronE Singleton is best known to audiences as the menacing kingpin Alton in the Academy® Oscar Award-nominated film THE BLIND SIDE; the biggest box office grossing sports movie of all time. He is also known as the compassionate tough guy, T-Dog, in the Emmy, AFI & WGA Award winning, Golden Globe nominated TV show THE WALKING DEAD. IronE talks with Cynthia Brian about his world tour of his one man show, Blindsided by the Walking Dead.
The most deadly and devastating fire in California history is raged through the beautiful wine country of Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Solano counties in October of 2017. The death toll from this towering inferno rose to 48 as over 10,000 firefighters and first responders from around the USA, Canada, and Australia battle the blazes. The smoke spewed dangerous toxins across the Bay Area as scientists speculate that catastrophic fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes will be the new norm plaguing our world. Global warming and climate change has arrived.
Many people are suffering from PTSD surrounding all of these disasters. Learn the signs and what you can do. Also learn to pack an emergency evacuation kit.
Bio: Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, IronE Singleton’s story embodies everything about the lives of many inner-city youth growing up in low-income housing projects. Fatherless and having lost his mother to HIV/AIDS when he was a senior in high school and watched his brother spend most of his life in Georgia’s prison system, IronE fought to have a different life. The “irony” of his story is that, while all the odds were stacked against him, IronE Singleton overcame his troubled childhood to attend the University of Georgia on academic and football scholarships. Singleton wrote, directed and performed a critically acclaimed One Man Stage production entitled Blindsided by the Walking Dead as well as his autobiography chronicling his life from poverty to fame. IronE is also a lyricist with his debut, 10 track album, Hip-Hopcrisy. His ambition is to encourage, inspire, and motivate us all towards positive change for the betterment of humanity. http://www.ironesingleton.com
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/103235/encore-california-on-fire-and-irone-blindsided-by-the-walking-dead
Read Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2017/10/25/blind-sided-walking-dead-california-fire/
Hanging Baskets, House Noise Alerts, DIY Security Systems
November 01, 2017
From the vineyards of Temecula in Southern California to the coastline towns on the Oregon coast, everywhere Cynthia Brian travel has witnessed glorious displays of cascading flowers. Hanging from pergolas, lampposts, balconies, porches, and patios, these bloom filled tubs trump the fern and Spider plant baskets of by-gone days. The prolific blooms of petunias, fuchsias, impatiens, and verbena extend the flowering season with a myriad of bright colors in purple, pink, white, blue, and yellow. Learn how to make a glorious hanging masterpiece.
Do you know what all the creaks and noises of your house indicate? You don’t have ghosts but you may have structural issues that need attention. Find out which sounds you need to pay attention to ensure your safety.
About 20% of homes have security systems that are monitored and professionally installed. But a new type of DIY security system has emerged with no additional fees beyond the cost of the equipment and no professional monitoring. Instead of requiring wires in the walls, DIY systems typically use the existing Wi-Fi network in your home and you can install one yourself!
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102944/hanging-baskets-house-noise-alerts-diy-security-systems
Press Pass: http://vapresspass.com/2017/10/12/hanging-baskets-house-noise-alerts-diy-security-systems/
Greener Grass, Pet Clean, Body Detox
October 25, 2017
Is the grass greener on the other side? If you have let your lawn die because of the drought, you’ll want to tune in to find out how you can reseed and restore your grass as a benefit to your health, well-being, and enjoyment.
Do you love it when you dog licks your face? As sweet as those kisses are, they could be exposing you to feces-borne parasites or other diseases. We’ll offer a few simple ways to keep your dog and cats clean and healthy.
What are the best ways to detox your body? It is NOT colonics, cleanses, and juice diets. Learn to boost your natural filtration system by limiting the junk that goes into your body and eliminating toxins and irritants. Cynthia Brian will show you how.
Listen at the Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/103213/greener-grass-pet-clean-body-detox
California On Fire, Iron E Singleton & Walking DeadWrite a catchy title...
October 18, 2017
The most deadly and devastating fire in California history is still raging in the beautiful wine country of Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Solano counties. The death toll from this towering inferno continues to rise as over 10,000 firefighters and first responders from around the USA, Canada, and Australia battle the blazes. The smoke is spewing dangerous toxins across the Bay Area as scientists speculate that catastrophic fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes will be the new norm plaguing our world.
IronE Singleton is best known to audiences as the menacing kingpin Alton in the Academy® Oscar Award-nominated film THE BLIND SIDE; the biggest box office grossing sports movie of all time. He is also known as the compassionate tough guy, T-Dog, in the Emmy, AFI & WGA Award winning, Golden Globe nominated TV show THE WALKING DEAD. IronE talks with Cynthia Brian about his world tour of his one man show, Blindsided by the Walking Dead.
Bio: Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, IronE Singleton’s story embodies everything about the lives of many inner-city youth growing up in low-income housing projects. Fatherless and having lost his mother to HIV/AIDS when he was a senior in high school and watched his brother spend most of his life in Georgia’s prison system, IronE fought to have a different life. The “irony” of his story is that, while all the odds were stacked against him, IronE Singleton overcame his troubled childhood to attend the University of Georgia on academic and football scholarships. Singleton wrote, directed and performed a critically acclaimed One Man Stage production entitled Blindsided by the Walking Dead as well as his autobiography chronicling his life from poverty to fame. IronE is also a lyricist with his debut, 10 track album, Hip-Hopcrisy. His ambition is to encourage, inspire, and motivate us all towards positive change for the betterment of humanity. http://www.ironesingleton.com
Listen LIVE at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/103033/california-on-fire-and-irone-blindsided-by-the-walking-dead
Tom Petty Tribute, Protecting Your Information
October 11, 2017
"Learning to fly, but I ain't got wings" sang the legendary Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Tom Petty. He was among America’s greatest songwirters and sold millions of records worldwide as leader of the Heartbreakers. He died at 66. Heather Brittany bids farewell as she discusses his impact on music, culture, and the day of his death coinciding with the Las Vegas concert shooting. Tom has wings now. Fly on!
You've probably spent time thinking about investment risk. But have you stopped to think about more personal security issues, such as the safety of your online financial transactions and information stored on your computers? While most people recognize that online fraud or cybercrime is a potential threat, few know how or why they may be at risk. Cybercrime can take many forms, and understanding who the enemies are and how they commit crimes may allow you to better defend yourself. Cynthia Brian walks you through ways to protect yourself and your finances.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102808/tom-petty-tribute-protecting-your-information
Mind over Diabetes, Financial Disaster Planning Kit, Grape Escape
October 04, 2017
Can you fight diabetes with positive thoughts? Stress and anxiety contribute to diabetes. New research indicates that we may be able to ward off or control diabetes with our mind. Find out how on StarStyle.
If a calamity happened to you today, do you have an emergency financial plan? We never know when a disaster will turn our lives upside down but having a plan for your money will help you navigate the muddy waters.
It’s grape harvest time. Fall ushers in the picking of the grapes to make the wine that we all enjoy. Learn a bit of history of the California vineyards then raise your glass for a sip of the nectar of the gods.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102667/mind-over-diabetes-financial-disaster-planning-kit-grape-escape
Homeowners Insurance, Home Budget Upgrades, Having Enough
September 27, 2017
Do you understand your homeowner’s insurance policy? It’s time for a refresher course. It only takes one major plumbing leak, a fire, hurricane, or other disaster to bankrupt you if you don’t have adequate cover. Find out what you must know to protect your investment.
As a certified California interior designer for over two decades, Cynthia Brian, ASID, learned a few tricks to update a home on a budget. Discover ways you can make your residence look fresh, new, and current with a few DIY tricks that cost very little.
When is “enough” enough? We set goals for ourselves, decide on a monetary mountain we must reach, then when we achieve these things we want more. Sometimes we have to take a breath and realize that “enough” is a great place to be.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102432/homeowners-insurance-home-budget-upgrades-having-enough
Coffee Break, Outdoors, Parenting Adult Children
September 20, 2017
Are you a coffee aficionado? Did you know that coffee is now considered good for your health and longevity? Learn more about America’s java cravings, cautions, claims, and benefits.
As summer draws to a close, it’s natural to want to grab the last rays of outdoor living. Tips on how to enjoy the outdoors at the end of summer including how to get rid of a skunk’s stinky spray on your beloved pet.
Sometimes our adult children make choices that are destructive. As a caring parent, we have to step in with an opinion while maintaining family harmony. What do you say and how do you say it?
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102191/coffee-break-outdoors-parenting-adult-children
Read Press Pass: http://vapresspass.com/2017/09/14/coffee-benefits-fall-outdoors-parenting/
Stranger Danger; Food as Medicine
September 13, 2017
Do you know how to protect yourself from danger? Did you ever take a self-defense class? In these days of terrorist attacks and increased muggings, your security is paramount. Learn some deterrents to keep the bad guys away.
You’ve heard the saying “You are what you eat!” The reality is that what you imbibe can help or hurt, nourish or poison. The correct edibles offer a prescription for health. Nature has a built in medicine cabinet. Health Hero, Heather Brittany, talks about the movie, the method, and the medicine.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102085/stranger-danger-medicine-food
Right Where You Left Me, Vacation Ration, Optimism,
September 06, 2017
Do you remember when you were a kid you dreamed about vacation time? In 2016, American workers left 662 million vacation days unused. Many people skip a vacation believing that they’ll get behind on work or they can’t afford the time off. The truth is that you are more productive, happier, healthier, and creative when you take vacation days. Cynthia Brian eliminates the guilt and gets you on track for a break.
No matter who you are or where you come from, you will have setbacks and challenges in your life. It is not what happens to us that decides our character, it is how we respond to events and circumstances. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? You have a choice and Cynthia will lead you to the light.
Booklist calls Calla Devlin’s sophomore book, Right Where You Left Me, “a thought provoking examination of familial love.” It’s the story of a journalist father, his Russian wife, and their senior high school daughter, Charlotte, who is close to her dad, but has a chilly relationship with her mom. When Charlotte’s father disappears while covering an earthquake in Ukraine, the mom and Charlotte are forced to communicate and collaborate.
Guest Bio: Calla Devlin is the author of William C. Morris Award finalist Tell Me Something Real. She’s also a Pushcart nominee and winner of the Best of Blood and Thunder Award whose stories have been included in numerous literary journals and in anthologies, including Because I Love Her: 34 Women Writers Reflect on the Mother-Daughter Bond, for which she was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Magazine. Visit her at CallaDevlin.com.
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102042/right-where-you-left-me-vacation-ration-optimism
Debt Collectors, Naked Ladies, Wild Kingdom, Baby Breathing
August 30, 2017
Are you pestered by debt collectors for bills that you’ve long forgotten or already paid? Zombie debts may come with steep fees and penalties. Find out what you can do to protect yourself.
Is there anything more glorious that Naked Ladies dancing in the sunshine? Every summer these long necked beauties raise their pretty pink faces when little else graces our gardens with blooms. You’ll want to invite these ladies to your next garden party.
The suburbs have become a wild kingdom with coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, wild turkeys, deer, snakes, and other critters bravely wandering into backyards. Is there anything you can do to deter them? Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian shares a few tips.
As an acting and media coach the first technique that Cynthia Brian teaches clients is how to breathe like a baby, also called belly breathing. When you want to relax and de-stress, baby breathing is your ticket to serenity and success.
Cynthia Brian’s new book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, is available for purchase at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store .
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100961/debt-collectors-naked-ladies-wild-kingdom-baby-breathing
Practicing Joy, Pets as Therapists, Blame Busters
August 23, 2017
Research indicates that it’s the little things in life that lead to a joyful life. Do you notice the small moments that make you happy? Learn how to practice being blissful.
According to a 2015 Harris poll, 95% of pet owners consider their pet part of their family. Is it any wonder that scientists are spending time investigating how animals can increase our mental and emotional health. Animal therapy is on the rise. Hug your pooch today!
We all know someone who is a constant complainer and blamer. Nothing is ever right for these people. Since they don’t know how to get attention in any other way, they find the negative in everything, then blame others for mistakes or faults of their own. Find out how to tame the complaints, bust the blames, and reframe the resistance.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100457/practicing-joy-pets-as-therapists-blame-busters
Praising Farmers, Sense Health, Living Past 100
August 16, 2017
America was an agrarian society until the early 1900’s. Today we are a technology-focused country. As of the last census, only one percent of Americans are farmers. With the global population expected to exceed nine billion by 2050, farmers will have to grow sixty percent more food to feed the masses. Farmers are the foundation of our civilization and we need to honor and respect their art. Cynthia Brian praises farmers. It’s time we get back to our roots. Do you know where your food comes from?
Most of us don’t think twice about the importance of hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling, and smelling, but when we begin to lose one or more of these senses our entire health can be thrown off balance. Take the steps now to protect your five senses and learn what you can do to save what you have.
A child born today could possibly live to 150 years old. Are you planning on living past 100? It’s not just health you need to be concerned about. Discover the possibilities and what you need to do to become a centenarian.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100583/praising-farmers-sense-health-living-past-100
Wedding Payments, Boomer Vs. Millennial Dollars
August 09, 2017
Couples are marrying later than in previous generations with the average for women being 29 and for men 31. In bygone days, the bride’s parents were expected to foot the bill for the wedding but those rules have changed. How can you keep this happy occasion on track and who pays for what? Cynthia Brian shares ways to make it work.
Millennials may have surpassed boomers in numbers, but more than 70% of the disposable income in the US comes from baby boomers. Boomers are interested in saving and spending money. Heather Brittany discusses why companies need to focus on attracting boomers as well as other generations to increase their bottom line.
Guest Bio:
Heather Brittany is a certified Bar Method instructor with degrees in English, Communications, and Women's Health. She has worked as a reproductive assistant at Planned Parenthood and is very keen on helping men and women stay healthy and be informed. Heather is currently working in the wine industry and touts the wellness benefits of a daily glass of vino. She and her husband helped foot the bill for their dream wedding. It was the best day of their lives!
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Network: : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100176/wedding-payments-boomer-vs-millennial-dollars
LOL, Opiod Crisis, Rats & Rattles
August 02, 2017
Laughter could be the best medicine. Laughing makes you and everyone around you feel better. Instead of holding on to grudges, learn to laugh more.
The nation’s deadliest drug epidemic is hitting Americans of every age. Doctors have overprescribed painkillers for years not knowing the swiftness of addiction to opioids. Find out what opioids are and how the Department of Health and Human Services is responding to the crisis.
Rodents are inundating homes and gardens this year in search of water and food. Wherever rodents race, snakes that eat rodents follow. Take precautions when in your garden or hiking as poisonous snakes are lurking in the grass. Find out what you can do in case of an emergency as well as new ways to rid your rooms of rats.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100430/lol-opiod-crisis-rats-and-rattles
Food Shopping Time & Money Savers, Talking Dirt, Mosquito Madness
July 26, 2017
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attentio
We all want to save money and time when we shop. By following a few of these tips curated by Consumer Reports you can save up to 40% off your weekly food bill. Find out how to keep your food fresh and be a safety expert too. What are you waiting for? Tune in for more.
The number one problem in the gardens that Cynthia Brian visits is the quality of the soil. There is a difference between dirt and soil. We can be dirt rich and soil poor. Unfortunately, many gardens are filled with lots of dirt and very poor soil. Learn what you can do to help your garden grow.
The deadliest creature on earth is just a buzz away. While some people consider mosquitoes to be little more than a minor, itchy annoyance, these pesky insects can put you at risk for a number of mosquito-borne diseases that are deadly. Learn how to control these pests and protect your health.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100181/food-shopping-time-and-money-savers-talking-dirt-mosquito-madness
Nowhere-Somewhere, Murder in Matera, Volunteer for Longevity
July 19, 2017
According to motivational author Alan Cohen, “Nowhere is so highly populated that it seems like somewhere. When billions of people agree that illusions are solid, it is tempting to pitch your tent on a swamp.” How can you make every day count?
Helene Stapinski talks about her new memoir, MURDER IN MATERA , a story of ancestry, self-discovery, Italian traditions, and the mystery that lies beneath it all. Since the age of four, Helene heard lurid yet inspiring tales about her great-great-grandmother Vita, a loose woman back in Southern Italy who fled to America in 1892 with her three children after committing murder. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/02/opinion/illegal-immigration-italian-americans.html
How can you live longer? Volunteer. Share your skills, passions, and expertise and you’ll feel better about yourself and stay younger longer. Cynthia Brian explores the positive effects of volunteering.
Bio: Helene Stapinski is the author of Five-Finger Discount: A Crooked Family History, which recounts her family's criminal history, and Baby Plays Around: A Love Affair with Music, which chronicles her years playing drums in a rock band in Manhattan. She has written extensively for The New York Times as well as for New York magazine, Salon, Travel & Leisure and dozens of other publications and essay collections. On the recently released documentary based on Five-Finger Discount, she has worked as a producer and writer. Stapinski has been a radio newscaster in Alaska, has appeared on National Public Radio, was a featured performer with The Moth, has lectured at her alma mater, Columbia University, and teaches writing at Fordham University. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two children.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100019/nowhere-somewhere-murder-in-matera-volunteer-for-longevity
Flower Child, What You Need to Know about Pregnancy
July 12, 2017
In the summer of 1967 over one hundred thousand young people descended upon San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, and the Haight-Ashbury area to experience a season of love, peace, sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll. The Summer of Love, as this counterculture revolution was called, celebrated with free concerts, performances, protests, and flowers. Cynthia Brian was never a hippie, but she has always been a flower child. Follow her through the garden.
What is the ideal age to give birth? Did you know that women who give birth in their late teens develop more health problems than those who wait until their early 30s? The younger a woman is, the younger her eggs are, which means they are less prone to chromosomal mistakes. Researchers know that the younger a woman is when her first baby is born, the lower her lifetime breast cancer risk is, though the exact mechanism is unknown. After forty, fertility is a struggle. Guest Health Hero Heather Brittany shares information on what we need to know about pregnancy.
Bio: Heather Brittany
Heather Brittany is a certified Bar Method instructor with degrees in English, Communications, and Women's Health. She has worked as a reproductive assistant at Planned Parenthood and is very keen on helping men and women stay healthy and be informed. Heather is currently working in the wine industry and touts the wellness benefits of a daily glass of vino.
Tune in at Voice America Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100018/flower-child-what-you-need-to-know-about-pregnancy
Raising Readers, Financial Literacy, Smile Power
July 05, 2017
The benefits of being a reader enhance every moment of our life. From the moment a child is born, reading is an essential activity. Get ideas on how to grow readers for a lifetime of success. As we say at Be the Star You Are!®, “To be a leader, you must be a reader. Read, lead, succeed!”
How do you teach your children the importance of financial independence? Are they financially literate? Tips on how to talk early, often, and help them invest regularly.
The power of a smile has been documented by activists, singers, and authors since time immemorial. When we feel great, a smile comes naturally. Find out why smiling is good for your health.
Tune in at Voice America Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99668/raising-readers-financial-literacy-smile-power
Overcoming Family Feuds, College GE’s, Transplanted
June 27, 2017
In this empowering book, Dr. Maisel shows how to stay sane when family isn’t, providing practical strategies that can be implemented immediately. Overcoming Your Difficult Family is a “field guide” to common types of dysfunctional families, and a big helping of real life success stories that are dinner table tested and approved. Listeners will learn to maintain inner peace in the midst of family chaos and maybe even create a better life for the whole family.
When determining what college you want to attend, do you pay attention to the general education requirements? Colleges want well-rounded students, but sometimes those GE’s seem to hold you back from your major. What to do? You have choices.
When plants, trees, and shrubs are moved, they also go through an instance of distress. It doesn’t matter if they are being moved from one part of the garden to another or across the continent to a new home, as directors of our landscapes, we have a responsibility to give the transplants a good foundation for their new environs. Tips for lessening plant stress.
Eric Maisel, PhD, is a retired family therapist, an active life coach, and the author of more than fifty books including his latest, Overcoming Your Difficult Family. He has been quoted or featured in a variety of publications, including Martha Stewart Living, Redbook, Glamour, Men’s Health, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Self. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit him online at www.EricMaisel.com.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99572/overcoming-family-feuds-college-ges-transplanted
Animal Lessons, Boarding a Pet, AM or PM Exercise
June 21, 2017
You adore your pet. Actually, your cat, dog, or other critter is part of your family. When you go away for an extended time, do you know how to get the most out of your boarding experience. Cynthia Brian shares tips on how to find the best place to planning for emergencies.
All around us, animals are acting as our therapists, trainers, mentors, and gurus- but only if we pay attention. Through their “misbehaviors”, challenges, and unwavering love, animals are conscientiously guiding us to the next step in our personal journey. Animal Lessons, by Danielle MacKinnon, shows you how to understand and benefit from this incredible phenomenon.
When is the best time to exercise? It depends on the outcomes you want to achieve. We’ll look at recent research and how it can affect your health, sleep patterns, and productivity.
Danielle MacKinnon is a highly gifted intuitive and coach who has appeared on TV and on radio around the world. She’s also a faculty member at the Omega Institute, and the Kripalu Center as well as other globally recognized teaching and wellness institutions. Her school, the Danielle MacKinnon School of Animal Communication, has helped to make the field of animal communication more globally visible. Danielle challenges people to rethink their beliefs about themselves. Every year, Danielle leads thousands of people through their challenges and into a world of miraculous possibility.
Named one of the country’s “Best Psychic Mediums,” and one of the “Top 100 American Astrologers and Psychics” Danielle is one of the country’s most popular teachers on soul contracts, animal communication, and re-connecting to your best self. http://www.daniellemackinnon.com/
Listen at Voice America Network: : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99547/animal-lessons-boarding-a-pet-am-or-pm-exercise
Smartphone Pictures, Men’s Health, Father’s Day
June 14, 2017
Today everyone walks around with a smartphone. Taking photos has become a snap. But are you taking the best photos you possibly can? Master photography with a few professional tips.
Health Hero, Heather Brittany, offers tips to men to stay healthy, including the latest scientific research on prostate cancer detection and how best to maintain vigor and strength.
Father’s Day is Sunday and the best gift you have give you Dad if you are fortunate enough to have him around is to write him a note to tell him how much he means to you.
Guest Bio: Heather Brittany
Heather Brittany is a certified Bar Method instructor with degrees in English, Communications, and Women's Health. Formerly she worked as a reproductive assistant and is also very keen on helping men stay healthy by getting necessary check-ups. Heather is currently working in the wine industry and touts the wellness benefits of a daily glass of vino for both men and women.
Listen at Voice America Network: : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99362/smartphone-pictures-mens-health-fathers-day
Road Trip Guide, Garden Rooms, Editing Tips
June 07, 2017
Going on vacation in your car? Do you know how to pack for safety, fun, and flexibility. AAA has numerous helpful tips and we’ll glean the best ones to save you the effort. Happy Traveling.
You’ve heard of creating garden rooms. Take a stroll through an eclectic landscape with Cynthia Brian as she describes the various rooms created by a collector of all things cast off and cast iron, who converted salvaged junk into artistic architecture that transforms his garden into an alluring adventure of discovery.
What is editing and do you need it for your manuscript? People are often confused about the importance of editing, yet a clean, error free copy will reap benefits. Learn what the different types of editing are.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99368/road-trip-guide-garden-rooms-editing
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Getting Hitched, Clean Food, Art of Delegating
May 31, 2017
There are great reasons to get married. Love, companionship, children, ego balancing, partnerships, tax breaks. Discover a few tips on the positive reasons for getting hitched.
Did you now that those luscious strawberries that you just bought could be loaded with more than a 100 different pesticides? Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian tells you the clean and the dirty and how best to grow your own.
When you have to delegate a task, sometimes communicating your wishes is challenging. Show, don’t tell and learn to advertise the upside to every job. Then get out of the way and stop micromanaging. Learn a few tricks to keep everyone happy.
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99176/getting-hitched-clean-food-art-of-delegating
The Holocaust, Author Colonel Charles Causey of The Lion and the Lamb
May 24, 2017
From the Greek words “holos” meaning whole and “kaustos: meaning burned, historically the word Holocaust described a sacrificial offering burned on an alter. In the 1940’s, Adolph Hitler changed the meaning of Holocaust which we now know as the horrendous mass murder and torture of over six million Jews plus four to six million non-Jews in his campaign for the “Final Solution” in his quest for racial Aryan purity. Cynthia Brian discusses the history of the Holocaust and anti-semitism then interviews author Colonel Charles Causey about his book, The Lion and the Lamb.
A novel of innocence, betrayal, and tragedy, The Lion and the Lamb is an absorbing tale of how war-torn people cling to the power of hope and faith. Colonel Charles Causey spent three years researching this history to bring this true Holocaust story of the suffering innocent and the morally extinguished leaders of the Third Reich. We’ll be thrust into this psychological torture chamber of Hitler and the Holocaust while meeting his second-in-command, architect Albert Speer and the Dutch woman, Corrie ten Boom who struggled to smuggle Jews to safety despite the danger to herself and family.
Bio: Colonel Charles Causey is an active duty Army chaplain who works for the Chief of Chaplains in Washington D.C. A recipient of the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Iraq, he is also a marriage counselor and conference trainer. Married, and with four children who keep him very busy, Charles is also an author for Abingdon Press and NavPress/Tyndale House. He has written several literary works including the victorious 536-page Civil War novel "In Danger Every Hour" and a chilling moral thriller detailing WW II's Holocaust "The Lion and the Lamb." He loves to run, study history, and write about interesting people of faith. www.causeybooks.com
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98753/hitlers-holocaust-the-lion-and-the-lamb
PressPass: https://vapresspass.com/2017/05/06/holocaust-author-colonel-charles-causey-lion-lamb-cynthia-brian/
Doctor Talk, Yelp Elite, Planting Posture
May 17, 2017
When you visit your family physician, do you know the right questions to ask? Most doctor visits last less than fifteen minutes and most patients leave without understanding their diagnosis. Cynthia Brian sheds light on how to listen, understand, and communicate what you need to know.
YELP was founded in 2004 with the purpose of connecting people with great local businesses. By the end of 2016, 65 million unique visitors used the YELP mobile app, 24 million visited monthly via YELP, and more than 121 million reviews were written of almost every type of local business, from restaurants, boutiques and salons to dentists, mechanics, plumbers and more. Stephanie Yolish is YELP’s East Bay Senior Community Director who will discuss YELP, the YELP Elite Squad, and the importance of honest reviews.
May is the perfect time to be planting. Gardening burns calories, strengthens muscles, and provides stress relief. To avoid injuries as well as aches and pains, Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian shares posture positions to help you garden with ease.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98805/doctor-talk-yelp-elite-planting-posture
May Play, Kids Learning Less, Mother’s Day
May 10, 2017
Between the copious showers and the solar assistance, spring is alive and lush with the grandeur of flora. Cynthia Brian’s entire garden is bursting with surprises of color, textures, and forms. Join the Goddess Gardener for some gardening playtime.
In the past few decades early childhood learning has changed radically. Now that kindergarten serves as a gatekeeper, not a welcome mat, to elementary school, concerns about school preparedness kick in earlier and earlier. Kids are being forced to work harder, but studies are showing they are learning less. Are kids being forced to read and write instead of talk, listen, and play? Heather Brittany sheds light on the shift from exploratory early-childhood teaching to the quest for achievement.
Moms around the world perform astronomical duties every day without much fanfare. One day a year these dedicated women are celebrated on Mother’s Day. Granted Mother’s Day was created as a commercial venue, yet it has become a special occasion to honor the person in our life who gave us life or provided us with life. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you marvelous mommas!
Listen at Voice America Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98814/may-play-kids-learning-less-mothers-day
Smile Secrets, Giving Thanks, Tragedy Talks for Kids
May 03, 2017
Want to look great, feel awesome, and be more attractive? Want to brighten the day of strangers, help people feel better, and be happier yourself? Trying smiling more. Find the power that smiling offers and show your pearly whites!
When you affirm that the world is good and you recognize the sources of goodness are outside yourself, you’ll feel happier, healthier, and grateful. Set your intention to give thanks for everything you are and have. Cynthia Brian will help you appreciate the little things that matter.
When tragedies happen in the world or closer to home with family or friends, how do you explain the circumstances to your children? How many details are healthy to share and what needs to be left unsaid? We’ll explore this difficult topic while being an empathetic parent.
Listen at Voice America Network: : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98626/smile-secrets-giving-thanks-tragedy-talks-for-kids
Cracking the Egg Mystery, Purple Reign, Disciplining Children
April 26, 2017
Nutritionists and cooks are once again touting the health benefits of eggs, but the controversy over cholesterol and diabetes is ongoing. Life-long chicken raiser and cottage industry egg-seller, Cynthia Brian, sheds light on the scramble with the newest statistics and research.
Purple, the color of royalty, wisdom, and luxury is favored in the majority of Cynthia Brian’s botanical blooms. The nobility of the season is highlighted with the elegantly perfumed lilac, the scented grace of cascading wisteria, and the pride of the dark and handsome hellebore as it changes from its deep shaded amethyst of winter to the violet and chartreuse of spring. Join the Goddess Gardener where purple reigns!
If you are a parent, how do you coordinate discipline with your spouse or partner? Is one of you more lenient while the other is strict? Discover a system that will benefit the family.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98529/cracking-the-egg-purple-reigns-disciplining-kids
Dreamworking with Dr. Christopher Sowton, Living Longer, Giving Thanks
April 19, 2017
Genetics account for only 25% of a person’s longevity. The rest is how you live your life. Learn tips from centenarians for a new model for aging.
Join Christopher Sowton as he shares five steps to receiving the inner guidance of our dreams: Catch, Clarify, Orient, Connect, Respond . With hands-on techniques, examples from the author’s psychotherapy practice, and guidance for working with fourteen common dream motifs, his book, Dreamworking–How to Listen to the Inner Guidance of Your Dreams, shows how to facilitate dreamwork for psychological and spiritual transformation.
When you affirm that the world is good and you recognize the sources of goodness are outside yourself, you’ll feel happier, healthier, and grateful. Set your intention to give thanks for everything you are and have. Cynthia Brian will help you appreciate the little things that matter.
Guest Bio: Dr. Christopher Sowton
Dr. Christopher Sowton ND RP is a naturopath and a psychotherapist. Based in Toronto, his practice focuses on dreamwork. Since 2003 Christopher has been training health care practitioners of all kinds to integrate dreamwork into their practices. He is a member of the IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) and has recently published a book—Dreamworking–How to Listen to the Inner Guidance of Your Dreams. http://www.christophersowton.com/
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98200/living-longer-dreamworking-giving-thanks
Allergy Alert, Fast Fixes to Live Healthy, End of Life Decisions
April 12, 2017
f you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life enhancing results. It’s party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country.
It’s spring and that means the beautiful flowers and blooming trees also bring pollen. Allergy sufferers react with headaches, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and noses. There are a few solutions that will alleviate your symptoms.
Our lives are busier and busier but that doesn’t mean we can forgo our health for our hectic schedules. If you only have a few minutes, you’ll be surprised by how much you can achieve. Tune in to Health Matters for fast fixes.
It’s not easy to have an end of life conversation, but it’s important to make decisions before it’s too late. Cynthia Brian will discuss options for advance care planning with choices for medical directives.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98384/allergy-alert-fast-fixes-to-live-healthy-end-of-life-decisions
Veterinary Savings, Grow Grass, Fitness Freebies
April 05, 2017
If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life enhancing results. It’s party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country.
If you family pet gets ill, veterinary costs can be prohibitive. As heartbreaking as it is, you don’t want to let your pet suffer nor break your budget. We’ll discuss ways to save money on vet costs while maintaining the health of your beloved family member.
We are not talking about marijuana today but how to grow the most sustainable, drought resistant lawns. To manage your efforts maintaining the health, beauty, and benefits of your lawn for the remainder of the year, get started this month with simple best practices with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. Love your grass!
We are instructed to get at minimum of thirty minutes of exercise per day. By doing a little bit throughout your workday you can easily acquire the benefits of activity. Learn ten simple fitness tricks to keep you healthy and in shape.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98252/veterinary-savings-grow-grass-fitness-freebies
Color Your World, Chakra Conference, College Evaluations
March 29, 2017
Colors affect everything we do from attention spans to productivity. Learn what emotions various colors can evoke and how you can use color to enhance your world.
Resdiscover joy, health and abundance at The Complete Chakra Clearing Conference, April 7-9 2017 at the Embassy Suites in San Rafael, California. Event representative, Johanna Maaghul will share what tools participants will learn and gain as they clear their chakras. We are in stressful and trying times, with a divisiveness at an all-time high among family, friends and communities. Speakers at the conference will help activate profound change on the planet to encourage and facilitate healing. https://yhoo.it/1NSf63i
What do college admissions officers look at when evaluating which student will be best suited for their higher learning establishment? College admissions are confusing so we break down academic records, testing, and extra curricular records to help your student be aware of the responses.
Guest Bio: Johanna Maaghoul
Literary Agent, Waterside Productions Inc.
With a two-decade career as a technologist and business analyst, Johanna continues to dedicate her time to her real childhood passion of reading and (now later in life) midwifing into the world non-fiction books. Her deep ability to recognize value in new concepts and quickly sift out meaning in today’s vastly growing sea of non-fiction are skills she has refined through her many years of reading, writing and coaching successful writers and artists. With deep industry experience in online marketing, web content development and digital publishing, Johanna combines her career expertise to help promote authors as well as assist them in navigating the rapidly changing worlds of traditional and digital publishing. While Johanna’s primary focus is on non-fiction, she has been known to take on works of fiction when she can’t put them down. https://yhoo.it/1NSf63i
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98071/color-your-world-chakra-conference-college-evaluations
Creating Your Space, Chanda Hahn with Lost Girl, Spring Sprung
March 22, 2017
Do you feel cramped in your relationship because you don’t have a space or place of your own? To be at peace and enjoy harmony everyone needs personal space, emotionally and physically. Find out how to carve that niche for yourself.
If you loved Peter Pan, you’ll love New York Times best selling author Chanda Hahn’s novel, Lost Girl. Wendy doesn’t remember anything about Neverland and Peter just wants to forget. A fun read from the first book of the Neverwood Chronicles will have you anxious to know more with the following novel, Lost Boy.
Spring has sprung and with it the trees, shrubs, bulbs, and perennials are in full bloom. You may be suffering from allergies from the pollen, yet the beauty of the season is enchanting. What chores can you do in your garden? The Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, shovels the dirt.
Guest Bio:
Chanda Hahn is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of Reign An Unfortunate Fairy Tale. She uses her experience as a children’s pastor, children’s librarian and bookseller to write compelling and popular fiction for teens. She was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Nebraska and currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their twin children. www.Chandahahn.com
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/98007/creating-your-space-chanda-hahn-with-lost-girl-spring-sprung
Happy Foods, Acting at Any Age, Health Insurance Denials
March 15, 2017
Can foods actually boost your feel good quotient? The answer is “YES” and we’ll talk about the best antidepressant edibles that will make you happy and healthy.
Have you always wanted to be on TV or in movies? What’s stopping you? Acting coach and author of The Business of Show Business will show you how getting on a set may be easier than ever at any age. The more “real person” you are the better!
What do you do when your insurance company denies your coverage? Know your rights and how to fight back.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel :
Gaelic Green, Cannabis Calling
March 08, 2017
The good news is that spring is coming and with it an abundance of flowers and beauty. All you have to do is look around to witness the beautiful blossoms on pear and peach trees. St. Patrick’s Day is next week and Cynthia Brian is practicing her Gaelic and preparing her shamrock arrangements. Tune in for a bit of the Irish.
The 3rd Annual Spring Cannabis Business Expo is in its final day today held in San Diego, California. After the passing of Proposition 64, attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers read like the “Who’s Who” in cannabis! Heather Brittany reports on the marijuana market
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97763/gaelic-green-and-cannabis-calling
Say NO, Food Waste, Positive Body Image
March 01, 2017
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
What do you do when you are asked to do something or go somewhere and you really don’t want to participate? Learning to say “no” respectfully is an art and we’ll give you ways to be polite and firm.
Spoiler alert! You are probably throwing out over $2000 worth of edible goods annually. Find out what the “sell by” and “enjoy by” dates really mean and discover ways to reduce food waste.
Who hasn’t looked in the mirror with disgust at the reflection? We are all our worst critics but it is time to stop the blame and claim the beauty that is health. Cynthia Brian gives you permission to love the skin you are in!
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97642/say-no-food-waste-positive-body-image
Wet & Wild, Paw Protection, Resilience, Mindfulness Meddling
February 22, 2017
Rain, rain, and more rain! With the many years of drought experienced in California, can our parched soils accommodate the abundance of precipitation or are we getting a prescription for flooding, landslides, and toppling trees. Find out ways to manage the winter H20.
Are you dressing your dog for the cold? Be careful, you may be overheating her. Tips on protecting your pet from the elements to keep pooch be healthy and happy.
How high can you bounce? When life sends you curve balls, are you able to catch them? Resilient people are healthier, happier, and thrive despite challenging circumstances. Find ways to inhibit hopelessness and bounce back from troubles.
The mindfulness movement is growing. Are you being sold marketing claims or are you benefiting. Cynthia Brian gets honest with commercial promises.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97536/wet-and-wild-paw-protection-mindfulness
Love & Money, Grain Healthy, Sowing, Crowing, & Meet the Beets
February 15, 2017
Valentine’s is over but hopefully the love keeps on growing. The single biggest lover’s spat concerns money. The future of your relationship may depend on how you handle finances. Love and money can be bedmates and you’ll get the strategies to help you navigate.
If you are buying foods with whole grain labels, you probably think you are a making the healthy choice. But think again. The term “whole grain” has become meaningless. Discover the fraudulent red flags and advertising tricks that could compromise your well-being.
Cynthia Brian credits her childhood rooster, Chanticleer, for helping her be where she is today. You’ll learn the back story of why she’s been known as “The Chicken Lady”, get tips for February gardening, and find out why, the beet goes on as a potential performance booster.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97386/love-and-money-grain-healthy-sowing-crowing-and-meet-the-beets
Show the Love!, Home Recharge, Success from Stress
February 08, 2017
Valentine’s is fast approaching and it’s time to put on the amour. Before you can share the love, you have to love yourself. How do you do that? Join Cynthia Brian on her Cupid Tour de Force with a fun look at a fishy romantic attachment.
We used to want to go out every night, but the new trend, especially with Millennials is to stay home to recharge. We’ll talk with our guest about nesting to socialize.
You are brave, strong, and resilient but are you good at managing stress? We need to shift our perspective from being nervous and anxious to being calm and collected. Cynthia Brian helps you be more mindful.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97281/show-the-love-home-recharge-success-from-stress
Preventing Car Theft, Communication, Winter Wonders, Cultivating Calm
February 01, 2017
Did you know that the Honda Accord and Honda Civic are the two vehicles that are stolen the most? Do you know what colors thieves prefer? Find out how to prevent your car from being stolen by being proactive with safety.
Communicating clearly is a skill that everyone needs. How do you get your desires heard without being overbearing or demanding? Guidelines to expressing yourself in an approachable win/win manner are forthcoming.
Grab your coat, hat, gloves, and boots. Wander around your garden to admire the wonder of the winter garments nature has provided. If you have mobility issues, Cynthia Brian will share how to get your yard chores accomplished by doing the next best thing.
Learn ideas on how to imagine your future as you grow older. What will be your legacy and how can you cultivate freedom, happiness, and peace for the moments in your years?
Award Season with The Screen Actor’s Guild Awards, The Oscars, & Communication SkillsWrite a catchy title...
January 25, 2017
It’s Award Season with all the glamour, glitz, and giddiness. The Golden Globes are over, the 23rd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will be simulcast live on TNT and TBS on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017 at 8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT). The Grammys air on CBS on Sunday, February 12, and the Academy Awards known as the Oscars will be broadcast on Sunday, Feb 26, 2017. Cynthia Brian will discuss the nominees, the history, and let us know what nominees won her vote.
Communicating clearly is a skill that everyone needs. How do you get your desires heard without being overbearing or demanding? Guidelines to expressing yourself in an approachable win/win manner are forthcoming.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/97012/award-season-with-the-screen-actors-guild-awards-and-communication-skills
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2017/01/25/movie-award-season-cynthia-brian/
Spouses & Happiness, Dig and Dream, Self-Reliance
January 18, 2017
A good marriage enhances health, a destructive relationship makes you sick. Science has proved the benefits and drawbacks of marriage and Cynthia Brian shares the research.
Resolutions, goals, a fresh start. Does January bring out your best efforts in wishful thinking as you embark on a new year or do you have the stamina and mindfulness to actually fulfill your gardening dreams? Walk in the wilderness with our Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
It’s hard to ask for help. We all want to be independent but being interdependent is healthier and will help you be happier. Cynthia Brian helps you communicate your needs. Say what you want for 2017! You probably will get it.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96868/spouses-and-happiness-dig-and-dream-self-reliance
Green in Seventeen, Treating Teen Depression, Your New Job, Skin Deep
January 11, 2017
Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, brings season’s greenings with a garden segment specifically for the New Year. It is the time to put our gardens to bed and take a breather.
According to the 2014 study by the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 11.4% of children ages 12-17 had at least one major depressive episode in a year. How can you identify and treat kids with anxiety and depression? Coach Cynthia Brian offers suggestions to save your child from suffering.
Are you attempting to change jobs? Are you interviewing elsewhere while still working at your current location? Sharing information on social media may not be the wisest choice. Find out a safe way to share your newest opportunity.
Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Protecting it is critical for health and beauty. Get tips on how to take better care of your skin.
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96768/green-in-seventeen-treating-teen-depression-your-new-job
Goal Setting, Budgeting, Organization
January 04, 2017
January is a great time to start fresh by organizing your home, work, and play life. In this segment you’ll learn to devise smart goals that you will be able to accomplish.
Budgeting is critical to financial success. We’ll launch the New Year by helping you get more for your money.
Say adios to the clutter and disorganization in your life. Get rid of the chaos with several concrete ideas to clear your closets.
Getting our children to listen and cooperate is a huge challenge for all parents. Instead of being reactive, be pro-active with tips from Cynthia Brian.
January is a great time to start fresh by organizing your home, work, and play life. In this segment you’ll learn to devise smart goals that you will be able to accomplish.
Budgeting is critical to financial success. We’ll launch the New Year by helping you get more for your money.
Say adios to the clutter and disorganization in your life. Get rid of the chaos with several concrete ideas to clear your closets.
Getting our children to listen and cooperate is a huge challenge for all parents. Instead of being reactive, be pro-active with tips from Cynthia Brian.
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96670/encore-setting-goals-budget-boosts-get-organized-getting-kids-to-listen
New Year’s Fun, Optimistic Thinking, Gift of Giving
December 28, 2016
What are your plans to bring in the New Year? Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany celebrate the final days of 2016 and discuss ways to have a fun, safe, and meaningful New Year’s Eve!
Research indicates that 90% of your happiness is determined by your thoughts and only 10% is affected by external factors. This means you are what you think you are. Cynthia Brian shows you how to turn pessimism or realism into optimism for a happier, healthier outlook.
Only three days left to get a tax deduction for 2016. The best way to lower your taxes is to make a donation to Be the Star You Are!® charity, a 501 c3 non profit that brings you these weekly life empowering radio broadcasts. It is THE gift of giving. Cynthia Brian will highlight the benefits. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: ! https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/search-cause?charityId=1504&s=3
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel :https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96281/christmas-savings-wild-things-peace-gardening
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/12/27/new-years-fun-optimistic-thinking-gift-giving-cynthia-brian/
Christmas Savings, Wild Things, Peace Gardening
December 21, 2016
Christmas is just few days away. Many people are still shopping, overspending. And creating financial problems that will last through part of the next year. Let Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian help you live your holidays dreams without breaking the budget.
It’s officially winter when suddenly your house may be invaded by uninvited varmints looking for shelter. Cynthia Brian talks with Vector Control for ways to keep the wild things away.
Go ahead and ask for seconds of your Christmas feast. The foods we eat are actually really good for you! Dig into the hidden health in this holiday meal.
Gardening in December is focused on putting your beds to sleep. It’s time to pace yourself and enjoy the peace. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, sheds light in the darkness.
Christmas is just few days away. Many people are still shopping, overspending. And creating financial problems that will last through part of the next year. Let Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian help you live your holidays dreams without breaking the budget.
It’s officially winter when suddenly your house may be invaded by uninvited varmints looking for shelter. Cynthia Brian talks with Vector Control for ways to keep the wild things away.
Go ahead and ask for seconds of your Christmas feast. The foods we eat are actually really good for you! Dig into the hidden health in this holiday meal.
Gardening in December is focused on putting your beds to sleep. It’s time to pace yourself and enjoy the peace. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, sheds light in the darkness.
Listen at : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/96281/christmas-savings-wild-things-peace-gardening
Vessels with Roland Allnach, Pregnancy Futures, Garden Wellness
December 14, 2016
If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Hosts Cynthia Brian and Heather Brian take you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life enhancing results. It’s party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country.
Are you looking for something different to read? Join multi-award winning author Roland Allnach as he takes you on an mind bending trip into the strange and surreal with his latest book, "Oddities & Entities 2: Vessels". This follow up to his first "Oddities & Entities" contains a new set of stories to thrill, chill, and keep you up at night. Join an unforgettable cast of characters as they take you to places you have not gone before.
Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian discuss the modern technology that helps potential parents get pregnant, determine the sex of babies, and in the very near future, even the possible appearance and expertise of child.
If you desire to indulge in the free wellness program designed by Mother Nature, it’s in your best interest to get out into the garden. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian talks tips for healing and health in your backyard.
Bio: Roland Allnach
After more than twenty years of hospital night shifts, Roland Allnachb has winessed life form a slightly different angle. He has authored six books that have been recognized with over a dozen national awards, including honors from National Indie Excellence, Foreword Reviews Readers’ Favorite, Feathered Quill Review, and Pacific Book Review. His non fiction book is The Writer’s Primer: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Authors Seeking Publication and his newest horror/speculative fiction book is Oddities & Entities 2, Vessels. When not immersed in his imagination and writing, he enjoys spending time with his family. www.rolandallnach.com
Meet Roland at this event:
December 18: Holiday Book Fair, along with seventeen other local authors, at Lindenhurst Library, 1pm, Long Island NY
Read review of Vessels at https://www.amazon.com/Oddities-Entities-Vessels-Roland-Allnach/dp/0998071714/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1480343864&sr=1-1&keywords=vessels+by+roland+allnach
Listen at Voice America, Empowerment Channel : https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95724/vessels-with-roland-allnach-pregnancy-futures-garden-wellnessvessels-determining-your-baby-nature-awakenings
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/11/16/vessels-roland-allnach-pregnancy-futures-garden-wellness-cynthia-brian/
Nola Hennessy, Tweaking Morning Routines, Championing a Cause
December 07, 2016
Achieving positive, mutually rewarding, and peaceful relationships takes courage and tenacity. In this interview award winning Australian author and businesswoman, Nola Hennessy, will provide insight into small, yet powerful, changes that people can make to help improve and solidify their existing relationships.
Trying to get out the door to work when you have a family, animals, or other responsibilities can be stressful. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany saves you time and brain power by tweaking your morning routine. Get your happy vibes.
When you feel passionate about a cause, how do you connect and engage with the people or public who need to know about what you do? Cynthia Brian answers questions that plague our minds.
Bio: Nola Hennessy
Nola is an advocate for people everywhere. As a successful and insightful multi-award-winning international business woman and author, Nola is not only globally recognized for delivering outstanding results against the strongest adversity, she is enduringly passionate about teaching and inspiring her fellow human beings to live lives of positivity, compassion and love.
Nola is committed to empowering people to turn the tide against acts of revenge, violence, hatred, greed, and power and control struggles. Nola’s global organization Serenidad Consulting® is her vehicle to affect the changes. Her guiding principles of Excellence, Great Leadership and Positive Personal Power to achieve peace in relationships at every level around the globe, are eloquently articulated in her books.
Nola advocates for ‘prevention’ strategies and education being the real long term solution to the ongoing global conflicts and increasing levels of violence and discourse. http://serenidadconsulting.com
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel::
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/11/14/nola-hennessy-morning-routines-causes-cynthia-brian/Nola Hennessy, Tweaking Morning Routines, Championing a Cause
Writer’s Primer with Roland Allnach, Skin Secrets, Sowing Wildflowers
November 30, 2016
Are you interested in writing, or seeing your written work published? Do you want to add the words 'published author' to your list of accomplishments? If so, listen in as multi-award winning author Roland Allnach guides you through the tricky landscape of the publishing world. As an author of six published books, Roland has worked with small press, self-publishing, short story publication, and marketing. Based on his critically acclaimed book "The Writer's Primer: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Authors Seeking Publication", you won't want to miss out on valuable, real world insights from a working author, Roland Allnach.
Enjoy a healthy, glowing, happy face with Heather Brittany in Health Matters as she shares simple secrets to fleshing out any skin troubles.
Fall is the best time to sow wildflower seeds because the earth is warm, the nights are cool, and the rains are coming to help the seeds sprout. Garden Goddess Cynthia Brian helps you create a wildflower meadow in any space.
Bio: Roland Allnach’s books have received unanimous critical praise, have been featured on national and local television as well as terrestrial and Internet radio, and have been honored with more than a dozen national book awards. When not immersed in his imagination, Roland can be found at his website, rolandallnach.com, along with a wealth of information about his stories and experiences as an author. Writing aside, his joy in life is the time he spends with his family. http://www.rolandallnach.com
December 3: I will return to Brookwood Hall, 10am, for a Holiday Book Fair
December 18: Holiday Book Fair, along with seventeen other local
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95723/writers-primer-with-roland-allnach-skin-secrets-sowing-wildflowers
PRESS PASS: https://vapresspass.com/2016/11/14/writers-primer-roland-allnach-skin-secrets-sowing-wildflowers-cynthia-brian/
Author Lee Ann Mancini, Thanksgiving Thankfulness, Gardening Gratitude
November 23, 2016
Award winning Christian author, Lee Ann Mancini, releases her newest book in Adventures of the Sea Kids series, God’s Gift. God gives the gift of the Messiah to the Christians and the gift of Light to the Jews. Lee Ann and Cynthia Brian discuss the meaning of gratitude, Thanksgivings, and the holidays through her colorfully illustrated children’s books.
Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany practice an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis. In T42, they talk about the meaning of Thanksgiving and the importance of appreciating the simple things in life. What are you thankful for?
Pumpkins, gourds, and turkey are what we think about this time of year, but it is gratefulness that we need to grow most. Go into the garden with Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian to find what appreciation and thanksgiving is growing in your garden.
Bio: Lee Ann Mancini is currently an adjunct professor at South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary. She has taught Bible Study for over 10 years. Lee Ann graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Regent University, a Masters in Biblical and Theology Studies from Knox Seminary, and a Masters in Christian studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She also received her certificate of completion from the Ravi School of Apologetics. Her multiple award-winning series, Adventures of the Sea Kids, is a 32 page picture book series that helps to encourage children to have a foundational, lifelong relationship with Jesus while being kind, caring and loving to others, trusting Him during difficult times. The fish pray to Jesus and there is a hidden Christian symbol on each page, which children and parents love to find. http://www.leeannmancini.com/
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95788/gods-gift-thanksgiving-thankfulness-gardening-gratitude
Miracle Drug, Harness Motivation, November Gardening Guide
November 16, 2016
For centuries, doctors, philosophers, and researchers have claimed that exercise keeps us healthier, younger, and happier. Science now touts the merits of exercise as better than any drug on the market. Find out how little you need to be in optimum shape with Heather Brittany in Health Matters.
Where does drive originate? How do you get motivated. Unleash your super powers with scientific based research to enable you to be your best self with coach, Cynthia Brian.
Autumn is the best time to plant because the soil is still warm and the rains are imminent. To find trees bursting with colorful leaves, visit your local nursery. Japanese Maple, pistache, liquid amber, crape myrtle, and many fruit trees put on quite a spectacular show this time of year. Find out what to do in your November garden with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95784/miracle-drug-harness-motivation-november-gardening-guide
TRUMPED!, Banana Beauty Benefits, Stretch Your Brain, Complain with Courage
November 09, 2016
We have a new President and as Americans who believe in democracy, we have to support our Commander-in-Chief regardless of party politics. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany discuss the election results and their hopes for the future of the United States.
Bananas are not only good for you to eat but they are good for your body as they provide numerous health and beauty benefits. Bananas are versatile for facials, burns, cuts, puffy eyes with many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. Heather Brittany unpeels the humble banana in Health Matters for a Beauty
Puzzles, music, and computer games may not be the way to stretch your brain. New evidence indicates that exercise is key to brain health just as it is to body wellness. Health Matters with Heather Brittany helps you get a bigger, younger brain with diet and exercise.
When something does go as promised, you have every right to speak up. However blaming, getting angry, or exaggerating the truth will not bring you resolution. Find out simple ways to complain with courage and dignity to resolve a problem.
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95478/banana-beauty-benefits-stretch-your-brain-complain-with-courage
PRESS PASS: https://vapresspass.com/2016/11/08/banana-beauty-benefits-stretch-brain-complain-courage-cynthia-brian/
Waste Not, Howling Harvest, Less College Apps
November 02, 2016
Have you ever calculated how much food you waste weekly, monthly, or yearly? Would it surprise you to know that a family of four wastes at least $1500 a year on food throw aways? In T42, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany talk about the cost of food waste.
Except for walnuts, harvest time in California is drawing to a close. Cynthia Brian recalls the fall grape and walnut harvests of her childhood and offers tips for post Halloween digging.
Applying to multiple colleges may have nothing to do with your admission. Is it better to concentrate on a single university that may offer you the best chance of admission. Tune in to the discussion with life coach, Cynthia Brian.
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/95214/waste-not-howling-harvest-less-college-apps
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/10/31/waste-not-howling-harvest-less-college-apps-cynthia-brian/
Halloween Haunts, Health Care Harm, The Dark Horde
October 26, 2016
Halloween is Heather Brittany’s favorite holiday. After moving to a new neighbourhood, Heather reveals all the scary and fun décor awaiting trick or treaters.
According to a study by John Hopkins University, in 2016 over 250,000 deaths were caused by hospital errors making medical mistakes the third-leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. Is your ER or hospital a potential killer? Cynthia Brian brings you the facts.
From down under comes Andrew Drage, known as Brewin, with his book of terror, The Dark Horde. Part thriller, part crime-fiction, all supernatural horror, The Dark Horde tells of the return of an ancient evil that is neither stoppable nor comprehensible. Getting ready for this perfect companion to scare yourself to death for Halloween.
Author Bio: Brewin’
Australian author Brewin’ (is the pseudonym of Andrew Drage. He graduated with a first-class degree from La Trobe University, majoring in zoology, philosophy and statistics. He works as a respected IT developer and analyst in Melbourne and has been writer, editor and designer for six titles in the highly acclaimed Gamebook Adventures digital interactive fiction series. His debut novel, Evermore: An Introduction, was published to critical acclaim in 2001, and has been republished twice since. The Dark Horde, is his second fiction novel, published 2012. He is also the author of Gamebook Adventures: Infinite Universe, first published 2012. www.thebrewin.com .
YOU-TUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRu4icUi3QEDL57tdSzOJUQ
Infinite Universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssWyj7OybB4
Gamebook Adventures 4: Revenant Rising
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94585/halloween-haunts-health-care-harm-the-dark-horde
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/10/25/halloween-haunts-health-care-harm-dark-horde-cynthia-brian/
Roland Allnach’s Vessels, Determining Your Baby, Nature Awakenings,
October 19, 2016
It may seem like sci-fi, but we care getting closer to determining everything you want in the child you want to conceive. Girl, blue eyes, 5’9”, smart, loves music may not be in the too distant future. Is this a good thin? Find out in Health Matters with Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian.
Create your own garden of healing and inspiration by incorporating simple elements. To dream, awaken and heal with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. If you really want to indulge in the free wellness program designed by Mother Nature, it’s in your best interest to get out there and dig deeply.
With dozens of national book awards, Roland Allnach returns to the strange and surreal path forged by his critically acclaimed Oddities & Entities with nine new tales in his newest horror/speculative fiction book, Vessels. Sometimes you need to be broken to be made whole. Frightening stories from the deep abyss of human nature, Roland relates his writing process and the meanderings of his mind.
Bio: Roland Allnach
After more than twenty years of hospital night shifts, Roland Allnachb has winessed life form a slightly different angle. He has authored six books that have been recognized with over a dozen national awards, including honors from National Indie Excellence, Foreword Reviews Readers’ Favorite, Feathered Quill Review, and Pacific Book Review. His non fiction book is The Writer’s Primer: A Practical Guide for Aspiring Authors Seeking Publication and his newest horror/speculative fiction book is Oddities & Entities 2, Vessels. When not immersed in his imagination and writing, he enjoys spending time with his family. www.rolandallnach.com
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:
Listen at StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions: http://www.starstyleradio.com/starstyle-radio
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2016/10/17/determining-baby-nature-awakenings-vessels-cynthia-brian/
HELP HURRICANE MATTHEW VICTIMS: http://www.bethestaryouare.org/noperation-hurricane-disaster-relie
Mole Mysteries, Goods Deed Gardening, Less Chaos-More Time
October 12, 2016
40% of Americans will develop basal or squamous cell carcinoma by age 65. Being ale to identify spots and changes in your skin could save your life. Keep your largest organ smooth, soft, and healthy with Heather Brittany in Health Matters.
We live in a “rush, rush, never enough hours in the day” world. Being mindful of our alarm buttons while streamlining our days to be less chaotic results in happiness. Cynthia Brian offers a few tweaks that will make a difference.
Gardening is good for you. It rekindles our passions, arouses our senses, and keeps us in shape. Gardening is a terrific activity for maintaining joint flexibility, bone density, range of motion, and most of all quality of life. Learn how to do a good deed for yourself through gardening.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94036/mole-mysteries-goods-deed-gardening-less-chaos-more-time
Surprising Allergens, Green or Synthetic, Millennial Living
October 05, 2016
If you break out in a strange rash or start sneezing for no apparent reason, you may have come in contact with something that is causing an allergic reaction in your system. Heather Brittany will discuss sensitivities to allergens that you may not be aware of.
As our country’s population ages, so do the buildings. Construction costs are escalating and people want healthier materials. But is going natural always the greenest choice? Find out with Cynthia Brian, ASID.
Are millennials creating a new model of living and saving? They are have better friendships, smoke less, and have more college degrees. Will they have debt or a retirement as they age? We’ll talking young and old.
Listen at Voice America Empowerment: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94584/surprising-allergens-green-or-synthetic-millennial-living
Cannabis Cures, Autumn Accord, Healing Power of Nature
September 28, 2016
Cannabis. Marijuana is the news everywhere today, especially for medicinal purposes. Does cannabis help with pain and illness or is it all a hype to get a drug legalized? Find out in Health Matters with Heather Brittany.
Autumn is harvest time here in California with the bounty of grapes, walnuts, apples, and pears ripe and ready.The days are shortening, the nights are lengthening, leaves are turning amber, umber, and orange as we herald in the hush before winter. Nature is in harmony as gardens begin to settle in for their long winter’s nap. Let’s take a fall hike with Cynthia Brian
The quiet atmosphere, beautiful scenery, and fresh clean air in forests have lead to scientific evidence of the healing powers of nature to decrease stress, keep blood pressure in check, and increase our immune systems. Cynthia Brian offers the evidence.
Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94628/cannabis-cures-autumn-accord-healing-power-of-nature
MB Jesse Painting, Rockstar Vitamins, Good Deed Gardening, Self-Esteem
September 21, 2016
Does your house need painting, either on the inside or outside? MB Jessee Painting is an experienced, trusted painting company offering comprehensive interior and exterior services, decorative finishes, and color mixing expertise, Matt Jessee will be with us to discuss how he and his team deliver consistent excellence and what you need to look for in a painter.
Vitamins may be nutritional superheroes but minerals are the rockstars. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany shows you how to get the five essential minerals to supercharge your day.
Self-talk is important in all we do. While teaching children and young adults to make positive self-statements can help, psychologists have found that negative self-talk is often behind depression and anxiety. Learn how to boost self-esteem for a happier, brighter future.
Gardening is good for you. It rekindles our passions, arouses our senses, and keeps us in shape. Gardening is a terrific activity for maintaining joint flexibility, bone density, range of motion, and most of all quality of life. Cynthia Brian, Goddess Gardener, offers tips on doing good deeds for yourself through gardening.
Guest Bio: MB Jessee
Matt B Jessee’s journey as a painter began with a relentless commitment to education, professional development, and delivering a high-quality product that he could be proud of. As his clientele grew, Matt then began to assemble a team that shared his values and painting expertise. With MB Jessee Painting as an established, growing local company, Matt is now thrilled to be able to give back to the community, encouraging and investing in local charities and organizations. http://www.mbjessee.com/
Listen at Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94392/mb-jesse-painting-rockstar-vitamins-good-deed-gardening-self-esteem
Home Security, Forever Young, Plant it Now!
September 14, 2016
According to a recent FBI study, daytime crimes accounted for 66% of all burglaries nationally. Do you know how to keep your home and property safe while you are present as well as on vacations? In T42, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany offer concrete tips based on research that will help you be secure.
We live in a youth oriented society. Once over thirty, everyone yearns to be younger. How can we stay young as we age? Surround yourself with love and joy and find out how to be forever young.
With the West Coast drought still on high alert, Cynthia Brian visits the Ruth Bancroft Garden for lesson in bold dry gardening. Find out what succulents are easy to grow for the present and for posterity.
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94400/home-security-forever-young-plant-it-now
Diabetes Help, Kid Labels, Blood Suckers
September 07, 2016
Keep your blood sugar in check with Health Matters tips on boosting your overall wellness when you have Type 2 Diabetes. And if you are Diabetes free, these lifestyle choices could keep you that way!
Every child is unique and sometimes parents don’t understand why a child is so different than them. A new study shows that labeling your child, and yourself is helpful to helping a child be successful and happy.
Are you plagued by mosquitoes? Have you been bitten by a tick and wonder if you might have Lyme disease? Find out what insects carry what viruses and where the plague is more prevalent.
Listen LIVE: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94401/diabetes-help-kid-labels-blood-suckers
Aspirin & Beauty Tips, Fresh Crop, Alice’s Wonderland
August 31, 2016
Aspirin is great for headache relief but it has many other uses that are equally remarkable. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany shares ways this high achieving medication aids you. She’ll also discuss miscellaneous beauty tips.
When it comes to superfoods, greens top the list of healthy options. But are you eating summer’s fresh crop of tasty leaves? Cynthia Brian will give you the health benefits and ideas for preparation.
Every artist has her or his muse, a person who inspires, motivates, and encourages creativity. Leonardo had Lisa , Quentin has Uma, Mother Teresa had God, and Cynthia Brian credit’s her mother, Alice, with being her gardening artiste. Learn how to be a green thumb while having fun.
Listen at Voice America: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/94286/aspirin-and-beauty-tips-fresh-crop-alices-wonderland
Wineology, For the Birds, The Gift of Appreciation
August 24, 2016
Do you get a headache when you drink wine? People blame the sulfites, however, the cause is usually dehydration from not consuming enough water. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian share a glass of vino while discussing wineology. Want a healthier, happier garden? Invite our flying friends into your landscape with simple strategies from Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian. When you hear how much fun you’ll have, you’ll understand why it’s said that “life is for the birds!” Do you take time to appreciate the simple things? Life is short and we have to learn to appreciate what we have, not what we don’t have. Cynthia Brian engages you with the chapter, The Gift of Appreciation, from her book, Be the Star You Are! 9 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference.
Mammary Mistakes, Travel Abroad Tips, On-Line Reviews
August 17, 2016
If you want to keep your breasts healthy, there are a few things you need to avoid and some things you need to do. Tune in to Health Matters with Health hero, Heather Brittany for the latest from the experts.
The end of summer is a busy travel month. When you are expecting to travel abroad, a few tips will keep you safe, healthy, and financially solid.
Do you check reviews and rating sites before buying an expensive item, traveling, or going out to dine? Cynthia Brian looks at the various online review sites for authenticity and trustworthiness.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/93797/mammary-mistakes-travel-abroad-tips-on-line-reviews
Gardening with Family
August 10, 2016
Today’s program is all about Mother Nature and the benefits of gardening dedicated to the gardener who taught Cynthia Brian everything she needed to know about gardening…her mother, Alice So get out your trowel, gloves, and put on a happy face because you’ll discover the joy of planting with our guest experts, Renee Shepherd of Renee’s Garden and Jim Berry of J. Berry Nursery.
Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian and Health Matters Expert Heather Brittany discuss the importance of gardening as a family. Get your kids involved while they learn patience, responsibility, and the love of the land.
Set the table from your garden with the pioneering innovator in introducing international specialty vegetables and herbs for home gardeners and gourmet restaurants, Renee Shepherd, founder of Renee’s Garden. She discuss how to sow and scatter seeds for the best results. Her newest book, the Renee’s Garden Cookbook, combines expert gardening advice with great recipes.
Jim Berry, Founder of J. Berry Nursery will be interviewed by Cynthia Brian about their newest developments such as Black Diamond® Crapemyrtles, Hollywood™ Hibiscus, Deja Bloom® Azaleas and Deckorations™ . J. Berry seeks to develop new plants and packaging that is retail focused in high volume product categories, with domestic and international appeal.
Let’s play outdoors and add whimsy to our backyards. Join our garden power party!
Listen at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/93943/encore-a-garden-gala-gathering
Overcoming Fears, Buzz On, Essential Oils
August 03, 2016
Are you having panic attacks? Afraid flying? What about giving a speech in front of a few or many? We all have fears of some kind and in Health Matters Heather Brittany will tell us how to overcome or at least manage our anxiety.
There is a symphony playing in your garden. Are you enjoying the music? Get your buzz on with pollinators and the orchestra of nature with August garden tips from Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
For over 6000 years people have used essential oils for healing and restorative benefits. When you inhale molecules from these plant extracted liquids, your olfactory glands send specific signals to your brain. Learn how you can use essential oils to alter your mood and well-being with Cynthia Brian.
Listen at Voice America:http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/93775/overcoming-fears-buzz-on-essential-oils
Tampon Tax, Designing for Aging, Stop Whining
July 27, 2016
Over the past 20 months there has been a global movement to be more open about biological processes that for centuries have been seen as curses. Heather Brittany talks about the repeal of the “tampon tax” in Health Matters.
As America’s over 50 population rises, cities are looking at how they can best serve the aging population. With nine to ten adults wanting to age in their homes, we’ll look at the options for successful design.
Are you a blamer and complainer? It’s time for an attitude adjustment. We’ll show you ways to find the positives in the negatives and change your inner and outer dialogue.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/93560/tampon-tax-designing-for-aging-stop-whining
Them Bones, Some Like it Hot, Curb Your Appetite
July 20, 2016
There are 206 bones in our body and it’s time we learn how to take care of them. Most people don’t think about bone health until they are older and already frail. Heather Brittany helps you start now by understanding what’s good for “them bones” in Health Matters!
Baby, it’s hot outside and we gardeners have work to do. We have to be water conscious, yet we see the bare spots in our landscape and yearn to make our personal paradise a more beautiful place. What are our options? Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian keeps you cool while getting your chores dones.
Are you an emotional eater? When you get stressed, depressed, angry, or jubilant, do you reach for a box of cookies or a bag of chips? Learn ways to curb your appetite and feel satisfied.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/93385/them-bones-some-like-it-hot-curb-your-appetite
Listen at StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions:http://www.starstyleradio.com/#!starstyle-radio/c2414
Check out our online fundraiser:
and our "Strikingly Blog and Literacy Page” http://bethestaryouare.strikingly.com
Read our BTSYA July Newsletter:
Check out our brand new radio sites for StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® and Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio. http://www.StarStyleRadio.com. PARTY!
BFF’s, Memory Boosters, Healthy & Wealthy
July 13, 2016
We love to have friends but did you know that people with long-term solid real friendships are happier, less stressed, and overcome illnesses and tragedies faster? Heather Brittany gives us the low down on why we want to keep up our BFF’s in Health Matters. Friends are life savers-literally!
Improve your memory and many other business and social skills improve. If you are prone to forgetting names, simple techniques will help you to remember.
Getting healthier could contribute to your bottom line financially. Learn smart ways to save more money and improve your well-being.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/
Helping Kids Through Tragedies, Driver’s Learning Curve, July Garden Guide
July 06, 2016
With increasing terrorism and horrific tragedies happening, children need answers that will soothe them. In T42, Heather Brittany offers tips for parents on how to talk to your kids about scary stuff.
As a parent copilots her teen to drive, there are easy tips to prepare the driver for a safer first time experience behind the wheel. Remain actively alert riding shotgun and reinforce responsible driving.
With our long hot summer days, fruit, and vegetables are ripening quickly awaiting plucking for our feasts. Tomatoes have taken up the space left by harvested greens. Sprinkle lettuce seeds in the empty spaces to extend your summer, fall and winter crops.
Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian fires up the barbecue for some seasonal produce grilling and thrilling.
Author Miriam Herin, Doctor Dogs, Sunny Dark Side
June 29, 2016
Author Miriam Herin graces the airwaves to talk about her two war-based novels Absolution and A Stone for Bread. Absolution tells the story of Maggie Delaney, an idealistic wife and mother whose world implodes when her husband is murdered in a seemingly random act. A Stone for Bread chronicles poet Henry Beam, accused of fabricating poems from a Nazi concentration camp, as he breaks his 34-year silence telling a grad student about his study year abroad in mid-1950s Paris.
Is your pooch super-attuned to your needs? Medical research indicates that our furry friends may be our doctor’s best friends, too. Heather Brittany believes that her Dr. Dolce Dog senses when she needs attention. In Heath Matters, Heather brings you the scientific news.
When it comes to skin cancer, no one is immune, no matter how dark your skin color. Learn more about the dark side of the sun with a refresher course on protecting your largest organ.
Author Bio: Miriam Herin
Award winning novelist, Miriam Herin has earned three academic degrees in English literature and taught Composition and Literature at two uni versities and three colleges.
Between stints in graduate school, she spent three years as a social worker in a children’s institution, which took her into poverty situations and shacks. She was on the editorial staffs of Good Housekeeping Magazine and the Winston-Salem Journal, and for a number of years, she free-lanced as a writer, editor, public relations consultant and producer of films and videos for non-profit organizations. Her first novel Absolution is set at the time of the Vietnam War, and although not based on her years with refugees from that war, the novel was certainly sparked by that experience. Her second book, A Stone for Bread, written more than twenty years ago but only published in 2015, grew from her literary background and her concern for issues of justice and our human capacity for evil. www.miriamherin.com
Summer Lovin’, Be What You Want to Be, Safe Water
June 22, 2016
There is no mystery to incorporating some summer loving into your garden. My secret sauce is to plant a plethora of perennials and bulbs enhanced by color spots of annuals augmented by shrubs that bloom, trees that bear fruit, with edibles everywhere. Learn more with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, on how to bring the love into your home this summer.
It’s never too late to be what you want to be. It’s time to re-imagine your life and get going towards making it happen. Read Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference for concrete tools. (http://www.starstyleradio.com/#!store/c1747)
Is your tap water safe to drink? After the Flint, Michigan toxic water crisis, we all have to be on the alert. Tap water safety tips need to be part of your vernacular and we’ll tell you what to look for.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/92837/summer-lovin-be-what-you-want-to-be-safe-water
New Snake Oil?, Quit to Start, Power Hour Motivation
June 15, 2016
Are you consuming Omega 3-fatty acid supplements to deliver cancer-fighting, heart-saving, brain-reserving benefits? While 1990 research suggested fish oil was good for our health, new studies indicate that fish oil may be the new snake oil. Hear the latest facts with Health Matters coach, Heather Brittany.
Nobody wants to be a quitter but sometimes we have to end a relationship, job, or anything that is not keeping us happy and moving us forward in life. We’ll look at ways to say goodbye when you are really stuck and tired of sticking it out.
We all have a time of day that we do our best work. Knowing when you are the most motivated will save you time, money, and energy. Let’s find out when your mental energy is at its peak so that you reap the rewards of a motivational power hour with coach Cynthia Brian.
Heart Health, Count Your Blessings, Kids Summer Safety
June 08, 2016
Are you heart healthy? If you are an athlete or want to live a stronger life, you need to know what your heart needs. Heather Brittany provides the tips in Health Matters.
Are you a person who is grateful for the little things in life? By showing appreciation for what you have instead of what you don’t have is a key component of physical and emotional health. Find out how to increase your happiness quotient with Lifestyle coach, Cynthia Brian.
Kids love summer. We all love summer. With all the excitement it’s easy to forget about safety. Do you know who is living in your neighborhood? Are you aware of the dangers to kids? Who could be lurking at the community pool? Find out how to have a fun and safe vacation.
Video Gaming Addictions, June Garden Guide, Networking Notes
June 01, 2016
Is video gaming becoming an addiction? The terrible repercussions of internet gaming addiction are increasingly being felt all over the world. Heather Brittany brings you the latest developments on this global phenomenon.
Summer is around the corner and we have to take a different approach in our landscaping. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian has the secrets to a lush and luxurious June garden.
Do you find networking difficult or stressful? No person is an island and as much as we may detest the industry socials, our career may need that extra push. Find some tips to overcome your fears and get out to give your elevator speech.
Porn Alarm, Effective Apologies, My Sister's Garden
May 25, 2016
A growing number of young men who grew up with available porn on their mobile devices are convinced that their sexual responses have been sabotaged by brains marinated in porn in their teens years. Health Matters Host, Heather Brittany brings you the report.
It’s hard to apologize but when you are in the wrong, it’s the right thing to do. Find out effective “sorry” strategies from Lifestyle coach, Cynthia Brian.
Cynthia Brian honors her younger sister with a visit through her sister’s country western drought resistant garden. Although this story was published in the newspaper this week, sadly, Cynthia’s sister died unexpectedly and never was able to see her garden in print. This segment is a tribute to a sister.

A Garden Gala Gathering
May 18, 2016
Today’s program is all about Mother Nature and the benefits of gardening. So get out your trowel, gloves, and put on a happy face because you’ll discover the joy of planting with our guest experts, Renee Shepherd of Renee’s Garden and Jim Berry of J. Berry Nursery.
Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian and Health Matters Expert Heather Brittany discuss the importance of gardening as a family. Get your kids involved while they learn patience, responsibility, and the love of the land.
Set the table from your garden with the pioneering innovator in introducing international specialty vegetables and herbs for home gardeners and gourmet restaurants, Renee Shepherd, founder of Renee’s Garden. She discuss how to sow and scatter seeds for the best results. Her newest book, the Renee’s Garden Cookbook, combines expert gardening advice with great recipes.
Jim Berry, Founder of J. Berry Nursery will be interviewed by Cynthia Brian about their newest developments such as Black Diamond® Crapemyrtles, Hollywood™ Hibiscus, Deja Bloom® Azaleas and Deckorations™ . J. Berry seeks to develop new plants and packaging that is retail focused in high volume product categories, with domestic and international appeal.
Let’s play outdoors and add whimsy to our backyards. Join our garden power party!
Purse Snatchers, Vacation Homes, Ways to Promote Your Book
May 11, 2016
Where is the most common place to have your purse snatched? Are you distracted when putting your child in a car seat? Are you watchful when pumping gas? Find out what you can do to avoid the thieves lurking everywhere in T42 with Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany.
Have you always dreamed of a cottage on the beach? Or maybe you fantasize about owning a cozy cabin in the woods? Are you thinking about a second home as an investment? Vacation homes are expensive so before you make the leap, listen to this segment.
Your book is published. Congratulations! Now what? How do you brand yourself and get noticed? Cynthia Brian suggests ways to market yourself and your book that don’t cost a fortune.
Clear the Clutter, Get Organized, Spring Forward
May 04, 2016
Clutter and disorganization result in loss of productivity and procrastination. Gain confidence, feel lighter and brighter while taking action to organize your life with Health Matters specialist, Heather Brittany.
Cynthia Brian continues the theme of getting organized with tips, tricks, and ideas that will have you flexing your tidy muscles.
The simple pleasures of spring are available to all of us to savor. Get moving and get into your garden. Spring forward with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian’s May Garden Guide.
Listen at Voice America Network: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/91933/clear-the-clutter-get-organized-spring-forward
Supplement Risks, Distracted Drivers, Cage Free
January 01, 2020
We all want to be healthier and many people are taking herbal supplements. Calcium, Echinacea, gingko, turmeric, lavender, St. John’s wort, alfalfa, garlic are all good fo us, right? Think again. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany advises us to be aware of the benefits and risks associated with combining supplements with medications.
Are you a distracted driver? With text messages, social media notifications, and talking GPS apps, it's no surprise that mobile devices have become synonymous with distracted driving. But there is more danger in the car than you know. Find out what to avoid to keep yourself safe.
You believe that the eggs you consume are coming from happy, foraging chickens because the label reads “cage free”. But do you know what labels really mean? California’s champion chicken raiser, Cynthia Brian clucks about organic, free-range, and pasture raised birds.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/91904/supplement-risks-distracted-drivers-cage-free
Listen at StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions:http://www.starstyleradio.com/#!starstyle-radio/c2414
PRESS PASS: http://vapresspass.com/2016/04/28/supplement-risks-distracted-drivers-cage-free-by-cynthia-brian/
Expired Meds, Dead Wood, Frenemies
April 20, 2016
When was the last time you went through your medicine cabinet to check expiration dates on your medications? Dangerous consequences may result from consuming prescriptions that have expired. Learn what to toss and what to keep in Health Matters with Heather Brittany.
Trees are the life source of our world but do you know the signs of a tree in stress? Before tragedy strikes, find out how to identify problems, who to call for help, and what you can do to protect trees with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
Do you have a so-called “friend” who is abusive and dismissive to you? Frenemies are negative forces that need to be purged. Find out how to protect yourself and distance yourself. True friends are supportive and loving.
Listen at Voice America: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/91719/expired-meds-dead-wood-frenemies
Listen at StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions:http://www.starstyleradio.com/#!starstyle-radio/c2414
Wheel of Fortune with Vanna Too, Positivity, Visualization
April 13, 2016
Heather Brittany’s husband, Brian, was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. Cynthia Brian and Heather discuss the road to getting on the show and the outcome with special guest, Vanna 2, AKA Nonie, Alice Abruzzini who made TV history as the first person besides Vanna White to wave good-bye with Pat Sayak.
Are you a positive person? Positive thinking is about approaching the challenges that life throws at you with a positive attitude. Instead of getting negative, positive thinking will help you approach a situation or a problem or a challenge with the attitude of "how can I make the best of this situation?' Learn how.
Are we becoming too comfortable in our everyday life? Are we getting “soft”? Do you do exercises to expand your brain? Are you moving as much as possible? Visualize health to get yourself in awesome shape.
Bio: Alice Abruzzini aka Nonie is a native of Napa Valley and has been in the viticulture industry for 68 years. At 87 years young, she is the mother of 5, grandmother to 11, and great-grandmother to 10. She crossed off her bucket list on the April 11, 2016 Wheel of Fortune TV series making TV history when she was asked to be “Vanna” to end the show where her grandson, Brian, had just won the game. http://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1003/Good-Fortune-Smiles-on-87-Year-Old-When-She-Finally-Meets-Her-TV-Idols.html
Get Dirty, April Garden Guide, Spring Clean Up, Wildflower Meadow
April 06, 2016
Getting down and dirty is good for you! If you want to bolster the good bacteria in your body, take a roll in the mud says our Health Matters host Heather Brittany. Find out how to bring the good bugs home.
Spring is in full swing and it’s time for spring cleaning, both inside and out. Find out tips on how to make the clean up easy, go into the garden for April chores and enjoy the beauty of the season.
Would you enjoy creating a wildflower meadow? Wildflowers aren’t fussy. They grow in all kinds of soil, don’t need water once they are established, and add stunning textures and vibrancy to your landscape. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, shares her wild flower sowing expertise.
Press Pass: http://vapresspass.com/2016/04/07/april-garden-guide-by-cynthia-brian/
Taking Care of Skin plus Writer’s Primer with Roland Allnach
March 30, 2016
Every single day your body sheds 30,000 skin cells replacing them with new ones. The face you see today is not the one you will see tomorrow. How to have a healthy, glowing, happy face with Heather Brittany as she shares secrets to fleshing out any skin troubles.
Rapid changes in the publishing world have opened opportunities for aspiring authors. Multi-award winning author, Roland Allnach shares his knowledge and experience while offering a cohesive, pragmatic guide to publishing with his newest book, The Writer’s Primer.
Diabesity, Voice Aging, Easter
March 23, 2016
Obesity and diabetes are symbiotic partners. What’s the link and how can you avoid both? Heather Brittany gives you the vocabulary to steer clear of diabetes and obesity.
How old do you sound? Our voice ages like everything else on our body, but there are ways to keep a youthful sound. Broadcaster Cynthia Brian will share exercises that will help you keep from croaking out your words.
Children love Easter because the Easter Bunny arrives with lots of colored eggs. Learn the history behind the Easter holiday- biblical, pagan, and secular and enjoy the hunt.
Mood Matters, St Patrick’s Day, March Garden Guide, Pricing Wars
March 16, 2016
Do happy people live longer? Does our health benefit from being in a good mood? Does being mindful reduce body fat? Shocking new research is unveiled to help your avoid risks with our health specialist, Heather Brittany.
Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods, and plenty of green beer.
Spring is almost here and we have an itching to get into the garden. Learn what to do in your March garden with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian.
It’s tempting to want to lower your fees to attract business. But are you setting yourself up for failure by offering discounts. Win your clients over with great service and care and learn how to resist the lure of low pricing.
Fire Up Your Metabolism, Interning at Any Age, Corralling Multitasking
March 09, 2016
Your metabolism is like your car engine. It can be high performance or it can be sluggish. Want to keep your body up to speed? In Health Matters, Heather Brittany gives you the fuel to fire up your metabolism.
Are you anxious to reboot your career? Are you fearful about being too old. Interning may be the answer to getting you your next great job.
Do you think you are an efficient multitasker? Think again. With so little time and so much to accomplish, the lure of multitasking is unmistakable. Stop! Look! Listen!
Cynthia Brian, the possibility architect, reveals how our brains struggle with competing tasks.
Fire Up Your Metabolism, Interning at Any Age, Corralling Multitasking
March 09, 2016
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audiYour metabolism is like your car engine. It can be high performance or it can be sluggish. Want to keep your body up to speed? In Health Matters, Heather Brittany gives you the fuel to fire up your metabolism. Are you anxious to reboot your career? Are you fearful about being too old. Interning may be the answer to getting you your next great job. Do you think you are an efficient multitasker? Think again. With so little time and so much to accomplish, the lure of multitasking is unmistakable. Stop! Look! Listen!Cynthia Brian, the possibility architect, reveals how our brains struggle with competing tasks. ence's attention...
Medical Breakthroughs, Smart Photos, Fence Me In
March 02, 2016
Exciting advances in medicine arrive this year. Game-changers for stroke victims, cancer patients, and mobility issues. Heather Brittany discusses the years top predictions for medical breakthroughs.
With 68% of Americans now owning one, the smartphone has become the go-to camera for most people. Want to know how to take better photos? Cynthia Brian is a newspaper columnist as well as a photographer who uses her iphone for some of the best pictures yet. Learn the secrets.
Robert Frost said that good fences make good neighbors. That is something we probably all agree on but what happens when you need a fence to protect yourself and your garden from the wildlife? Fence me in and find out.
Academy Awards/SAG Awards, Positivity, Benefits of Volunteering
February 24, 2016
The Golden Globes and SAG Awards are over, but this week the biggest awards ceremony takes place in Hollywood. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany share their inside scoop on what’s hot and what’s not.
Are you a positive person? If not, would you like to be? Besides major health benefits, being positive helps you be happier and enjoy better relationships. Cynthia Brian pops the positive pill and writes you a prescription.
Many people believe that volunteering somewhere is either a chore or just giving away time. The reality is that volunteering mindfully truly helps the volunteer in many ways. Find out what volunteering is all about and get ready to jumpstart your life.
HELP 911, Protecting Children, Hidden Toxins, Worry Not
February 17, 2016
You have an emergency and you’ve called 911. But, can they find you? Take the steps necessary to make sure that first responders can get to you without difficulty in today’s Health Matters with Heather Brittany.
There are few crimes more horrible that child abuse. How can you protect children? Cynthia Brian will help you identify abuse, teach children rules for safety and assertiveness, learn how to carefully choose caretakers, and more. Let’s end the cycle of violence with education.
Fluorescent lights contain mercury, one of the most toxic substances on earth. Learn what light sources need special care and disposal.
We can learn from past, look forward to the future, but it is critical to live in the moment. If you are a worry wart, tune in for some tips to worry not.
Go Slow, Food Fight, Warranty Wars
February 10, 2016
We live on a speed track. Whether we are cooking, running errands, or working, we move so quickly that we sacrifice effectiveness, enjoyment, and efficiency. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany and Cynthia Brian resolve to help us all take it easier, be healthier, and happier. Arguments about food are prevalent, especially with the sell-by dates. Are you wasting food by tossing items when they are still safe to eat? In the U.S. 30-40% of all food is wasted, about $161 billion worth according to Agriculture Department estimates. We’ll look at what to eat and what to toss. Do you buy an extended warranty when you buy a product? Warranties are insurance for products but are they worth the extra cost? Cynthia Brian will look at the luxury of warranties. .
Work Out Smiles, Barbie Doll, Classy, February Garden Love
February 03, 2016
New scientific findings show that once you get into your exercise "happy zone" you can unlock multiple benefits beyond just a great sweat. Happier workout will equal not just healthier you, but amazing physical results. Smile and work out with Heather Brittany.
Barbie gets a new body! The Goddess Gals talk about the effects the Barbie doll has had on female image for the past 57 years.
What is class and do you have it? if you are calm under pressure and know how to rein in your temper, you are classy. If you take the high road consistently, you are classy. Cynthia Brian offers more ways to rise above mediocre and shine.
Love is in the air! Every February we are reminded about the importance of amour in every day living. Cynthia Brian walks us through February gardens to share the care for growing.
Tongue Health, Coming Up Roses, Financial Security
January 27, 2016
Your tongue tells tales. Do you take good care of your tongue? Heather Brittany will tell you what you need to know to keep your mouth healthy.
Roses are the most popular bloomers in the world with a long and colorful history as symbols of love, war, beauty, friendship, and politics. Want to learn how easy they are to grow? Cynthia Brian is coming up roses.
No matter your age, it’s important to save for retirement. We are living longer, buying more, and possibly not watching our money close enough. If you want a secure financial future, Cynthia Brian has a few tips to protect yourself.
50 Shades of P, Charitable Giving, Researching Roots
January 20, 2016
The color of your urine may be the best indicator of your health condition. Heather Brittany looks into our human plumbing in Health Matters.
Donating your appreciated assets can help boost your charitable impact and offset taxes. Find out how to donate your stocks to charity and reap the benefits now.
Do you know the genealogy of your family? Get curious and learn how to research your family tree.
Listen at http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/89838/50-shades-of-p-charitable-giving-researching-roots
Stand Against Sitting, January Gardening, Fly Buy
January 13, 2016
Are your kids couch potatoes? Child obesity is on the rise and chronic inactivity leads to lower academic performance. Learn what schools are doing to combat this epidemic in Health Matters with Heather Brittany.
Baby it’s cold outside! Since it’s wet and cold outside, we’ll bring the healthy spirit of the outdoors in with beautiful houseplants.. Goddess Gardener Cynthia Brian shares her knowledge of exotic plants that clean our air and make us happier and healthier,
When is the best time to buy a plane ticket? Some people say buy on Saturdays, others indicate Tuesday may be the better day. How many days in advance is optimum? Frequent flier, Cynthia Brian shares what she knows with help from the experts.
Resolution RX, The Gift of Goals, Magi Magic
January 06, 2016
Are you being honest with your physician about what you eat, drink, smoke, and how much you exercise? Jumpstart the New Year with Heather Brittany’s RX for Resolutions in Health Matters.
Winston Churchill wrote “It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” Every January, people make resolutions to lose weight, earn more money, sleep more hours, travel to distant lands, and spend more time with loved ones. Cynthia Brian shares how to give yourself the gift of goals that are doable and achievable.
Join Cynthia Brian in the garden for a tour de force of January nature tasks.
January 6th is also known as Twelfth Night, celebrated twelve days after Christmas honoring the Magi who followed the Star of Bethlehem, bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the infant Jesus. Cynthia Brian reads her chapter, The Gift of Magic, from her award winning book, Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference.
Read Press Pass: http://vapresspass.com/2016/01/08/resolution-rx-goals-garden-guide-magi-magic/
Happy New Year with David Austin Roses
January 03, 2023
As we say good-bye to 2015 and look ahead to a new year, we travel across the pond to England to meet with rosarian and technical director of David Austen Roses, Michael Marriott. He’ll share his three decades of rose knowledge and passions. Find out about the myths and magic of valuable roses, learn how to design, when to plant, what care is essential, and everything else you wanted to know about establishing a beautiful blooming rose garden. In T42 Health Matters, our theme is the health benefits and joy of gardening as the Mother/Daughter Goddess Gals, Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany, encourage listeners to grow herbs, flowers, and fruits no matter what size plot as an important part of a New Year’s resolution. Learn what to do in your January garden besides planting bare root roses, vines, and fruit trees. Relish an hour of garden lore and love on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® Grab a cup of tea and join our New Year’s party. www.DavidAustinRoses.com
Click on Photo to Listen to Radio Broadcast or go to Voice America Network, Empowerment : http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/89195/the-new-year-with-david-austin-roses
Read Press PASS: http://vapresspass.com/2016/01/04/the-new-year-with-david-austin-roses/
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